SURAH (37) AL-SAFFAT (AYA 121 to 140)
إِنَّا كَذَٰلِكَ نَجْزِي الْمُحْسِنِينَ {37:121}
[Q37:121] Innaa
kazaalika najzil muhsineen.
[Q37:121] Even thus do We reward the doers of good.
[Q37:121] Even thus do We reward the doers of good.
commentary for verse 114)
(37:121) Thus do We reward the good-doers.
إِنَّهُمَا مِنْ عِبَادِنَا الْمُؤْمِنِينَ {37:122}
[Q37:122] Innahumaa
min 'ibaadinal Mu’mineen.
[Q37:122] Surely they were both of Our believing servants.
[Q37:122] Surely they were both of Our believing servants.
commentary for verse 114)
(37:122) Surely both of them were among
Our believing servants.
وَإِنَّ إِلْيَاسَ لَمِنَ الْمُرْسَلِينَ {37:123}
[Q37:123] Wa
inna Ilyaasa laminal mursaleen
[Q37:123] And Ilyas was most surely of the messengers.
[Q37:123] And Ilyas was most surely of the messengers.
PROPHET ILYAS is mentioned in [I] Kings
17 and [2] Kings 1 and 2 as Elijah. According to it he
lived in the reign of Ahab (896-874 B.C.) and Ahaziah (874-872 B.C.), kings of
the northern kingdom of Israil or Samaria. After Musa, the people began to worship Baal,
the sun-god worshipped in Syria. Ilyas denounced
all sins of Ahab and Ahaziah and warned people to stop the worship of Baal and
believe in the true religion of Musa.
"We perpetuated" has
been mentioned in
· #verse 108 after the mention of Ibrahim and Ismail who
have been described as shi-ahs of Nuh
· #verse 83 of this Surah,
and then in #verse
119 it is again mentioned for Musa and Harun,
· and
finally in #verse
129 after the mention of Ilyas.
According to ziyarat waritha the Ahlul Bayt of the HOLY PROPHET (ALLAHuma sali ala Muhammad wa
ala ali Muhammad) represent all the earlier prophets as stated in the above noted verses
v As mentioned in history Ilyas or Ilyah or Elijah was taken up in a whirlwind to heaven when the people planned to kill
him. He is still alive; and is represented by Ali ibne Abi Talib.
v In
connection with the verses praising the Ahlul Bayt, Ibn Hajar has written verse 130 as the
third verse in the eleventh chapter of his book Sawaiq al Muhriqah and has stated therein on the authority
of Ibn Abbas that "ali yasin"
(or il yasin) means ali
Muhammad. He writes that Kalbi also holds the same view.
Fakhr al Din al Razi writes that
the Ahlul Bayt are at par with the HOLY PROPHET (ALLAHuma sali ala Muhammad wa ala ali
in five things:
In salutation, for ALLAH (SWT) said: "Peace be to you, O prophet."
and He also said: "Peace be to the ali yasin."
In invoking the blessings of ALLAH (SWT) during prayers, after each
In their purity, for ALLAH (SWT) revealed the verses of purification (Ahzab 33:33) for the Ahlul Bayt.
In the sadqah (alms) being forbidden for them.
