Saturday 8 April 2017

SURAH (14) IBRAHEEM (AYA 11 to 30)

قَالَتْ لَهُمْ رُسُلُهُمْ إِنْ نَحْنُ إِلَّا بَشَرٌ مِثْلُكُمْ وَلَٰكِنَّ اللَّهَ يَمُنُّ عَلَىٰ مَنْ يَشَاءُ مِنْ عِبَادِهِ ۖ وَمَا كَانَ لَنَا أَنْ نَأْتِيَكُمْ بِسُلْطَانٍ إِلَّا بِإِذْنِ اللَّهِ ۚ وَعَلَى اللَّهِ فَلْيَتَوَكَّلِ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ {14:11}
[Q14:11] Qaalat lahum Rusuluhum in nahnu illaa basharum mislukum wa laakinnal laaha yamunnu 'alaa mai yashaaa'u min 'ibaadihee wa maa kaana lanaaa an naatiyakum bisul taanin illaa bi iznil laah; wa 'alal laahi falyatawakkalil mu'minoon. 
[Q14:11] Their messengers said to them: We are nothing but mortals like yourselves, but ALLAH (SWT) bestows (His) favors on whom He pleases of His servants, and it is not for us that we should bring you an authority except by ALLAH (SWT)'s permission; and on ALLAH (SWT) should the believers rely.
[Q14:11] Rasul-rasul mereka berkata kepada mereka: Kami ini tidak lain hanyalah manusia seperti kamu juga, tetapi ALLAH (SwT) melimpahkan kurniaNya kepada sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya dari hamba-hambaNya dan kami tiadalah berkuasa membawa kepada kamu sebarang bukti (mukjizat) melainkan dengan izin ALLAH (SwT) dan dengan yang demikian maka kepada ALLAH (SwT) jualah hendaknya orang-orang yang beriman berserah diri.

»    Imam Musa bin Jafar al Kazim said:
"Tawwakal means to happily accept what ALLAH (SWT) wills with the conviction that no created being can ever give you or take away from you anything, and there can be no help available from any one unless ALLAH (SWT) so wills."
(14:11) They answered, "You are no more than human beings like ourselves. *19 You intend to debar us from the worship of the deities whom our forefathers have been worshipping. Well, bring a clear Sign." *20 The Messengers replied, "It is true that we are no more than human beings like you, but Allah shows His favour to anyone of His servants He pleases. *21 And it is not in our power to bring any Sign for you. A Sign can come only by Allah's permission. And in Allah alone should the believers put their trust.
*19 The disbelievers meant to imply: "You are a human being like us in every respect: you eat, drink and sleep like us and have wife and children like us. You feel hungry and thirsty, and suffer from heat and cold, disease and calamities like us. In short, you have every human limitation like us, and we see nothing unusual and extraordinary in you to induct us to accept you as a Prophet and believe that God communicates with you and sends His angels to you."
*20 That is, "If you still insist that you are a Prophet, bring a tangible proof of your appointment so as to convince us that you have really been sent by God and your Message is from Him." 
*21 That is, "No doubt we are human beings like you but it is Allah's will that He has chosen us from among you and blessed us with the knowledge of the Truth and keen discernment. And this is Allah's will and He has full powers to bestow anything on anyone He wills. We are not in a position to ask Him to send that blessing to you or to anyone else: nor can we deny the realities which have been shown to us."

وَمَا لَنَا أَلَّا نَتَوَكَّلَ عَلَى اللَّهِ وَقَدْ هَدَانَا سُبُلَنَا ۚ وَلَنَصْبِرَنَّ عَلَىٰ مَا آذَيْتُمُونَا ۚ وَعَلَى اللَّهِ فَلْيَتَوَكَّلِ الْمُتَوَكِّلُونَ {14:12}
[Q14:12] Wa maa lanaa allaa natawakkala 'alal laahi wa qad hadaanaa subulanaa; wa lanasbiranna 'alaa maaa aazaitumoonaa; wa 'alal laahi falyatawakkalil mutawakkiloon.
[Q14:12] And what reason have we that we should not rely on ALLAH (SWT)? And He has indeed guided us in our ways; and certainly we would bear with patience your persecution of us; and on ALLAH (SWT) should the reliant rely.
[Q14:12] Dan mengapa pula kami tidak berserah diri kepada ALLAH (SwT) padahal Dia telah menunjukkan jalan untuk tiap-tiap seorang dari kami menjalaninya? Dan demi sesungguhnya, kami akan bersabar terhadap segala perbuatan kamu menyakiti kami dan dengan yang demikian, maka kepada ALLAH (SwT) jualah hendaknya berserah diri orang-orang yang mahu berserah.  
(14:12) And why should we not put our trust in Allah when He has guided us in the ways of our lives? We will bear with fortitude your persecutions of us and the trustful should have trust in Allah alone."

The Disbelievers punished
The disbelievers threaten the apostles against banishment from their land if they do not return to their creed---The punishment is store for the disbelievers.

وَقَالَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا لِرُسُلِهِمْ لَنُخْرِجَنَّكُمْ مِنْ أَرْضِنَا أَوْ لَتَعُودُنَّ فِي مِلَّتِنَا ۖ فَأَوْحَىٰ إِلَيْهِمْ رَبُّهُمْ لَنُهْلِكَنَّ الظَّالِمِينَ {14:13}
[Q14:13] Wa qaalal lazeena kafaroo li Rusulihim lanukhrijanna kum min aardinaaa aw lata'oo dunna fee millatinaa fa awhaaa ilaihim Rabbuhum lanuhlikannaz zalimeen. 
[Q14:13] And those who disbelieved said to their messengers: We will most certainly drive you forth from our land, or else you shall come back into our religion. So their Lord revealed to them: Most certainly We will destroy the unjust.
[Q14:13] Dan berkatalah pula orang-orang yang kafir itu kepada Rasul-rasul mereka: Demi sesungguhnya, kami akan mengeluarkan kamu dari negeri kami atau kamu menjadi seagama dengan kami. Lalu Tuhan wahyukan, kepada Rasul-rasulNya: Demi sesungguhnya! Kami akan membinasakan orang-orang yang zalim. 
(14:13) At last the disbelievers said to their Messengers, "You shall either return to our religion *22 or we will banish you from our land." Then their Lord revealed to them, "We will destroy these evil-doers
*22 It will be wrong to conclude from this demand of theirs that the Prophets professed the religion of their people before their appointment to the Divine Office. This only meant that their people thought so because before their appointment they led a quiet life and did not propagate a new religion nor refuted the religion in vogue at that time. That is why their people were under the wrong impression that the Prophets also professed the religion of their forefathers, and, therefore, accused them of apostasy. The fact, however, is that they had never followed the religion of their mushrik forefathers and were not guilty of apostasy. 

وَلَنُسْكِنَنَّكُمُ الْأَرْضَ مِنْ بَعْدِهِمْ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ لِمَنْ خَافَ مَقَامِي وَخَافَ وَعِيدِ {14:14}
[Q14:14] Wa lanuskinan nakumul arda mim ba'dihim; zaalika liman khaafa maqaamee wa khaafa wa' eed. 
[Q14:14] And most certainly We will settle you in the land after them; this is for him who fears standing in My presence and who fears My threat.
[Q14:14] Dan demi sesungguhnya! Kami akan tempatkan kamu di negeri itu sesudah binasanya kaum yang zalim itu; balasan baik yang demikian, adalah bagi orang-orang yang takut akan sikap keadilanKu (menghitung amalnya) dan takut akan janji-janji azabKu.

"My presence" refers to the Day of Reckoning.
(14:14) and after them settle you in the land. *23 This is the reward of the one who dreads that he is accountable to Me and is afraid of the threat of My punishment."
*23 This was to reassure the Prophets that they should not worry at aII about the threat that the disbelievers would banish them from their country, as if to say, "We will uproot them from their land, and establish you and your followers firmly in their place." 

وَاسْتَفْتَحُوا وَخَابَ كُلُّ جَبَّارٍ عَنِيدٍ {14:15}
[Q14:15] Wastaftahoo wa khaaba kullu jabbaarin 'aneed. 
[Q14:15] And they asked for judgment and every insolent opposer was disappointed:
[Q14:15] Dan (Rasul-rasul serta umatnya yang beriman) memohon pertolongan (kepada ALLAH (SwT), untuk mendapat kemenangan) dan terkecewalah tiap-tiap orang yang sombong takbur, lagi bersikap degil (dalam keingkarannya). 
(14:15) They had sought a judgment (and the judgment was passed on them) and every tyrant, the enemy of the Truth, suffered ignominy. *24
*24 In order to grasp the real significance of these historical events, it should be kept in view that these are being related here as answers to those objections which the disbelievers of Makkah raised before the Holy Prophet. As the conditions there at the time of the revelation of this Surah were exactly like those of the peoples of the former Prophets, they have been cited here to warn the Quraish along with the other mushriks of Arabia of the consequences,' as if to say, "The former disbelievers challenged their Messengers and were destroyed and the Believers were established in the land. Likewise your future also entirely depends on the attitude you adopt towards the Message of your Prophet. If you accept this, you will be allowed to remain in the land of Arabia, and if you reject it you shall be utterly uprooted from here." The subsequent events proved that this prophecy was literally fulfilled within fifteen years after this, for there remained not a single mushrik in the whole of Arabia. 

مِنْ وَرَائِهِ جَهَنَّمُ وَيُسْقَىٰ مِنْ مَاءٍ صَدِيدٍ {14:16}
[Q14:16] Minw waraaa'ihee jahannamu wa yusqaa mim maaa'in sadeed. 
[Q14:16] Hell is before him and he shall be given to drink of festering water:
[Q14:16] Di belakangnya disediakan Neraka Jahannam dan dia akan diberi minum dari air danur (yang keluar dari tubuh ahli Neraka).

The hell will be in front of the evil-doers, BUT as they never look forward -they are involved in the immediate past or the present -the Qur’an uses wara which literally means "behind", BECAUSE FROM THE STANDPOINT OF APPLICATION OF THE HEART AND MIND their future is always behind them.
For "a festering or putrid water" see commentary of al Kahf 7:29 and Muhammad 47:15.
(14:16) Then after this Hell lies before him where he shall get tainted water to drink,

يَتَجَرَّعُهُ وَلَا يَكَادُ يُسِيغُهُ وَيَأْتِيهِ الْمَوْتُ مِنْ كُلِّ مَكَانٍ وَمَا هُوَ بِمَيِّتٍ ۖ وَمِنْ وَرَائِهِ عَذَابٌ غَلِيظٌ {14:17}
[Q14:17] Yatajarra'uhoo wa laa yakaadu yuseeghuhoo wa yaateehil mawtu min kulli makaaninw wa maa huwa bimaiyitinw wa minw waraaa'ihee 'azaabun ghaleez. 
[Q14:17] He will drink it little by little and will not be able to swallow it agreeably, and death will come to him from every quarter, but he shall not die; and there shall be vehement chastisement before him.
[Q14:17] Dia meminumnya dengan terpaksa dan hampir-hampir tidak dapat diterima oleh tekaknya (kerana busuknya) dan dia didatangi (penderitaan) maut dari segala arah, sedang dia tidak pula mati (supaya terlepas dari azab seksa itu) dan selain dari itu, ada lagi azab seksa yang lebih berat. 
(14:17) which he shall try to gulp down, but will scarcely swallow it. Death shall surround him on all sides, yet he shall not die; and before him there shall be a grievous torment. 

مَثَلُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا بِرَبِّهِمْ ۖ أَعْمَالُهُمْ كَرَمَادٍ اشْتَدَّتْ بِهِ الرِّيحُ فِي يَوْمٍ عَاصِفٍ ۖ لَا يَقْدِرُونَ مِمَّا كَسَبُوا عَلَىٰ شَيْءٍ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ هُوَ الضَّلَالُ الْبَعِيدُ {14:18}
[Q14:18] Masalul lazeena kafaroo bi Rabbihim a'maaluhum karamaadinish taddat bihir reehu fee yawmin 'aasif; laa yaqdiroona mimmaa kasaboo 'alaa shai'; zaalika huwad dalaalul ba'eed. 
[Q14:18] The parable of those who disbelieve in their Lord: their actions are like ashes on which the wind blows hard on a stormy day; they shall not have power over any thing out of what they have earned; this is the great error.
[Q14:18] Bandingan (segala kebaikan amal dan usaha) orang-orang yang kufur ingkar terhadap Tuhannya ialah seperti abu yang diterbangkan angin pada hari ribut yang kencang; mereka tidak memperoleh sesuatu faedah pun dari apa yang mereka telah usahakan itu. Sia-sianya amalan itu ialah kesan kesesatan yang jauh dari dasar kebenaran. 
(14:18) The works of those who disbelieved may be likened, to the ashes which the wind scatters on a stormy day. They shall not be able to gain anything from what they did. *25 This is the extreme deviation.
*25 That is, "Those who were perfidious, faithless, and disobedient to the Divine Message, and refused to adopt that Way to which the Messengers invited, will find in the end that all the deeds and earnings of their lives were as worthless as a heap of ashes. Just as each and every particle of a high mound of ashes formed during a long course of years is scattered by the wind on a stormy day, likewise all their grand works will prove on the stormy Doomsday to be no more than a mound of ashes. Their dazzling culture, their grand civilization, their wonderful kingdoms and states, their magnificent universities, their sciences and their literatures, nay, even their hypocritical worship, and so-called virtuous deeds, their charitable and reformative works of which they were very proud in the worldly lift, shall prove to be as worthless as a heap of ashes, and will be scattered by the "Storm" of the Day of Resurrection. So much so that there shall not remain a single particle of their works worthy of being placed in the Divine scale on that Day in their favour. 

أَلَمْ تَرَ أَنَّ اللَّهَ خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ بِالْحَقِّ ۚ إِنْ يَشَأْ يُذْهِبْكُمْ وَيَأْتِ بِخَلْقٍ جَدِيدٍ {14:19}
[Q14:19] Alam tara annal laaha khalaqas samaawaati wal arda bilhaqq; iny yashaa yuzhibkum wa yaati bikhalqin jadeed. 
[Q14:19] Do you not see that ALLAH (SWT) created the heavens and the earth with truth? If He please He will take you off and bring a new creation,
[Q14:19] Tidakkah engkau telah nampak dan mengetahui bahawa ALLAH (SwT) telah menciptakan langit dan bumi dengan cara yang sungguh layak dan berhikmat? Jika Dia kehendaki nescaya dibinasakanNya kamu (dengan sebab kekufuran kamu) dan didatangkan pula dengan makhluk-makhluk yang baru.

The people are addressed through the Holy Prophet (ALLAHuma sali ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad).
(14:19) Do you not see that Allah has based the creation of the heavens and the earth on truth? *26 If He will, He can put you away and bring in a new creation in your place.
*26 This is the proof of the preceding statement that the works of the disbelievers are worthless like ashes. The question implies: "Why are you sceptical of this? Do you not see that the grand system of the earth and the heavens is based on the survival of Truth and not on the survival of falsehood. Everything bears witness to the fact that anything which is not based on truth and reality but rests on unreal speculation and guess-work cannot continue live long. Therefore anyone who builds his works on the latter will most surely fail in his designs. For it is obvious that such a person builds his works on sand and should not, therefore, expect that they can last long. Likewise those who discard the truth and reality and build their works on false theories and presumptions should not expect at all that they can have any lasting value for they are bound to be scattered like worthless ashes. If this is obvious as it is, why should you cherish any doubts about the fact that anyone who builds the system of his life on the basis that he is independent of AIIah or on the god-head of someone else (whereas there is no other God) shall inevitably find aII his works to be worthless? When the fact is that man is not absolutely independent in this world nor is he the servant of anyone else than Allah, why should you not expect that anyone who builds his works on this falsehood, shall find that all his works were worthless like the heap of ashes that was scattered all over by the wind?" 

