Tuesday 24 October 2017

SURAH (79) AN-NAZI'AAT (AYA 1 to 46)

Sura (79) AN-NAZI’AAT (The Draggers) Aya 1 to 46 verses in 2 Sections
Revealed at Makka
The Great Announcement
The Great Announcement of the Day of Decision and the scene of it.

وَالنَّازِعَاتِ غَرْقًا {79:1}
[Q79:1] Wan naazi 'aati gharqaa 
[Q79:1] I swear by the angels who violently pull out the souls of the wicked,
[Q79:1] Demi (makhluk-makhluk) yang mencabut (apa yang ditugaskan mencabutnya) dengan cara yang sekasar-kasarnya;

THE SOULS OF THE WICKED ARE AVERSE TO PART WITH THEIR BODY AT DEATH, but their choice will not count. The angel of death will drag forth their souls vehemently.
r  Wa in verses 1 to 5 means "I swear" just as the early verses of al-Mursalat.
(79:1) By those (angels) that pluck out the soul from depths,

وَالنَّاشِطَاتِ نَشْطًا {79:2}
[Q79:2] Wan naa shi taati nashta 
[Q79:2] And by those who gently draw out the souls of the blessed,
[Q79:2] Dan yang menarik (apa yang ditugaskan menariknya) dengan cara yang selembut-lembutnya;

In contrast to the wicked, the souls of the righteous will be drawn out gently to their new life. THEY ARE ALWAYS READY FOR IT. FOR THEM DEATH IS A RELEASE FROM THE TEMPTATIONS OF THIS WORLD. THEY WELCOME THE APPROACH OF THE DAY OF JUDGMENT.
(79:2) and gently take it away;

وَالسَّابِحَاتِ سَبْحًا {79:3}
[Q79:3] Wass saabi haati nashta
[Q79:3] And by those who float in space,
[Q79:3] Dan demi (makhluk-makhluk) yang cergas bergerak (menerima perintah) dengan gerak yang secergas-cergasnya;

There are angels who traverse all frontiers of the universe to carry out divine commands. THEY NEVER LAG BEHIND OR LEAVE ANYTHING UNDONE WHILE EXECUTING THE WILL OF ALLAH (SWT).
µ  THE FIRST 3 VERSES refer to the preparatory work before any divine will takes effect which sets in motion that which is willed.
Verses 4 and 5 refer to the administration or operation of the consequences of the divine will. The forces working in the universe operate in harmony under the laws made by the creator. There is no reason to restrict its application or reference to any particular agency. Refer to the commentary of Saffat 37:1 to 3; Dhariyat 51:1 to 4 and Mursala 77:1 to 5.
(79:3) and by those that speedily glide along (the cosmos),

فَالسَّابِقَاتِ سَبْقًا {79:4}
[Q79:4] Fass saabi qaati sabqa 
[Q79:4] Then those who are foremost going ahead,
[Q79:4] Lalu masing-masing berlumba-lumba dahulu-mendahului (menjalankan tugasnya) dengan cara yang sesungguh-sungguhnya; 
(see commentary for verse 3)
(79:4) and vie with the others(in carrying out their Lord’s behests);

فَالْمُدَبِّرَاتِ أَمْرًا {79:5}
[Q79:5] Fal mu dab-bi raati amra. 
[Q79:5] Then those who regulate the affair.
[Q79:5] Serta menyempurnakan tadbir urusan alam yang diperintahkan kepadanya; (sumpah demi sumpah, sesungguhnya kamu akan dibangkitkan hidup semula pada hari kiamat). 
(see commentary for verse 3)
(79:5) and then manage the affairs of the Universe (according to their Lord’s commands). *1
*1 Here, the object for which an oath has been sworn by beings having five qualities has not been mentioned; but the theme that follows by itself leads to the conclusion that the oath has been sworn to affirm that the Resurrection is a certainty, which must come to pass, when all dead men shall be resurrected. Nor is there any mention as to what are the beings possessed of the qualities. HOWEVER, a large number of the Companions and their immediate successors and most of the commentators have expressed the opinion that they are the angels. Hadrat `Abdullah bin Mas`ud, Hadrat `Abdullah bin `Abbas, Masruq, Sa`id bin Jubair, Abu salih Abud-Duha and Suddi; say that "those who pluck out from the depths and those who draw out gently" imply the angels, who wrench out the soul of man at death from the very depths of his body, from its every fibre. "Those who glide about swiftly", according to Hadrat Ibn Mas`ud, Mujahid, Sa`id bin Jubair and Abu Salih, also imply the angels, who hurry about swiftly in execution of Divine Commands as though they were gliding through space. The same meaning of "those who hasten out as in a race" has been taken by Hadrat `Ali, Mujahid, Masruq, Abu Salih and Hasan Bari, and hastening out implies that each one of them hurries on his errand as soon as he receives the first indication of Divine Will. "Those who conduct the affairs" also imply the angels as has been reported from Hadrat `Ali, Mujahid, 'Ata' Abu -Salih, Hasan Bari;, Qatadah, Rabi` bin Anas and Suddi. In other words, these are the workers of the Kingdom of the Universe, who are conducting all the affairs of the world in accordance with Allah's Command and Will. Though this meaning of these verses has not been reported in any authentic Hadith from the Holy Prophet, while this meaning has been given by some major Companions and their immediate successors and pupils, one is led to form the view that they must have obtained this knowledge from the Holy Prophet himself.
Now the question arises: On what basis has the oath been sworn by these angels for the occurrence of the Resurrection and life after death when they themselves are as imperceptible as the thing for the occurrence of which they have been presented as an evidence and as an argument. In our opinion the reason is (and Allah has the best knowledge) that the Arabs were not deniers of the existence of the angels. They themselves admitted that at the death the soul was taken out by the angels; they also believed that the angels moved at tremendous speeds; they could reach any place between the earth and the heavens instantly and promptly execute any errand that was entrusted to them. They also acknowledged that the angels are subordinate to Divine Will and they conduct the affairs of the universe strictly and precisely in accordance with Divine Will; they are not independent and masters of their will. They regarded them as daughters of Allah out of ignorance and worshipped them as deities, but they did not believe that they possessed the real authority as well. Therefore, the basis of the reasoning from the abovementioned attributes for the occurrence of the Resurrection and life after death is that the angels who took the soul by the order of God, could also restore the soul by the order of the same God; and the angels who conducted the affairs of the universe by the order of God could also upset this universe by the order of the same God whenever. He so ordered them and could also bring about a new world order. They would not show any negligence or delay in the execution of His Command. 