In love, for ALLAH (SWT) said: "Say: I ask you no recompense except
that you love my kindred." (Shura 42:23)
(37:123) Surely, Elias too was among the
Messengers. *70
twice in the Qur'an, here and in Surah AI-An'am: 85. The present-day
scholars have determined his period between 875 and 850 B.C. He was an
inhabitant of Gilead, which in ancient days was the territory now under the
northern districts of the modern state of Jordan, to the south of the River
Yarmuk. In the Bible he has been mentioned as Elijah the Tishbite. Here is briefly his lifestory: After the
death of the Prophet Solomon the Israelite kingdom was broken up into two parts
due mainly to the unworthiness of his son, Rehoboam. One part which consisted of Jerusalem and southern Palestine remained
with the descendants of the Prophet David, while in the second, which
comprised northern Palestine, an independent state by the name of Israel was
established with Samaria as its capital. Although conditions in both
the states were very bad, the state of Israel, from the very beginning,
followed the path of depravity due to which the evils of polytheism and
idol-worship and tyranny and wickedness went on increasing and multiplying in
it endlessly; so much so that when Ahab, the king of Israel, married Jezebel,
the daughter of the king of Sidon (mod., Lebanon), the mischief reached its
extremity. Under the influence of this polytheistic princess Ahab himself
became a polytheist. He built a temple and altar to Baal in Samaria, tried his
very best to introduce and popularise Baal-worship instead of the worship of
One God and consequently, offerings began to be made publicly in the name of
Baal in the Israelite towns and cities. THIS was the time when the Prophet
Elijah (peace be upon him) appeared on the scene. He came from Gilead and gave
Ahab a notice that in consequence of his sins, the land of Israel would go
without rain, even without the dew. This word of the Prophet of AIlah proved to
be literally true and there fell no rain in Israel for thee and a half years.
At last, Ahab came to his senses and he got the Prophet Elijah searched out But
Elijah, before praying for the rain, thought it necessary to snake the
distinction between Allah, Lord of the worlds, and Baal plain before the people
of Israel. For this purpose, he commanded that the priests of Baal would make
an offering in the name of their deity, and he also would make an offering in
the name of AIlah, Lord of the worlds, in front of the assembled people. Then
the one whose offering would be consumed by a fire from heaven, without the
agency of the human hand, the truth of his deity would be established beyond
doubt. Ahab accepted this proposal. Thus, 850 of the priests of Baal assembled
on Mt. Carmel to answer the challenge given by the Prophet Elijah. In this
encounter the Ba'al worshippers were defeated, and the Prophet Elijah proved
that Baal was 'a false god, and the real God is the One God alone who had
appointed him as His Prophet. After this, Elijah got the priests of Baal
slaughtered in front of the same assembly of the people; then he prayed for the
rain, and his prayer was immediately answered and the whole land of Israel was
saturated with water but, despite these miracles, Ahab could not shake
off the influence of his polytheistic wife. Jezebel turned hostile to the
Prophet Elijah and she swop that he would be put to death just as the Baal
worshippers had been put to death. Under the circumstances the Prophet Elijah
was compelled to leave the country and he remained lodged in a cave at the foot
of Mt. Sinai for several years. The lamentation that he made to Allah, on this
occasion, has been related in the Bible, in these words: 'The children of
Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy
prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to
take it away." (I Kings, 19: 10). About the same time Jehoram, the ruler
of the Jewish state of Jerusalem, married the daughter of Ahab, the king of
Israel, and under her polytheistic influence the same evils that had spread in
Israel also began to spread in Judah. The Prophet Elijah carried out his
prophetic duty againand wrote a letter to Jehoram, the following words of which
have been reported in the Bible: "Thus saith the Lord God of David thy
father, Because thou hast not walked in the ways of Jehoshaphat thy father, nor
in the ways of Asa king of Judah. But hast walked in the way of the kings of
Israel, and hast made Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to go a whoring,
like to the whoredoms of the house of Ahab, and also hast slain thy brethren of
thy father's house, which were better than thyself: Behold,with a great plague
will the Lord smite thy people, and thy children, andthy wives, and all thy
goods: And thou shalt have great sickness by disease of thy bowels, until thy
bowels fall out by reason of the sickness day by day." (2 Chronicles, 21:
12-15). Whatever the Prophet Elijah had prophesied in this letter proved true.
First, the kingdom of Jehoram was destroyed by the external invaders, and the
enemies even carried away his wives, then he himself died of the disease of the
bowels. A few years later the Prophet Elijah again went to Israel and
constantly tried hard to bring Ahab, and after him his son, Ahaziah, to the
right path, but the evil that had taken root in the house of the royal family
of Samaria could not be eradicated. At last, due to the curse of the Prophet
the family of Ahab met its doom, and then AIlah recalled his Prophet from the
world. For details, see the following books of the Bible: I Kings, chs. 17, 18,
19, 21; 2 Kings, chs.; 1, 2; 2 Chronicles, ch. 21.