وَمَا ذَٰلِكَ عَلَى اللَّهِ بِعَزِيزٍ {14:20}
[Q14:20] Wa maa zaalika 'alal laahi bi 'azeez. 
[Q14:20] And this is not difficult for ALLAH (SWT).
[Q14:20] Dan yang demikian itu tidaklah sukar bagi ALLAH (SwT) melakukannya.  
(14:20) And that is not at all a difficult thing for Allah. *27
*27 This is by way of admonition that follows immediately the proof of the statement in the preceding verse. This removes also any doubt that might arise concerning that decisive statement. One might question it like this: "If the creation is really based on the survival of truth, why is it that every follower of falsehood and every wrong-doer is not destroyed forthwith?" This is the answer: "O foolish man! Do you think that it is difficult for Allah to destroy such a person? Or, do you think that Allah does not destroy him because he has some close relationship with Him? If this is not so, and you yourself know that it is not so, you should understand it well that any community that follows falsehood and commits wicked deeds is always in danger of being removed to make room for a better community to work in its stead. If respite is given and the threat does not take a practical shape it dces not mean that there is no danger at all. Instead of being neglectful, you should make use of every moment of this respite and realize that the false system which you arc following is not stable and durable. You should, therefore, build it on stable and durable foundations." 

وَبَرَزُوا لِلَّهِ جَمِيعًا فَقَالَ الضُّعَفَاءُ لِلَّذِينَ اسْتَكْبَرُوا إِنَّا كُنَّا لَكُمْ تَبَعًا فَهَلْ أَنْتُمْ مُغْنُونَ عَنَّا مِنْ عَذَابِ اللَّهِ مِنْ شَيْءٍ ۚ قَالُوا لَوْ هَدَانَا اللَّهُ لَهَدَيْنَاكُمْ ۖ سَوَاءٌ عَلَيْنَا أَجَزِعْنَا أَمْ صَبَرْنَا مَا لَنَا مِنْ مَحِيصٍ {14:21}
[Q14:21] Wa barazoo lillaahi jamee'an faqaalad du'afaaa'u lillazeenas takbarooo innaa kunnaa lakum taba'an fahal antum mughnoona 'annaa min 'azaabil laahi min shai'; qaaloo law hadaanal laahu lahadai naakum sawaaa'un 'alainaaa ajazi'naa am sabarnaa maa lanaa mim mahees. 
[Q14:21] And they shall all come forth before ALLAH (SWT), then the weak shall say to those who were proud: Surely we were your followers, can you therefore avert from us any part of the chastisement of ALLAH (SWT)? They would say: If ALLAH (SWT) had guided us, we too would have guided you; it is the same to us whether we are impatient (now) or patient, there is no place for us to fly to.
[Q14:21] Dan mereka sekalian tetap akan berhimpun mengadap ALLAH (SwT) (untuk dihisab pada hari kiamat); kemudian orang-orang yang lemah (yang menjadi pengikut) kepada orang-orang yang sombong takbur itu akan berkata kepada mereka (yang menjadi pemimpinnya): Sesungguhnya kami telah menjadi pengikut kamu; maka adakah kamu dapat menolak daripada kami sedikit dari azab ALLAH (SwT)? Mereka menjawab: Kalaulah ALLAH (SwT) menunjukkan jalan selamat kepada kami, tentulah kami tunjukkan jalan itu kepada kamu. (Sekarang) sama sahaja kepada kita, samada kita menggelisah dan mengeluh atau kita bersabar, tiadalah sebarang jalan bagi kita untuk melepaskan diri (dari azab itu).

EACH SOUL BEARS ITS OWN BURDEN. IT CANNOT BE SHIFTED TO OTHERS. The evil-doers will turn to those who misled them in the hope that they may help them BUT THEY THEMSELVES will find no way of escape from the wrath of ALLAH (SWT).
(14:21) And when those people shall all be exposed together before Allah, *28 then those who were weak in this world will say to those who had posed as big ones, "As we followed you in the world, can you now do anything to relieve us from the torment of Allah?" They will reply, "Had Allah guided us to the way of salvation, we would have certainly guided you to it. Now it is all the same whether we bewail it or bear it with patience: there is for us no way of escape." *29
*28 The word (baruz) means `to emerge' and also implies `to become known'. That is why it has been translated into "shall be exposed before Allah", for it implies both these meanings. As a matter of fact, all the people are fully exposed all the time before AIlah but they do not realize it. They will, however, realize it on the Day of Judgment when they shall be presented before the "Greatest of all Judges" that they were fully exposed before Him all along. So much so that every deed they did and each and everything they thought and desired is known to Him.
*29 This is to serve as a warning to all those people who follow others blindly or obey and submit to tyrants because they say, "We are weak." They are warned, as if to say "You should note it well that those leaders, saints, officers and rulers whom you are following blindly today, will not be able to protect you at aII from the chastisement of Allah. Therefore, you should consider it well today where such people, whom you are following or obeying, are themselves going and where they are leading you. "

Disbelievers shall be disappointed---Truth shall be established
The disbelievers disappointed by the Devil who shall forsake them---The faithful shall enter the ever-blissful life---Good and bad words compared in a parable---ALLAH acts as he pleases.