يَوْمَ تَرْجُفُ الرَّاجِفَةُ {79:6}
[Q79:6] Yawma tarjufur raajifa. 
[Q79:6] The day on which the quaking one shall quake,
[Q79:6] Pada masa berlakunya tiupan sangkakala yang pertama yang menggoncangkan alam, (sehingga mati segala yang bernyawa dan punah-ranah sekalian makhluk selain dari yang dikecualikan),

The whole world as we see it will be in a violent commotion at the dawn of the Day of Resurrection.
(79:6) The Day when the quaking will cause a violent convulsion,

تَتْبَعُهَا الرَّادِفَةُ {79:7}
[Q79:7] Tatba‘u har raadifa. 
[Q79:7] What must happen afterwards shall follow it.
[Q79:7] Tiupan yang pertama itu diikuti oleh tiupan yang kedua, (yang menyebabkan orang-orang yang mati semuanya hidup semula serta keluar dari kubur masing-masing); 

The commotion referred to in verse 6 is a preliminary to its disappearance in order to make way for the new world that will then come into being.
(79:7) and will be followed by another quaking. *2
*2 The first jolt implies the jolt which will destroy the earth and everything on it, and the second jolt at which all dead men will rise up from death and from their graves. This same state has been described in Surah Az-Zumar, thus: "And when the Trumpet shall be blown on that Day, all those who are in the heavens and the earth shall fall down dead except those whom Allah may allow (to live). Then the Trumpet shall be blown again and they will all stand up, looking around." (v. 68) 

قُلُوبٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ وَاجِفَةٌ {79:8}
[Q79:8] Quloobuny-yau maaiziw-waaji-fa 
[Q79:8] Hearts on that day shall palpitate,
[Q79:8] Hati (manusia) pada hari itu berdebar-debar takut,

All hearts will be in agitation and all eyes will be cast down: THE HEARTS OF THE RIGHTEOUS to see the beginning of the fulfillment of their Lord's promise with their eyes cast down in humble modesty and obedience; THE HEARTS OF THE BELIERS for fear of His just punishment in utter humiliation and shame for their past arrogance and insolence.
(79:8) On that Day some hearts shall tremble (with fright), *3
*3 "Some hearts", because, according to the Qur'an, only the disbelievers, the wicked people and the hypocrites will be terror-stricken on the Resurrection Day, the righteous believers will remain secure from this tenor. About them in Surah Al-Anbiya' it has been said: "The time of great fright will not trouble them at all; the angels will rush forth to receive them, saying: `This is the very Day which you were promised'." (v. 103) 

أَبْصَارُهَا خَاشِعَةٌ {79:9}
[Q79:9] Absaa ruhaa khaashi’ah  
[Q79:9] Their eyes cast down.
[Q79:9] Pemandangannya tunduk gerun. 
(see commentary for verse 8)
(79:9) and their eyes shall be downcast with dread.

يَقُولُونَ أَإِنَّا لَمَرْدُودُونَ فِي الْحَافِرَةِ {79:10}
[Q79:10] Ya qoo loona a-inna lamar doo doona fil haafirah 
[Q79:10] They say: Shall we indeed be restored to (our) first state?
[Q79:10] Mereka (yang ingkar) berkata: Sungguhkah kita akan dikembalikan hidup seperti keadaan di dunia dahulu?

Refer to the commentary of Rad 13:5. THE BELIERS of the inevitable Day of Resurrection used to say that death was the end of all things AND THEIR rotten bones and limbs would never be restored again. On the Day of Resurrection they will indeed be in a terrible loss; indeed they will go to perdition.
(79:10) They say: “Shall we indeed be restored to life,

أَإِذَا كُنَّا عِظَامًا نَخِرَةً {79:11}
[Q79:11] Aizaa kunna 'izaa man-nakhirah 
[Q79:11] What! When we are rotten bones?
[Q79:11] Bolehkah (dihidupkan semula) sesudah kita menjadi tulang yang reput? 
(see commentary for verse 10)
(79:11) even after we have been reduced to bones, hollow and rotten?”