إِذْ قَالَ لِقَوْمِهِ أَلَا تَتَّقُونَ {37:124}
[Q37:124] Iz
qaala liqawmiheee alaa tattaqoon.
[Q37:124] When he said to his people: Do you not guard (against evil)?
[Q37:124] When he said to his people: Do you not guard (against evil)?
[Q37:124] (Ingatkanlah peristiwa) ketika
dia berkata kepada kaumnya: Hendaklah kamu mematuhi suruhan ALLAH (SwT) dan
menjauhi laranganNya.
commentary for verse 123)
(37:124) (Call to mind) when he said to
his people: “Will you not fear Allah?
أَتَدْعُونَ بَعْلًا وَتَذَرُونَ أَحْسَنَ
الْخَالِقِينَ {37:125}
[Q37:125] Atad'oona
Ba'lanw wa tazaroona ahsanal khaaliqeen.
[Q37:125] What! Do you call upon Ba'l and forsake the best of the creators,
[Q37:125] What! Do you call upon Ba'l and forsake the best of the creators,
[Q37:125] Patutkah kamu menyembah berhala
Ba'la dan kamu meninggalkan (ibadat kepada) sebijak-bijak pencipta?
Refers to Ilyas admonishing the people who had
turned idolaters after the death of Moses.
The people worshipped a huge idol called Ba’l
and the place was called after the name of the idol Ba’l Bak Bak---i.e., the
city of Ba’l-Bak.
commentary for verse 123)
(37:125) Do you call upon Baal *71 and
forsake the Best of the Creators?
*71 Lexically, ba al means master, chief
and possessor. This word was also used for husband, and has been used in
this sense at several places in the Qur'an itself, e.g. in Surah AI-Baqarah:
228, An-Nisa': 127, Hud: 72 and An-Nur: 31. However; in the ancient times the
Semetic nations used it in the meaning of deity or lord; they had even given
the name of Baal to a special god. The chief male god of the Phoenicians, in
particular, was Baal and their chief goddess was Ashtoreth, his wife. The
scholars differ as to whether Baal meant the sun or Jupiter, and Ashtoreth the
moon or Venus. In any case, historically it is certain that Baal worship was
prevalent from Babylon to Egypt throughout the Middle East, and the
polytheistic communities of the Lebanon and Syria and Palestine, in particular,
had become its devotees. When the Israelites settled in Palestine and Jordan
after they came out from Egypt, they started contracting marriage and other
social relations with the polytheistic nations round about them, in violation
of the strict prohibitive injunctions of the Torah, the disease of idol-worship
began to spread among them, too. According to the Bible, this moral and
religious decline had started appearing among the Israelites soon after the
death of Joshua, son of Nun, who was the first caliph of the Prophet Moses:
'And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, and served
Baalim ...... And they forsook the Lord, and served Baal and Ashtoreth."
(Judges, 2: 11-13). And the children of Israel dwelt among the Canaanites,
Hittites, and Amorites, and Perizzites and Hivites, and Jebusites. And they
took their daughters to be their wives, and gave their daughters to their sons,
and served their gods.' (Judges, 3: 5-6). At that time worship of Baal had so
deeply affected the Israelites that, according to the Bible, in one of their
habitations a public altar had been built at which offerings were made to Baal.
A God-worshipping Israelite could not bear the sight; so he pulled down the altar
one night. Next morning a great multitude of the people gathered together and
demanded that the man who had cast down the altar he put to death. (Judges,
6:25-32). This evil, at last, was put to an end by Samuel, Saul and the Prophets David and
Solomon (peace be upon them); they not only reformed the Israelites generally
but also eradicated polytheism and idolworship from their kingdom. But after
the death of the Prophet Solomon the mischief was again revived and the
Israelite state of northern Palestine was swept away in the Hood of
اللَّهَ رَبَّكُمْ وَرَبَّ آبَائِكُمُ
الْأَوَّلِينَ {37:126}
[Q37:126] ALLaaha
Rabbakum wa Rabba aabaaa'ikumul awwaleen -
[Q37:126] ALLAH (SWT), your Lord and the Lord of your fathers of yore?