وَقَالَ الشَّيْطَانُ لَمَّا قُضِيَ الْأَمْرُ إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَعَدَكُمْ وَعْدَ الْحَقِّ وَوَعَدْتُكُمْ فَأَخْلَفْتُكُمْ ۖ وَمَا كَانَ لِيَ عَلَيْكُمْ مِنْ سُلْطَانٍ إِلَّا أَنْ دَعَوْتُكُمْ فَاسْتَجَبْتُمْ لِي ۖ فَلَا تَلُومُونِي وَلُومُوا أَنْفُسَكُمْ ۖ مَا أَنَا بِمُصْرِخِكُمْ وَمَا أَنْتُمْ بِمُصْرِخِيَّ ۖ إِنِّي كَفَرْتُ بِمَا أَشْرَكْتُمُونِ مِنْ قَبْلُ ۗ إِنَّ الظَّالِمِينَ لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ {14:22}
[Q14:22] Wa qaalash Shaitaanu lammaa qudiyal amru innal laaha wa'adakum wa'dal haqqi wa wa'attukum faakhlaftukum wa maa kaana liya 'alaikum min sultaanin illaaa an da'awtukum fastajabtum lee falaa taloomoonee wa loomooo anfusakum maaa ana bimusrikhikum wa maaa antum bimusrikhiyya innee kafartu bimaaa ashraktumooni min qabl; innaz zaalimeena lahum azaabun aleem.- 
[Q14:22] And the Shaitan shall say after the affair is decided: Surely ALLAH (SWT) promised you the promise of truth, and I gave you promises, then failed to keep them to you, and I had no authority over you, except that I called you and you obeyed me, therefore do not blame me but blame yourselves: I cannot be your aider (now) nor can you be my aiders; surely I disbelieved in your associating me with ALLAH (SWT) before; surely it is the unjust that shall have the painful punishment.
[Q14:22] Dan berkatalah pula Syaitan setelah selesai perkara itu: Sesungguhnya ALLAH (SwT) telah menjanjikan kamu dengan janji yang benar dan aku telah menjanjikan kamu lalu aku mungkiri janjiku itu kepada kamu dan tiadalah bagiku sebarang alasan dan kuasa mempengaruhi kamu selain daripada aku telah mengajak kamu lalu kamu terburu-buru menurut ajakanku itu; maka janganlah kamu salahkan daku tetapi salahkan diri kamu sendiri. Aku tidak dapat menyelamatkan kamu dan kamu juga tidak dapat menyelamatkan daku. Sesungguhnya dari dahulu lagi aku telah kufur ingkarkan (perintah Tuhan) yang kamu sekutukan daku denganNya. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang zalim (yang meletakkan sesuatu pada bukan tempatnya) beroleh azab yang tidak terperi sakitnya. 

THE PROMISE OF ALLAH (SWT) WAS TRUE, but the evildoers believed in Shaytan who had no power to force them. He merely called them and they came running to him. THEY MUST BLAME THEMSELVES. Shaytan knew well that he was not and never could be equal to ALLAH (SWT), SO THE EVILDOERS MUST SUFFER THE PENALTY.
The satanic forces, their false promises and their self-proclaimed authority attract the attention of THOSE WHO WILFULLY SEPARATE THEMSELVES FROM THE TRUE GUIDANCE OF ALLAH (SWT) MADE AVAILABLE TO MANKIND THROUGH THE QUR’AN, THE HOLY PROPHET (ALLAHUMA SALI ALA MUHAMMAD WA ALA ALI MUHAMMAD) AND HIS AHLUL BAYT. THEIR RESPONSE TO SHAYTAN IS PURELY THEIR OWN CHOICE, so they must suffer the consequences-a painful eternal chastisement.
(14:22) And when Our judgment has been passed, Satan will say, "The fact is that the promises Allah had made with you were all true. I, too, made some promises with you but I failed to keep any of them. *30 Yet I had no power over you; I did nothing but to invite you to my way and you accepted my invitation. *31 So do not now blame me, but blame yourselves. I cannot help you here, nor can you help me. I dissociate myself from your making me a partner with God before this. *32 Such wrong-doers are sure to receive a grievous torment."
*30 When the criminals will charge Satan with leading them astray, he will plead guilty, as if to say, "You yourselves see now that all the promises and warnings made by Allah have come out true and all the promises which I made have proved to be false. I also confess that it was all deception that I gave you false assurances of prosperity, beguiled you by greed and enticed you in the snare of great expectations. I assured you that in the first instance there will be no life in the Hereafter, and that, if there be any you will go scot-free by the intercession of such and such a saint. The only thing you have to do is to make offerings before him: then you may do whatever you please, for he will deliver you from all the consequences. I repeat that I said all these things and asked my agents to say the same."
*31 That is, "You cannot say and prove that it was I who forced you to follow the wrong way, whereas you wanted to follow the Right Way. You will yourselves admit that it is not so. I did no more than this that I invited you to falsehood in opposition to the invitation to the Truth and tempted you to vice instead of virtue. But I had no power to force you to the wrong way, if you desired to follow the Right Way. When you had the power and the option to follow either of the ways. Now I am ready to bear the burden of the wicked invitation I extended to you, but you are not justified in any way to throw on me the burden of accepting my invitation for you did it on your own responsibility. You should, therefore, yourselves bear all its consequences." 
*32 This is a clear proof of shirk in practice, as apart from shirk in creed. As Satan will charge his followers with making him a partner with God, it is obvious that as far as creed is concerned there is no one who makes Satan a partner with God in His Godhead or His worship: nay, every one curses him for his evil ways. Nevertheless, people obey and submit to him and follow him blindly, as if he were their "god" and that is what has been termed shirk.
Let us now consider this thesis from the opposite point of view. Some one might say that this does not hold good, for this is based on a mere saying of Satan which has been cited here. First, this objection is not sound because Allah Himself would have refuted it, had it been baseless. Secondly, this is not the only instance of shirk in practice in the Qur'an. HERE ARE A FEW MORE INSTANCES OF THIS: 
(a) It charges the Jews and Christians with shirk because they set up their priests and monks as their "Lords" besides AIIah. (IX: 31). 
(b) Those who follow the superstitious customs have been called mushriks. (VI: 136-139). 
(c) Those who follow their lusts have been charged with making their "selves" their "god". (XXV: 43). 
(d) Those who are disobedient to Allah have been accused of worshipping "Satan". (XXXVI: 60). 
(e) Those who follow man-made laws without Allah's sanction have been reproved for setting up the makers of the laws without Allah's sanction as partners with God. (XLI: 21).
All the above instances are clear proofs of THE FACT THAT SHIRK IS NOT CONFINED TO THIS CREED ALONE THAT ONE MIGHT SET UP A PARTNER WITH ALLAH IN HIS GODHEAD AS AN ARTICLE OF FAITH. BUT IT IS ALSO SHIRK THAT ONE SHOULD FOLLOW AND SURRENDER TO SOME ONE OTHER THAN ALLAH WITHOUT ANY DIVINE SANCTION OR IN SPITE OF A DIVINE PROHIBITION. Such a one shall be guilty of shirk even though the follower might be at the same time cursing the one whom he follows and obeys. The only difference between the two kinds of shirk may be the extent of the crime and not its nature. 