قَالُوا تِلْكَ إِذًا كَرَّةٌ خَاسِرَةٌ {79:12}
[Q79:12] Qaalu tilka izan karratun khaasirah 
[Q79:12] They said: That then would be a return occasioning loss.
[Q79:12] Mereka berkata lagi (secara mengejek: Kalaulah berlaku) yang demikian, sudah tentu kembalinya kita (hidup semula) itu satu perkara yang merugikan!
(see commentary for verse 10)
(79:12) They say: “That will then be a return with a great loss!” *4
*4 That is, when they were told that they would surely be raised back to life after death, they started mocking it, saying to one another, "Well, if we have really to be restored to our former state of life, then we would certainly be doomed. " 

فَإِنَّمَا هِيَ زَجْرَةٌ وَاحِدَةٌ {79:13}
[Q79:13] Fa inna ma hiya zajratuw-waahida 
[Q79:13] But it shall be only a single cry,
[Q79:13] (Menghidupkan semula tidaklah sukar), kerana berlakunya perkara itu hanyalah dengan satu jeritan (yang terbit dari tiupan sangkakala yang kedua); 
(see commentary for verse 10)
(79:13) Surely they will need no more than a single stern blast,

فَإِذَا هُمْ بِالسَّاهِرَةِ {79:14}
[Q79:14] Faizaa hum biss saahirah 
[Q79:14] When lo! They shall be wakeful.
[Q79:14] Yang menyebabkan mereka dengan serta-merta berada di muka bumi yang putih rata.

The Holy Prophet (ALLAHuma sali ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad) said:
"People are asleep. They will awake when they die."
(79:14) and lo, they will all be in the open plain. *5
*5 That is, "They are mocking it as an impossibility, whereas it is not at all a difficult task for Allah for the performance of which He may have to make lengthy preparations. For it only a single shout or cry is enough at which your dust of ash will gather together from wherever it lay, and you will suddenly find yourself alive on the back of the earth. Thinking this return to be a return to loss, you may try to escape from it however hard you may, but it will inevitably take place; it cannot be averted by your denial, escape or mockery."

هَلْ أَتَاكَ حَدِيثُ مُوسَىٰ {79:15}
[Q79:15] Hal ataaka hadeethu Musaa 
[Q79:15] Has not there come to you the story of Musa?
[Q79:15] Sudahkah sampai kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) perihal Nabi Musa?

Refer to the commentary of Ta Ha 20:9 to 98.
(79:15) Has *6 Moses’ story reached you?

إِذْ نَادَاهُ رَبُّهُ بِالْوَادِ الْمُقَدَّسِ طُوًى {79:16}
[Q79:16] Iz naadaa hu Rabbuhu bil waadil-muqad dasi tuwa 
[Q79:16] When his Lord called upon him in the holy valley, twice,
[Q79:16] Ketika dia diseru oleh Tuhannya di "Wadi Tuwa" yang suci;  
(see commentary for verse 15)
(79:16) When his Lord called him in the sacred valley of Tuwa, *7
*6 As the denial of the Resurrection and Hereafter by the disbelievers of Makkah and their mockery of it was not, in fact, rejection of a philosophy but belying Allah's Messengers, and the tricks that they were employing against the Holy Prophet (upon whom be Allah's peace) were not against an ordinary man but were meant to frustrate the mission of Allah's Messenger, the story of the Prophet Moses and the Pharaoh is being related before giving additional arguments for the occurrence of the Hereafter so that they are warned of the consequences of fighting with the Messenger and resisting the God Who sent him. 

اذْهَبْ إِلَىٰ فِرْعَوْنَ إِنَّهُ طَغَىٰ {79:17}
[Q79:17] izhab ilaa Fir‘auna innahoo tagha 
[Q79:17] Go to Firon, surely he has become inordinate.
[Q79:17] (Lalu diperintahkan kepadanya): Pergilah kepada Firaun, sesungguhnya dia telah melampaui batas (dalam kekufuran dan kezalimannya);  
(see commentary for verse 15)
(79:17) and directed him: “Go to Pharaoh, he has rebelled,

فَقُلْ هَلْ لَكَ إِلَىٰ أَنْ تَزَكَّىٰ {79:18}
[Q79:18] Faqul hal laka ilaa-an tazakka. 
[Q79:18] Then say: Have you (a desire) to purify yourself:
[Q79:18] Serta katakanlah kepadanya: Adakah engkau suka hendak mensucikan dirimu (dari kekufuran)? 
(see commentary for verse 15)
(79:18) and say to him: ‘Are you willing to be purified,
*7 According to general opinion among the commentators "the sacred valley of 'Tuwa" means "the sacred valley which was named Tuwa". But, besides this, two other meanings of it also have been given: (1) "The valley that was blessed and made sacred twice" for it was first made sacred when Allah spoke to Moses in it for the first time, and it was blessed and made sacred for the second time when the Prophet Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt and brought them into it; and (2) "called out to him in the sacred valley in the night," and this is according to the meaning of tuwa in the Arabic idiom. 