[Q37:126] ALLAH (SWT), your Lord and the Lord of your fathers of yore?
commentary for verse 123)
(37:126) Allah is your Lord and the Lord
of your ancestors of yore.”
فَكَذَّبُوهُ فَإِنَّهُمْ لَمُحْضَرُونَ {37:127}
[Q37:127] Fakazzaboohu
fa inna hum lamuhdaroon.
[Q37:127] But they called him a liar, therefore they shall most surely be brought up.
[Q37:127] But they called him a liar, therefore they shall most surely be brought up.
commentary for verse 123)
(37:127) But they denounced him as a liar,
so they will surely be arraigned (for punishment),
إِلَّا عِبَادَ اللَّهِ الْمُخْلَصِينَ {37:128}
[Q37:128] illaa
'ibaadaL Laahil mukhlaseen,
[Q37:128] But not the servants of ALLAH (SWT), the purified ones.
[Q37:128] But not the servants of ALLAH (SWT), the purified ones.
[Q37:128] Kecuali hamba-hamba ALLAH (SwT)
yang dibersihkan dari sebarang syirik (maka mereka akan terselamat dan mendapat
sebaik-baik balasan).
commentary for verse 123)
(37:128) except Allah’s chosen servants. *72
*72 That is
"Only those people will be made an exception from the punishment, who did
not belie the Prophet Elijah, and whom Allah chose from among the nation for
His worship. "
وَتَرَكْنَا عَلَيْهِ فِي الْآخِرِينَ {37:129}
[Q37:129] Wa
taraknaa 'alaihi fil aakhireen.
[Q37:129] And We perpetuated to him (praise) among the later generations.
[Q37:129] And We perpetuated to him (praise) among the later generations.
[Q37:129] Dan Kami kekalkan bagi Nabi
Ilyas (nama yang harum) dalam kalangan orang-orang yang datang kemudian:
The clause ‘We perpetual’
has been mentioned with Noah, Ibrahim,
Moses, Aaron and Elias and
‘Ziarat’ (Salutation) of ‘Warith’.
these apostles were represented in the Ahlul-Bayt.
(37:129) We preserved a good name for him among
posterity. *73
*73 The
treatment that the Israelites meted out to the Prophet Elijah in his life has
been referred to above, but after his death they became so enamoured of him
that they held him in the highest esteem and reverence after the Prophet Moses.
They formed the belief that Elijah (peace be upon him) had been taken up alive
into heaven by a whirlwind (2 Kings, ch. 2), and that he will come back to the
world again. Thus, in Malachi (O.T.) it is written: "Behold, I will send
you Elijah the Prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the
Lord." (4: 5). At the tune the Prophets John and Jesus (peace be upon
them) appeared, the Jews were awaiting the advent of these three men: the
Prophet Elias, the Christ and "that Prophet" (i.e. the Holy Prophet
Muhammad). When the ministry of the Prophet John began and he slatted baptizing
the people, the Jews sent priests to him to ask, "Are you the
Christ?" And he said that he was not the Christ. Then they asked,
"Are you Elijah?" And he answered that he was not Elias; then they
asked, "Are you 'that Prophet'?" And he answered that he was not
"that Prophet" either. Thereupon they said, "If you arc neither
the Christ, nor Elias, nor that Prophet, why do you then baptize?" (John,
1: 19-2G; j. Afterwards when the name of the Prophet Jesus spread among the
people, the Jews thought that perhaps the Prophet Elias had come. (Mark, 6:
14-15). Even among the disciples of Jesus themselves the idea was common that
Elias the Prophet would come, but Jesus removed their misunderstanding, saying,
'Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatever
they listed." Then the disciples understood that he spoke to them of John
the Baptist and not of Elias who had appeared tight hundred years earlier.