وَأُدْخِلَ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ جَنَّاتٍ تَجْرِي مِنْ تَحْتِهَا الْأَنْهَارُ خَالِدِينَ فِيهَا بِإِذْنِ رَبِّهِمْ ۖ تَحِيَّتُهُمْ فِيهَا سَلَامٌ{14:23}
[Q14:23] Wa udkhilal lazeena aamanoo wa 'amilus saalihaati Jannaatin tajree min tahtihal anhaaru khaalideena feehaa bi izni Rabbihim tahiyyatuhum feeha salaam. 
[Q14:23] And those who believe and do good are made to enter gardens, beneath which rivers flow, to abide in them by their Lord's permission; their greeting therein is, Peace.
[Q14:23] Dan dimasukkanlah orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh, ke dalam Syurga-syurga yang mengalir di bawahnya beberapa sungai; mereka kekal di dalamnya dengan izin Tuhan mereka; ucapan selamat sentiasa mereka dapati (dari malaikat) di dalam Syurga-syurga itu. 

Refer to the commentary of Yunus 10:10.
(14:23) And (in contrast to the transgressors), those who have believed and done righteous deeds, `shall be admitted to Gardens underneath which canals flow. They shall abide there for ever by the permission of their Lord, and they shall be welcomed there by "peace be on you." *33
*33 The Arabic word (tahiyyah) is literally a "prayer for long life," but in usage it is a greeting at meeting. Therefore, the expression may mean: "they will welcome one another with 'peace be on you' or will be welcomed with these words". It may also be noted that the word (salam) implies both a prayer for "peace" and a congratulation on it. 

أَلَمْ تَرَ كَيْفَ ضَرَبَ اللَّهُ مَثَلًا كَلِمَةً طَيِّبَةً كَشَجَرَةٍ طَيِّبَةٍ أَصْلُهَا ثَابِتٌ وَفَرْعُهَا فِي السَّمَاءِ {14:24}
[Q14:24] Alam tara kaifa darabal laahu masalan kalimatan taiyibatan kashajaratin taiyibatin asluhaa saabitunw wa far'uhaa fis samaaa’-
[Q14:24] Have you not considered how ALLAH (SWT) sets forth a parable of a good word (being) like a good tree, whose root is firm and whose branches are in heaven,
[Q14:24] Tidakkah engkau melihat (wahai Muhammad) bagaimana ALLAH (SwT) mengemukakan satu perbandingan, iaitu: Kalimah yang baik adalah sebagai sebatang pohon yang baik, yang pangkalnya (akar tunjangnya) tetap teguh dan cabang pucuknya menjulang ke langit. 

Kalimatan tayyibah (a goodly word) is usually interpreted as the divine word, thought or deed, BUT, IN A MORE GENERAL SENSE, it may be interpreted AS A THOUGHT, WORD OR DEED OF GOODNESS OF ANY OTHER GOOD AND NOBLE AGENCY, OTHER THAN ALLAH (SWT), WHICH EMANATES FROM A TRUE UNDERSTANDING AND APPLICATION OF THE RELIGION OF ALLAH (SWT) -it is like a goodly tree which is firmly rooted and grows higher and higher with ever green branches, always yielding fruit; and the heavens is the limit.
Kalimatin khabithah (an evil word), likened to an evil tree, is the opposite of the goodly tree.
»    The Holy Prophet (ALLAHuma sali ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad) said:
"Islam is the goodly tree. Belief in ALLAH (SWT) is its root. Salat, sawm, zakat, khums and jihad are its branches. Reliance upon ALLAH (SWT), good manners, piety and abstinence from whatever is forbidden are its leaves."
»    According to Imam Jafar bin Muhammad al Sadiq, the Holy Prophet (ALLAHuma sali ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad) also said:
"I am the root of the goodly tree. Ali is its trunk, my divinely chosen Ahlul Bayt are its branches and the pious followers of my Ahl ul Bayt are its leaves."
»    Imam Ali bin Musa al Rida has quoted lmam Ali to say
That root, trunk and branches are the essential parts of a tree, likewise (if Islam is compared to a goodly tree) sincere belief in the true faith, ingrained in the heart and mind of a believer, is the root, declaration is the trunk and practice of the prescribed religious laws is the leaves.
»    The Holy Prophet (ALLAHuma sali ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad) said:
"The parable of the evil tree refers to Bani Umayyah."
The opposite of the goodly tree mentioned in verse 24 of this surah is the evil tree which has no root, no growth and no utility at all.
(14:24) Do you not see to what Allah' has likened the `Pure Word' *34? It is like a good tree which has got deep roots into the earth and whose branches have spread high up into heaven. *35
*34 Though the expression literally means "Pure Word," here it stands for "Truthful Saying and Righteous Creed". According to the Qur'an, this 'Saying' and 'Creed" are the acceptance of the doctrine of Tauhid, belief in Prophethood and Revelation, and in the lift of the Hereafter, for it declares these things to be the fundamental truths. 
*35 This is to show the strength and extent of the "Pure Word". As the entire system of the universe hangs upon the Reality contained in this "Pure Word" which the believer Professes, the earth and its entire system co-operates with him and the heaven with its entire system welcomes him. There is, therefore, no conflict between him and the Law of nature, and everything in its very nature extends its help to him. 