وَأَهْدِيَكَ إِلَىٰ رَبِّكَ فَتَخْشَىٰ {79:19}
[Q79:19] Wa ahdi yaka ila rabbika fatakh sha 
[Q79:19] And I will guide you to your Lord so that you should fear.
[Q79:19] Dan mahukah, aku tunjuk kepadamu jalan mengenal Tuhanmu, supaya engkau merasa takut (melanggar perintahNya)? 
(see commentary for verse 15)
(79:19) that I may direct you to your Lord and then you hold Him *8 in awe?’ ”
*8 Here, one should understand a few things well: 
(1) The dialogue that took place between the Prophet Moses and Allah Almighty at the time of appointing him to the office of Prophethood has been related at some places briefly and at others in full detail in the Qur'an as the occasion demanded. Here; brevity was the need; therefore, only a resume has been given. Fuller details are found in Ta Ha: 9-48, Ash-Shua`ra': 10-17, An=Naml: 7-12, AI-Qasas: 29-35. (2) The rebellion of the Pharaoh referred to here relates to his transgressing the bounds of service and rebelling both against the Creator and against His creatures. As for his rebellion against the Creator, it is being mentioned a little below when he gathered his people together and prolaimed: "I am your lord, the supreme." As against the creatures his rebellion was that he had divided his subjects into classes; he treated the weak classes tyrannically and had reduced his entire nation to slavery as has been mentioned in Al-Qasas: 4 and Az-Zukhruf: 54. (3) The instruction given to Moses was: "Go, you and your brother Aaron, to Pharaoh for he has transgressed all bounds. Talk to him gently; maybe that he is convinced by admonition or is imbued with fear." (Ta Ha: 44). One model of the gentle speech has been given in these verses, which shows what right method a preacher should adopt when preaching to a perverted man. Other models are given in Ta Ha: 49-52, Ash-Shua`ra': 23-28, and Al-Qasas: 37. These verses are of those in which Allah has taught the correct methods of preaching Islam in the Qur'an(4) The Prophet Moses had not been sent to Pharaoh only for the deliverance of the children of Israel as some people seem to think but the primary object of his appointment was to show Pharaoh and his people the right way, and the second object was that if he did not accept the right way, the children of Israel (who in fact were a Muslim people) should be taken out of his slavery and from Egypt. This thing becomes plain from these verses too, for there is no mention whatever in these of the deliverance of the children of Israel, but the Prophet Moses has been commanded to present the message of the Truth before Pharaoh, and this is confirmed by those verses also in which the Prophet Moses has preached Islam as well as demanded freedom of the children of Israel, e.g. see Al-A`raf 104-105, Ta Ha: 47-52, Ash-Shua ara': 16-17, 23-28. (For further explanation, see E.N. 74 of Yunus). (5) Here, "to adopt purity" means to adopt purity of belief, morals and deeds, or, in other words, to accept Islam. Ibn Zaid says: "Wherever in the Qur'an the word tazakka (purity) has been use, it implies acceptance of Islam." As an example of this he has cited the following three verses: "And this is the reward of him who adopts purity", i.e. accepts Islam; "and what would make you know that he might adopt purity", i.e. becomes a Muslim (`Abasa: 3); "And you would not be responsible if he did not adapt purity", i.e. did not become a Muslim (`Abasa: 7). (Ibn Jarir). (6) "That I may guide you to your Lord so that you may have fear (of Him)" means: "When you recognize your Lord and come to know that you are His slave, and not a free man, you will inevitably have fear of Him in your heart, for fear of God is the thing on which depends the right attitude of man in the world. Without the knowledge and fear of God no purity of the self can be possible." 

فَأَرَاهُ الْآيَةَ الْكُبْرَىٰ {79:20}
[Q79:20] Fa araahul-aayatal kubraa 
[Q79:20] So he showed him the mighty sign.
[Q79:20] (Setelah Nabi Musa menyempurnakan perintah Tuhannya dan Firaun pun meminta bukti kebenarannya); maka Nabi Musa memperlihatkan kepada Firaun: Mukjizat yang besar. 
(see commentary for verse 15)
(79:20) Then Moses (went to Pharaoh and) showed him the Great Sign; *9
*9 "The great Sign": the turning of the staff into a serpent, as has been mentioned at several places in the Qur'an. Obviously there could be no greater sign than that a lifeless staff should turn into a living serpent right in front of the eyes of the people, that it should devour the artificial serpents produced by the magicians out of their staffs and cords, and then the Prophet Moses should pick it up, it should become a walking stick again. This was proof that it was Allah, Lord of the worlds, Who had sent Moses as a Prophet. 

فَكَذَّبَ وَعَصَىٰ {79:21}
[Q79:21] Fa kazzaba wa asaa 
[Q79:21] But he rejected (the truth) and disobeyed.
[Q79:21] Lalu Firaun mendustakan (Nabi Musa) dan menderhaka (kepada ALLAH (SwT));  
(see commentary for verse 15)
(79:21) but he denied it as false and disobeyed,

ثُمَّ أَدْبَرَ يَسْعَىٰ {79:22}
[Q79:22] Thumma adbara yas‘aa 
[Q79:22] Then he went back hastily.
[Q79:22] Kemudian dia berpaling ingkar sambil menjalankan usahanya (menentang Nabi Musa). 
(see commentary for verse 15)
(79:22) and then he turned back to have recourse to his craftiness, *10
*10 According to the details given at other places in the Qur'an, he summoned skilful magicians from all over Egypt and made them produce serpents out of sticks and cords in front of the assembled people so that they were convinced that Moses (peace be upon him was not a Prophet but a magician, and that the miracle worked by him of turning a staff into a serpent, could also be worked by other magicians. But this device of his recoiled upon himself and the defeated magicians themselves admitted that what Moses (peace be on him) had displayed was no magic but a miracle. 