(Matthew. 11: 14; and 17: 10-131.)
سَلَامٌ عَلَىٰ إِلْ يَاسِينَ {37:130}
[Q37:130] Salaamun
'alaaa Ilyaaseen.
[Q37:130] Peace be on Ilyas.
[Q37:130] Peace be on Ilyas.
Whether the recitation of
OR ‘Aale-Yaseen’
the evidence of the context leaves no doubt that it means the same ‘Ilyas’
mentioned in verse
123 of this Surah---who is identified in the Bible as ‘Elia’ or
There is a narration from ibne
Abbas which asserts that the word here is ‘Aale-Yaseen’
refers to ‘Aale-Muhammad’
BECAUSE ‘Yaseen’
is the title of the HOLY PROPHET (ALLAHuma sali ala Muhammad wa ala ali
IF THE TRADITION IS AUTHENTIC, most possibly ibne Abbas mentioned
‘Aale-Yaseen’ NOT AS the title of the HOLY
PROPHET (ALLAHuma sali ala
Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad) BUT ON THE GROUND of the association of
the ideas he might have mentioned, ‘Aale-Yaseen’
ALSO to be the subject of the ‘Peace from ALLAH (SWT)’ similar to ‘Ilyaseen’ AND there
are many biblical evidences which show the reappearance of ‘Elijah as identified as Ali. However this has nothing to do with the text
of the Holy Qur’an.
(37:130) Peace be upon Elias. *74
*74 The words in the original are:
Salam-un 'ala El-ya-sin.
Some commentators say that EI ya-sin is the other name of the Prophet Elias,
just as Abraham is the other name of the Prophet Ibrahim; some others say
that different versions of the Hebrew names were prevalent among the Arabs,
e.g. one and the same angel was called Michal and Micha'il and Micha'in. The
same has been the case with the name of the Prophet Elias also. In the Qur'an
itself the same mountain has been called Tur Sina' and Tur Sinin.
إِنَّا كَذَٰلِكَ نَجْزِي الْمُحْسِنِينَ {37:131}
[Q37:131] Innaa kazaalika
najzil muhsineen.
[Q37:131] Even thus do We reward the doers of good.
[Q37:131] Even thus do We reward the doers of good.
commentary for verse 123)
(37:131) Thus do We reward the good-doers.
إِنَّهُ مِنْ عِبَادِنَا الْمُؤْمِنِينَ {37:132}
[Q37:132] Innahoo
min 'ibaadinal mu’mineen.
[Q37:132] Surely he was one of Our believing servants.
[Q37:132] Surely he was one of Our believing servants.
commentary for verse 123)
(37:132) He was one of Our believing
وَإِنَّ لُوطًا لَمِنَ الْمُرْسَلِينَ {37:133}
[Q37:133] Wa
inna Lootal laminal mursaleen.
[Q37:133] And Lut was most surely of the messengers.
[Q37:133] And Lut was most surely of the messengers.
Refer to the commentary
of Araf 7:80
to 84; Hud 11:77 to 83; Hijr 15:57 to 77; Shu-ara 26:160 to 175 for PROPHET
(37:133) And Lot too was one of the
إِذْ نَجَّيْنَاهُ وَأَهْلَهُ أَجْمَعِينَ {37:134}
[Q37:134] Iz
najjainaahu wa ahlahooo ajma'een,
[Q37:134] When We delivered him and his followers, all—
[Q37:134] When We delivered him and his followers, all—
[Q37:134] (Ingatkanlah peristiwa) ketika
kami selamatkan dia dan keluarga serta pengikut-pengikutnya semuanya,
commentary for verse 133)
(37:134) (Call to mind) when We delivered
him and all his kinsfolk,
إِلَّا عَجُوزًا فِي الْغَابِرِينَ {37:135}
[Q37:135] illaa
'ajoozan fil ghaabireen;
[Q37:135] Except an old woman (who was) amongst those who tarried.
