Thursday 17 November 2016

اللَّهُ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ الْحَيُّ الْقَيُّومُ {3:2}
[Q3:2] Allaahu laaa ilaaha illaa Huwal Haiyul Qaiyoom
[Q3:2] ALLAH (SWT), (there is) no God but He, the Everliving, the Self-subsisting by Whom all things subsist
[Q3:2] ALLAH (SwT) tiada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah) melainkan Dia, Yang Tetap Hidup, Yang Kekal selama-lamanya mentadbirkan sekalian makhlukNya.

Refer to the commentary of verse 2:255 of al Baqarah for "ALLAH (SWT)! There is no God save He, the ever-living, the self-subsisting.Hayythe ever-living, and qayyumthe self-subsisting, are the two attributes of ALLAH (SWT) which break up and blot out the absurd doctrine of the divinity of Jesus Christ. [A] He, who did not have an existence before his creation, like any other mortal, was brought into being by ALLAH (SWT), therefore, and cannot be hayythe everliving; and also [B] He cannot be qayyumthe self-subsisting, because, according to the Christians, he was crucified.
Ì  Ibna Ishaq says that verses 3:3 to 80 of this surah were revealed about the Christians of Najran whom the Holy Prophet (ALLAHuma sali ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad) with his Ahlul Bayt confronted in a spiritual contest known as the event of mubahilah (see commentary of verse 61 of this surah).
A great deal of metaphysical nonsense, based on conjecture and speculation, is put forward by the Christians in support of their claim, yet they themselves do not understand the doctrine of divinity of Jesus, which they take as true without examination or proof. Moreover, there is no consensus among their theologians. The most popular belief is triune, three in one, or a trinity in unity-god is a spiritual organism, having living components which can be called organs only so long as they remain united and interrelated to each other in the whole, therefore, God is one but has components which perform separate functions. Jesus has a mysterious double nature which makes him a member of the trinity. The idea of trinity or the doctrine of divinity of Jesus was not given by prophet Isa. Please refer to the quotations of the Old and the New Testaments given in the commentary of verse 2:255 of al Baqarah.
ALL ORGANISMS ARE FINITE. TO FUNCTION IN A HARMONIOUS WHOLE THE COMPONENTS MUST BE INTERDEPENDENT. There must be an omnipotent will or a primal cause to keep the diverse components together, without being disunited, in order to let them work in harmony. THE PRIMAL CAUSE IS ALLAH (SWT). None of the components or their whole can be ALLAH (SWT) because they obey and follow the will of the primal cause.
Ä  Hayythe everliving, is He who knows and acts freely without any limitations. Any organism whose components are finite and dependent cannot be an everliving infinite.
Ä  Qayyumthe self-subsisting, (a magnified form of the adjective qayam-standing and enduring) is He who stands (subsists) by Himself and all other stand (are subsisted) by His eternal endurance.
ANYTHING, COMPOSED OF COMPONENTS WITH SEPARATE FUNCTIONS, IS GOVERNED BY THE LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT; AND that which needs reason or cause to be effective or sufficient cannot be self-subsisting, "ALLAH (SWT) is the self-subsisting" means that to be effective or sufficient He does not need a reason or cause because He Himself is the prime cause.
(3:2) Allah, the Ever-Living, the Self-Subsisting, Who sustains the entire order of the universe - there is no God but He. *1
*1. For explanation see Surah 2, n. 278 above.

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