فَحَشَرَ فَنَادَىٰ {79:23}
[Q79:23] Fa hashara fanada 
[Q79:23] Then he gathered (men) and called out.
[Q79:23] Lalu dia menghimpunkan orang-orangnya dan menyeru;  
(see commentary for verse 15)
(79:23) and gathered his people and declared: *11

فَقَالَ أَنَا رَبُّكُمُ الْأَعْلَىٰ {79:24}
[Q79:24] Faqala ana Rabbu kumul a’laa. 
[Q79:24] Then he said: I am your lord, the most high.
[Q79:24] Dengan berkata: Akulah tuhan kamu, yang tertinggi. 
(see commentary for verse 15)
(79:24) “I am the supreme lord of you all.”
*11 This proclamation of Pharaoh has been mentioned at several places in the Qur'an. On one occasion he said to the Prophet Moses: "lf you took another one as a deity beside me, I would cast you in the prison." (Ash-Shua`ra': 29). On another occasion he had addressed his courtiers, saying: "O chiefs, I do not know of any other god of yours than myself. (Al-Qasas.: 38). By this Pharaoh did not mean, nor could he ever mean, that he himself was the creator of the universe and he had made the world, nor that he denied the existence of Allah and claimed to be lord of the universe, nor that he regarded only himself as a deity of the people in the religious sense. In the Qur'an itself there is a clear testimony that as regards religion he himself worshipped other gods. Once his courtiers said to him: "Will you leave Moses and his people free to spread chaos in the land, and let them discard you and your deities?" (Al A`raf: 127). And in the Qur'an itself this saying of the Pharaoh also has been cited: "Had Moses been sent by Allah, why were not bracelets of gold sent down to him, or a company of angels as attendants?" (AzZukhruf: 53). Thus, in fact, he called himself a god and supreme deity not in the religious but in the political sense. What he meant was that he possessed the sovereign rights: no one beside him had the right to rule in his kingdom and there was no superior power whose orders could be enforced in the land. (For further explanation. see E.N. 85 of Al-A`raf, E.N. 21 of Ta Ha, E.N.'s 24, 26 of AshShua'ra', E-N.'s 52, 53 of Al-Qasas E.N. 49 of Az-Zukhruf). 

فَأَخَذَهُ اللَّهُ نَكَالَ الْآخِرَةِ وَالْأُولَىٰ {79:25}
[Q79:25] Fa-akha zahuL Laahu nakalal aakhirati wal-oolaa. 
[Q79:25] So ALLAH (SwT) seized him with the punishment of the hereafter and the former life.
[Q79:25] Maka ALLAH (SwT) menyeksa Firaun di akhirat dan di dunia ini, dengan azab yang menakutkan sesiapa yang mengetahuinya. 
(see commentary for verse 15)
(79:25) Thereupon Allah seized him for the chastisement of the World to Come as well as of the present.

إِنَّ فِي ذَٰلِكَ لَعِبْرَةً لِمَنْ يَخْشَىٰ {79:26}
[Q79:26] Inna fee zaalika la'ibratal limaiy-yaksha. 
[Q79:26] Most surely there is in this a lesson to him who fears.
[Q79:26] Sesungguhnya yang demikian itu mengandungi pelajaran yang mendatangkan iktibar bagi orang-orang yang takut (melanggar perintah Tuhannya).  
(see commentary for verse 15)
(79:26) Surely there is a great lesson in it for whoever would fear (Allah). *12
*12 "...who fears": who fears the consequences of denying God's Messenger, which the Pharaoh experienced in the past. 

The Doom
The great bounties of ALLAH (SWT) to mankind---The Doom---The sufferings and the enjoyment awaiting for the wicked and righteous respectively.

أَأَنْتُمْ أَشَدُّ خَلْقًا أَمِ السَّمَاءُ ۚ بَنَاهَا {79:27}
[Q79:27] A-antum a shaddu khalqan amis samaa-u banaahaa 
[Q79:27] Are you the harder to create or the heaven? He made it.
[Q79:27] (Wahai golongan yang ingkarkan kebangkitan hidup semula!) Kamukah yang sukar diciptakan atau langit? Tuhan telah membinanya (dengan Kukuh)!

(79:27) Is *13 it harder to create you or the heaven? *14 But Allah built it,
*13 Now arguments are being given for the possibility of Resurrection and life after death and their being the very demand and requirement of wisdom. 
*14 HERE, CREATION IMPLIES THE RECREATION OF MEN, AND THE HEAVEN THE ENTIRE FIRMAMENT WHICH CONTAINS COUNTLESS STARS AND PLANETS, AND INNUMERABLE SOLAR SYSTEMS AND GALAXIES. means to say: "You think that your resurrection after death is something extremely improbable and you express wonder saying: `How is it possible that when our very bones will have decayed and become rotten the scattered particles of our bodies will be reassembled and made living once again?' But have you ever also considered whether the great universe is harder to create or your own re-creation in the form in which you were created in the first instance? The God Who created you in the first instance cannot be powerless to create you once again." This same argument for life after death has been given at several places in the Qur'an. For example, in Surah Ya Sin it has been said: "Is not He Who created the heavens and the earth able to create the like of them (again)? Why not, when He is the skilful Creator." (v. 81) And in Surah Al-Mu'min it was said: "Surely the creation of the heavens and the earth is a greater task than the creation of man, but most people do not know. (v. S7) 