[Q37:135] Except an old woman (who was) amongst those who tarried.
commentary for verse 133)
(37:135) except for an old woman who was among those
that stayed behind. *75
*75 This implies
the wife of the Prophet Lot, who did not migrate with her illustrious husband,
but remained behind with her people and was punished.
ثُمَّ دَمَّرْنَا الْآخَرِينَ {37:136}
[Q37:136] Summa
dammarnal aakhareen.
[Q37:136] Then We destroyed the others.
[Q37:136] Then We destroyed the others.
(see commentary
for verse 133)
(37:136) Then We utterly destroyed the
rest of them.
وَإِنَّكُمْ لَتَمُرُّونَ عَلَيْهِمْ
مُصْبِحِينَ {37:137}
[Q37:137] Wa
innakum latamurroona 'alaihim musbiheen
[Q37:137] And most surely you pass by them in the morning,
[Q37:137] And most surely you pass by them in the morning,
[Q37:137] Dan sesungguhnya kamu (yang
menentang Nabi Muhammad): Berulang-alik (melalui bekas-bekas tempat tinggal)
mereka, semasa kamu berada pada waktu pagi.
commentary for verse 133)
(37:137) You pass by their desolate habitations in the
morning *76
*76 The
reference is to the mined habitations of the people of Lot by which the
Quraishite merchants passed day and night during their trade journeys to Syria
and Palestine.
وَبِاللَّيْلِ ۗ أَفَلَا تَعْقِلُونَ {37:138}
[Q37:138] Wa
billail; afalaa ta'qiloon.
[Q37:138] And at night; do you not then understand?
[Q37:138] And at night; do you not then understand?
commentary for verse 133)
(37:138) and at night. Do you still not
delivery from distress.
Jonah delivered from distress---The triumph of the Holy Prophet Muhammad
وَإِنَّ يُونُسَ لَمِنَ الْمُرْسَلِينَ {37:139}
[Q37:139] Wa
inna Yoonusa laminal mursaleen.
[Q37:139] And Yunus was most surely of the messengers.
[Q37:139] And Yunus was most surely of the messengers.
Refer to the commentary
of Anbiya
21:87 and 88.
mission was to the city of Nineveh,
then steeped in wickedness.
The people rejected him. He departed in
anger without the permission of his Lord, so his departure is described as if a
slave runs away from captivity.
He boarded a fully laden boat which met
stormy weather. The sailors, thinking that the ill-luck was caused by some
fugitive, wanted to discover him by casting lots. The lot fell on Yunus, so
they took up him and cast him forth into the sea.
A great fish swallowed up Yunus. He was in
the belly of the fish three days and three nights. Then he prayed unto the Lord
through the depths of darkness in the fish's belly:
"There is no god but
You. Glory be to you. I am indeed of the unjust." (Anbiya 21:87).
v By
the command of ALLAH (SWT) the fish vomited out him upon the dry land. He was
in a state of sickness.
(SWT) caused to grow gourd plant there whose large leaves he used to protect
his body from the hot sun, flies and other insects which were preying on his
wounded body.
v Then
he was commanded to return to the city of Nineveh. The people repented and
believed, and Nineveh got a new lease of life.
(37:139) And Jonah too was one of the Messengers. *77
*77 This is the
third place where the Prophet Jonah (peace be upon him) has been mentioned in
the Qur'an. Before this he has already been mentioned in Surah Yunus and Surah
Al-Anbiya`. (For reference, please see yunus: 98 and AI-Anbiya`: 87-88 and the
E.N.'s thereof).
إِذْ أَبَقَ إِلَى الْفُلْكِ الْمَشْحُونِ {37:140}
[Q37:140] Iz
abaqa ilal fulkil mash hoon.
[Q37:140] When he ran away to a ship completely laden,
[Q37:140] When he ran away to a ship completely laden,
commentary for verse 139)
(37:140) Call to mind when he fled to the laden
ship, *78
*78 The word ebaqe in Arabic is used for the flight
and escape of a slave from his master's house.
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