 تُؤْتِي أُكُلَهَا كُلَّ حِينٍ بِإِذْنِ رَبِّهَا ۗ وَيَضْرِبُ اللَّهُ الْأَمْثَالَ لِلنَّاسِ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَتَذَكَّرُونَ {14:25}
[Q14:25] Tu'teee ukulahaa kulla heenim bi izni Rabbihaa; wa yadribul laahul amsaala linnaasi la'allahum yatazak karoon. 
[Q14:25] Yielding its fruit in every season by the permission of its Lord? And ALLAH (SWT) sets forth parables for men that they may be mindful.
[Q14:25] Ia mengeluarkan buahnya pada tiap-tiap masa dengan izin Tuhannya dan ALLAH (SwT) mengemukakan perbandingan-perbandingan itu untuk manusia, supaya mereka beringat (mendapat pelajaran). 
(see commentary for verse 24)
(14:25) It bears good fruit every moment by the permission of its Lord. *36 Allah cites these parables for the benefit of people so that they learn a lesson from them.
*36 That is, the "Pure Word" is so fruitful that every person (or community) who bases his system of life on it, gets benefit from it every moment for it helps to produce clearness in thought, balance in temperament, strength in character, purity in morals, firmness in conduct, righteousness in talk, straightforwardness in conversation, good temperament in social behaviour, nobility in culture, justice and equity in economy, honesty in politics, nobility in war, sincerity in peace; confidence in promises and pledges. In short, it is the elixir that changes everything into gold if one makes the proper use of it. 

وَمَثَلُ كَلِمَةٍ خَبِيثَةٍ كَشَجَرَةٍ خَبِيثَةٍ اجْتُثَّتْ مِنْ فَوْقِ الْأَرْضِ مَا لَهَا مِنْ قَرَارٍ {14:26}
[Q14:26] Wa masalu kalimatin khabeesatin kashajaratin khabee satinij tussat min fawqil ardi maa lahaa min qaraar. 
[Q14:26] And the parable of an evil word is as an evil tree pulled up from the earth's surface; it has no stability.
[Q14:26] Dan bandingan Kalimah yang jahat dan buruk samalah seperti sebatang pohon yang tidak berguna yang mudah tercabut akar-akarnya dari muka bumi; tidak ada tapak baginya untuk tetap hidup.  
(see commentary for verse 24)
(14:26) And an `evil word' *37 may be likened to an evil tree; which is torn out from the earth and has no stability. *38
*37 "Evil word" is the opposite of "Pure Word" It may be applied to everything that is unreal and wrong but here it stands for any false creed that one might adopt as a basis of one's system of life, irrespective of whether it be atheism or heresy or disbelief or shirk or idol-worship or any other "ism" that has not been brought by a Messenger. 
*38 And "evil word" (false creed) has no stability because it is against the Law of nature. Therefore, everything in the universe opposes it and refutes it, as if the earth hates it and is ready to spit out its seeds every time they are sown in it, and if some need succeeds in growing an evil tree, heaven suppresses down its branches. In fact, false creed could never have been allowed to develop, if man had not been given the freedom of choice and respite for work for the sake of his trial. That is why when same foolish people exert to establish a system of life on it, it is allowed to grow to a certain extent, but it produces nothing but harmful results as long as it lasts. And no sooner dces it encounter with adverse circumstances than it is thoroughly uprooted from the earth.
The distinction between the "Pure Word" and the "evil word" is so apparent that anyone who makes a critical study of the religious, moral, intellectual and cultural history of the world can perceive it easily. For the "Pure Word" has always been the one and same during the whole history of mankind and has never been uprooted. On the contrary, there have been innumerable "evil words" but each and every one has been so uprooted that there has remained hardly anything of it except its name in the pages of history. Nay, some of these had proved to be so absurd that if these are mentioned today one wonders how one could have followed such nonsensical things.
There has been another noteworthy difference between the two "words". Whenever and wherever the "Pure Word" has been adopted by an individual or a community, its blessings had not been confined to that individual and community but had benefited all around them. On the contrary, whenever and wherever an evil word has been adopted by an individual or a community, its evils had spread chaos and disorder all around them.
In this connection, it should also be noted that the parable of the "Pure Word" and the "evil word" explains the same theme that had been explained by the similitudes of the mound of ashes that is blown away by the "wind" of the stormy day (v. f8) and of the "foam cf flood", and the "scum of the melted metals." (XIII: 17)  