رَفَعَ سَمْكَهَا فَسَوَّاهَا {79:28}
[Q79:28] Raf‘a sam kahaa fasaw waaha
[Q79:28] He raised high its height, then put it into a right good state.
[Q79:28] Dia telah meninggikan bangunan langit itu lalu menyempurnaKannya,

Refer to the commentary of Rahman 55:5 and Jathiyah: 3 to 11.
(79:28) and raised its vault high and proportioned it;

وَأَغْطَشَ لَيْلَهَا وَأَخْرَجَ ضُحَاهَا {79:29}
[Q79:29] Wa aghtasha lailaha wa akhraja duhaaha. 
[Q79:29] And He made dark its night and brought out its light.
[Q79:29] Dan Dia menjadikan malamnya gelap-gelita, serta menjadikan siangnya terang-benderang. 
(79:29) and covered its night with darkness and brought forth from it its day; *15
*15 The night and the day have been attributed to the heaven, for the night falls when the sun of the heavens sets and the day dawns when it rises. The word "cover" has been used for the night in the sense that after the sun has set the darkness of the night so spreads over the earth as though it has covered it from above by a curtain.

وَالْأَرْضَ بَعْدَ ذَٰلِكَ دَحَاهَا {79:30}
[Q79:30] Wal arda b’ada zaalika dahaaha. 
[Q79:30] And the earth, He expanded it after that.
[Q79:30] Dan bumi sesudah itu dihamparkannya (untuk kemudahan penduduknya);

Daha means further expansion of the earth. It may refer to the upper soil of the earth which grows food for all the created beings.
(79:30) and thereafter spread out the earth, *16
*16 "After that He spread out the earth" does not mean that Allah created the earth after the creation of the heavens, but it is a style of expression just like our saying after making mention of something: "Then this is noteworthy." The object is not to express the sequence of occurrence between the two things but to draw attention from the first to the second thing although both may exist together. Several instances of this style are found in the Qur'an, e.g. in Surah Al-Qalam it is said: "(He is) oppressive, and after that, ignoble by birth." This does not mean that first he became oppressive and then he turned ignoble by birth, but it means: "He is oppressive, and above all, ignoble by birth." Likewise, in Surah Al-Balad it is said: "Should free a slave...then be of those who believe." This also does not mean that first he should act righteously and then believe but that along with doing righteous deeds he should also be characterised by belief. Here, one should also understand that at some places in the Qur'an the creation of the earth has been mentioned first and then the creation of the heavens, as in Al-Baqarah: 29, and at others the creation of the heavens has been mentioned first and then of the earth, as in these verses. There is, in fact, no contradiction in this. At no place the object is to tell what was created first and what afterwards, but wherever the context requires that the excellences of the power of AIlah be made prominent, the heavens have been mentioned first and then the earth, and where the context requires that the people be made to appreciate and acknowledge the blessings that they are benefiting by on the earth, the mention of the earth has been made before that of the heavens. (For further explanation, see E.N's 13,14 of Ha Mim As-Sajdah). 

أَخْرَجَ مِنْهَا مَاءَهَا وَمَرْعَاهَا {79:31}
[Q79:31] Akhraja minha maa-aha wa mar ‘aaha. 
[Q79:31] He brought forth from it its water and its pasturage.
[Q79:31] Dia mengeluarkan dari bumi itu: Airnya dan tumbuh-tumbuhannya;
(79:31) and brought out of it its water and its pasture, *17
*17 "Pasture" here does not only imply pasture and fodder for the animals but all kinds of herbal produce suitable for consumption both by man and by animal. An example of the use of rat' which is generally used in Arabic for the grazing animals, is found in Surah Yusuf: 12, signifying that this word is sometimes used for man also. The brothers of Joseph said to their father: "Send Joseph with us tomorrow that he may frcely graze and enjoy sport." Here, the word grace (rat`) for the child has been used in the meaning that he thay move about freely in the jungle and pluck and eat fruit. 

وَالْجِبَالَ أَرْسَاهَا {79:32}
[Q79:32] Wal jibaala arsaaha.
[Q79:32] And the mountains, He made them firm,
[Q79:32] Dan gunung-ganang pula dikukuhkan letaknya (di bumi, sebagai pancang pasak yang menetapnya); 

Refer to the commentary of Nahl 16:15.
(79:32) and firmly fixed in it mountains;

مَتَاعًا لَكُمْ وَلِأَنْعَامِكُمْ {79:33}
[Q79:33] Mataa'al lakum wali an 'aamikum. 
[Q79:33] A provision for you and for your cattle.
[Q79:33] (Semuanya itu) untuk kegunaan kamu dan binatang-binatang ternak kamu.

BY ALLAH (SWT)'S BOUNTIFUL BENEFICENCE, everything on earth has been made available to man for his sustenance.
(79:33) all this as provision for you and your cattle. *18
*18 In these verses arguments have been given for the Resurrection and life after death from two aspects: first, that it is not at all difficult to establish these for the power of that God Who has made this vast and huge universe with such wonderful balance and this earth with such provisions. Second: that the pointers to the perfect wisdom of Allah which are clearly visible in the universe and the earth, point out that nothing is happening here purposelessly. The balance that exists between countless of the stars and planets and galaxies in the heavens testifies that all this has not happened haphazardly but there is a well thought-out plan working behind it. The regular alternation of the night and day is an evidence that this system has been established with supreme wisdom and knowledge for making the earth a home and place of settlement. On this very earth are found regions where the alternation of the night and day takes place within 24 hours and also those regions where there are longer days and longer nights. A very large part of the earth's population lives in the first kind of the regions. Then as the days and nights go on becoming longer and longer, life goes on becoming harder and harder and population thinner and thinner. So much so that the regions where there are six-month-long days and six-month-long nights, are not at all fit for human settlement. Arranging both these types of the land on this very earth Allah has provided the evidence that this regular order of the alternation of night and day has not come about accidentally but has been brought about with great wisdom precisely in accordance with a scheme to make the earth a place fit for human settlement. Likewise, spreading out the earth so that it becomes a fit place to live in, providing in it that water which should be palatable for man and animal and a cause of growth for vegetation, setting in it mountains and creating all those things which may become a means of life for both man and animal- all these are a manifest sign that they are not chance happenings of the purposeless works of a care-free person but each one of these has been arranged purposefully by a Supreme, Wise Being. Now every sensible and intelligent man can consider for himself whether the necessity and occurrence of the Hereafter is the requirement of wisdom or its negation. The person who in spite of seeing all this says that there is no Hereafter, in fact, says that everything in the universe is happening wisely and purposefully, but only the creation of man on the earth as a being endowed with sense and power is meaningless and foolish. For there could be nothing more purposeless than delegating to man vast powers of appropriation in the earth and providing him an opportunity to do good as well as evil deeds but then failing to ever subject him to accountability

فَإِذَا جَاءَتِ الطَّامَّةُ الْكُبْرَىٰ {79:34}
[Q79:34] Fa-izaa jaaa'atit taaam matul kubraa 
[Q79:34] But when the great predominating calamity comes;
[Q79:34] Maka apabila datang hari yang bencananya amat besar;

As said in verse 14, ON THE DAY OF JUDGMENT MAN WILL BE FULLY AWARE OF WHAT HE USED TO STRIVE FOR IN THE LIFE OF THE WORLD. He will not only remember every detail of his deeds BUT ALSO clearly see the fire of punishment. The eternal punishment will be given to those who had willfully and persistently disobeyed ALLAH (SWT) and transgressed all bounds.
The punishment will not touch those who had repented and have been forgiven; and those who are guilty of minor sins through human frailty, their good deeds will be weighed in the balance against their bad deeds.
(79:34) But when the great calamity will come about *19
*19 This implies the Resurrection for which the words at-Taammat alkubra have been used. Taammah by itself is a grievous calamity which afflicts everybody. Then it has been further qualified by the word kubra (great), which shows that the mere word taammah is not enough to describe fully its intensity and severity. 

يَوْمَ يَتَذَكَّرُ الْإِنْسَانُ مَا سَعَىٰ {79:35}
[Q79:35] Yauma Yata zakkarul insaanu maa sa‘aa. 
[Q79:35] The day on which man shall recollect what he strove after,
[Q79:35] Iaitu hari manusia akan mengingati apa yang telah diusahakannya; 
(see commentary for verse 34)
(79:35) on the Day when man will recall all his strivings, *20
*20 That is, "When man will see that the same Day of accountability of which he was being foretold in the world, has come, he will start remembering each one of his misdeeds done in the world even before his records are handed over to him. Some people experience this even in the world if at some time they come across a dangerous situation suddenly when death seems to be staring them in the face, their whole life-film flashes across their mind's eye all at once. 

وَبُرِّزَتِ الْجَحِيمُ لِمَنْ يَرَىٰ {79:36}
[Q79:36] Wa burrizatil-jaheemu limany-yaraa. 
[Q79:36] And the hell shall be made manifest to him who sees
[Q79:36] Dan Neraka diperlihatkan kepada sesiapa sahaja yang dapat melihatnya; 
(see commentary for verse 34)
(79:36) and Hell will be brought in sight for anyone to see:

فَأَمَّا مَنْ طَغَىٰ {79:37}
[Q79:37] Fa ammaa man taghaa 
[Q79:37] Then as for him who is inordinate,
[Q79:37] Maka (dapatlah masing-masing mengetahui kesudahannya); adapun orang yang melampau (perbuatan derhakanya); 
(see commentary for verse 34)
(79:37) then he who transgressed

وَآثَرَ الْحَيَاةَ الدُّنْيَا {79:38}
[Q79:38] Wa aasaral hayaatad dunyaa 
[Q79:38] And prefers the life of this world,
[Q79:38] Serta dia mengutamakan kehidupan dunia semata-mata; 
(see commentary for verse 34)
(79:38) and preferred the life of this world,

فَإِنَّ الْجَحِيمَ هِيَ الْمَأْوَىٰ {79:39}
[Q79:39] Fa innal jaheema hiyal ma’waa 
[Q79:39] Then surely the hell that is the abode.
[Q79:39] Maka sesungguhnya Neraka Jahannamlah tempat kediamannya. 
(see commentary for verse 34)
(79:39) most surely his abode shall be Hell.

وَأَمَّا مَنْ خَافَ مَقَامَ رَبِّهِ وَنَهَى النَّفْسَ عَنِ الْهَوَىٰ {79:40}
[Q79:40] Wa ammaa man khaafa maqaama Rabbihee wa nahan nafsa 'anil hawaa. 
[Q79:40] And as for him who fears to stand in the presence of his Lord and forbids the soul from low desires,
[Q79:40] Adapun orang yang takutkan keadaan semasa dia berdiri di mahkamah Tuhannya, (untuk dihitung amalnya), serta dia menahan dirinya dari menurut hawa nafsu;  
(see commentary for verse 34)
(79:40) But he who feared to stand before his Lord, and restrained himself from evil desires,

فَإِنَّ الْجَنَّةَ هِيَ الْمَأْوَىٰ {79:41}
[Q79:41] Fa innal jannata hiyal ma’waa 
[Q79:41] Then surely the garden-- that is the abode.
[Q79:41] Maka sesungguhnya Syurgalah tempat kediamannya.  
(see commentary for verse 34)
(79:41) most surely his abode shall be Paradise. *21
*21 Here, in a few words, it has been told briefly what shall be the criterion of the final judgement in the Hereafter. One kind of the conduct of life in the world is that transgressing all bounds of service man should rebel against his God and should make up his mind that he would seek only the benefits and pleasures of this world in whatever way they could be sought and achieved. The other kind of conduct is that while man passes life in the world he should constantly keep in view the truth that ultimately one day he has to stand before his Lord, and should refrain from fulfilling the evil desires of the self only for the fear that if he earned an unlawful benefit in obedience to his self, or enjoyed an evil pleasure, what answer he would give to his Lord. The criterion of the judgement in the Hereafter will be which of the two kinds of conduct he adopted in the world. If he had adopted the first kind of conduct, his permanent abode would be Hell, and if he had adopted the second kind of conduct, his permanent home would be Paradise. 

يَسْأَلُونَكَ عَنِ السَّاعَةِ أَيَّانَ مُرْسَاهَا {79:42}
[Q79:42] Yas'aloonaka 'anis saa'ati ayyaana mursaahaa 
[Q79:42] They ask you about the hour, when it will come.
[Q79:42] Mereka (yang ingkar) selalu bertanya kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) tentang hari kiamat: Bilakah masa datangnya?

Refer to the commentary of Araf 7:187.
THE HOLY PROPHET (ALLAHUMA SALI ALA MUHAMMAD WA ALA ALI MUHAMMAD) ANNOUNCED THE SURE ARRIVAL OF THE DAY OF RESURRECTION AS A WARNER. Its exact hour is known to ALLAH (SWT) alone. Our time has no connection with timeless state in the spiritual world in which the final judgment win take place.
In the awakening, referred to in verse 14, the conscious self shall be in a state free from the bounds of time and space. The whole system of four dimensions will appear to him even less than a part of an ordinary day of this world.
(79:42) They ask you about the Hour: “When will it be?” *22
*22 The disbelievers of Makkah asked this question of the Holy Prophet over and over again. By this they did not mean to know the time and date of the coming of Resurrection but to mock it. (For further explanation, see E.N. 35 of Surah Al-Mulk).

فِيمَ أَنْتَ مِنْ ذِكْرَاهَا {79:43}
[Q79:43] Feema anta min zikraahaa 
[Q79:43] About what! You are one to remind of it.
[Q79:43] Apa hubungannya tugasmu dengan (soal) menerangkan masa kedatangan hari kiamat itu? 
(see commentary for verse 42)
(79:43) What concern do you have to speak about that?

إِلَىٰ رَبِّكَ مُنْتَهَاهَا {79:44}
[Q79:44] ilaa Rabbika muntahaa haa.
[Q79:44] To your Lord is the goal of it.
[Q79:44] Kepada Tuhanmu lah terserah kesudahan ilmu mengenainya.  
(see commentary for verse 42)
(79:44) Its knowledge rests with your Lord.

إِنَّمَا أَنْتَ مُنْذِرُ مَنْ يَخْشَاهَا {79:45}
[Q79:45] Innamaaa anta munziru maiy yakshaahaa 
[Q79:45] You are only a warner to him who would fear it.
[Q79:45] Tugasmu hanyalah memberi amaran kepada orang yang takut akan huru-hara hari kiamat itu. 
(see commentary for verse 42)
(79:45) You are only a warner to him who has a fear of it. *23
*23 This also we have explained in E.N. 36 of Surah Al-Mulk above. As for the words "you are only a Warner to him who fears it", they do not mean that it is not your duty to warn those who do not fear, but it means: "Your warning will benefit only him who fears the coming of that Day." 

كَأَنَّهُمْ يَوْمَ يَرَوْنَهَا لَمْ يَلْبَثُوا إِلَّا عَشِيَّةً أَوْ ضُحَاهَا {79:46}
[Q79:46] Ka annahum Yawma yarawnahaa lam yalbasooo illaa 'ashiyyatan aw duhaahaa 
[Q79:46] On the day that they see it, it will be as though they had not tarried but the latter part of a day or the early part of it.
[Q79:46] (Sangatlah dahsyatnya huru-hara hari itu, sehingga orang-orang yang bersalah merasa) pada masa melihatnya: Seolah-olah mereka tidak tinggal di dunia melainkan sekadar satu petang atau paginya sahaja. 
(see commentary for verse 42)
(79:46) On the Day they see it, they will feel as though they had stayed (in the grave) no more than one evening or one morning. *24
*24 This theme has occurred at several places in the Qur'an and been explained in the corresponding Notes. For it, see E.N. 53 of Yunus, E.N. 56 of Bani Isra'il, E.N. 80 of Ta Ha, E.N. 101 of Al-Mu'minun, E.N.'s 81, 82 of ArRum, E.N. 48 of Ya Sin. Besides, this theme has also occurred in Al-Ahqaf: 35 but we have not explained it there for fear of repetition.


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