يُثَبِّتُ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا بِالْقَوْلِ الثَّابِتِ فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا وَفِي الْآخِرَةِ ۖ وَيُضِلُّ اللَّهُ الظَّالِمِينَ ۚ وَيَفْعَلُ اللَّهُ مَا يَشَاءُ {14:27}
[Q14:27] Yusabbitul laahul lazeena aamanoo bilqawlis saabiti fil hayaatid dunyaa wa fil Aakhirati wa yudillul laahuz zaalimeen; wa yaf'alul laahu maa yashaaa'. 
[Q14:27] ALLAH (SWT) confirms those who believe with the sure word in this world's life and in the hereafter, and ALLAH (SWT) causes the unjust to go astray, and ALLAH (SWT) does what He pleases.
[Q14:27] ALLAH (SwT) menetapkan (pendirian) orang-orang yang beriman dengan kalimah yang tetap teguh dalam kehidupan dunia dan akhirat dan ALLAH (SwT) menyesatkan orang-orang yang berlaku zalim (kepada diri mereka sendiri) dan ALLAH (SwT) berkuasa melakukan apa yang dikehendakiNya. 

Qawlith thabit means the firm word OR the word that stands firm (undeniable assertion or unshakeable belief or conviction). It refers to the strong and SINCERE BELIEF IN THE TRUE FAITH INGRAINED IN THE HEART AND MIND OF A BELIEVER.
v  Imam Ali ibne Abi Talib has said that in the agony of death every man remembers his wealth, children and deeds to seek help from them, BUT
v  1. His wealth cannot do more than buying a shroud for him,
v  2. His children will only take him to the graveyard and put him in the grave, BUT
v  3. His deeds, good and bad, will accompany him to his ultimate destination- the day of reckoning.
AFTER DEATH THOSE WHO LIVED IN THIS WORLD LIKE THE GOODLY TREE WILL LIVE IN PEACE AND BLISS WHILE those who lived like the evil tree will suffer untold miseries till the day of resurrection and eternal punishment after the day of judgement.
(14:27) Allah makes the believers steadfast in the life of this world and of the Hereafter with the firm Word *39 but lets the transgressors go astray. *40 Allah has full power to do as He will.
*39 That is, "The believers remain steadfast during the life of this world because of their stable system of life based on this "Pure Word" For this gives than a straight point of view, a sound system of thought and a comprehensive theory of life, and it serves as a master key to the unravelling of aII knots and the solving of all problems. With its help, they acquire that strength of character and that firmness of conduct which keep them steady in the face of every vicissitude of life. This provides them also with such solid principles of life which give them peace of mind and heart, and prevent them from deviation and caprice. Above all, when, after the life of this world, they will enter into the life of the Hereafter, they will remain perfectly calm without any tinge of fear or anxiety, for they will find everything therein to be in accordance with their expectations, as if they were fully acquainted with every aspect of it before they entered into it. For they had been .fully informed of, and therefore fully prepared for every stage and phase of this life. That is why they will pass through every stage with perfect calmness and firmness in contrast to the disbelievers who built their worldly lives on an "evil word" and will, therefore, be taken aback to find everything against their expectations. 
*40 That is, "AIIah lets the transgressors, who discard the "Pure Word" and follow an "evil word", go astray by creating confusion in their minds and misdirecting their efforts because of this deviation. That is why they cannot find the right way of thought and action and so fail miserably. 

The ingratitude of men to ALLAH’s Bounties
Men returning the bounties of ALLAH---Exhotation to the faithful servants of ALLAH to establish prayer and giving of alms---The Great Bounties of ALLAH referred to.

أَلَمْ تَرَ إِلَى الَّذِينَ بَدَّلُوا نِعْمَتَ اللَّهِ كُفْرًا وَأَحَلُّوا قَوْمَهُمْ دَارَ الْبَوَارِ {14:28}
[Q14:28] Alam tara ilal lazeena baddaloo ni'matal laahi kufranw wa ahalloo qawmahum daaral bawaar – 
[Q14:28] Have you not seen those who have changed ALLAH (SWT)'s favor for ungratefulness and made their people to alight into the abode of perdition.
[Q14:28] Tidakkah engkau melihat (dan merasa ajaib) terhadap orang-orang kafir yang telah menukar kesyukuran nikmat ALLAH (SwT) dengan kekufuran dan yang telah menempatkan kaum mereka dalam kebinasaan?

Ü  IT REFERS [1] not only to the disbelievers BUT ALSO [2] to those who did not fulfil the covenant they accepted as true and final at Ghadir Khum, and also led others astray.
(14:28) You have seen those people who repaid the bounty of Allah with ingratitude and hurled their people (along with themselves) into the abode of perdition-

جَهَنَّمَ يَصْلَوْنَهَا ۖ وَبِئْسَ الْقَرَارُ {14:29}
[Q14:29] Jahannama yaslawnahaa wa bi'sal qaraar. 
[Q14:29] (Into) hell? They shall enter into it and an evil place it is to settle in.
[Q14:29] (Iaitu) Neraka Jahannam yang mereka akan menderita bakarannya dan (ingatlah), seburuk-buruk tempat tetap ialah Neraka Jahannam.  
(see commentary for verse 28)
(14:29) Hell, wherein they shall enter and it is the most wretched abode to live!

وَجَعَلُوا لِلَّهِ أَنْدَادًا لِيُضِلُّوا عَنْ سَبِيلِهِ ۗ قُلْ تَمَتَّعُوا فَإِنَّ مَصِيرَكُمْ إِلَى النَّارِ {14:30}
[Q14:30] Wa ja'aloo lillaahi andaadal liyudilloo 'an sabeelih; qul tamatta'oo fa innaa maseerakum ilan Naar. 
[Q14:30] And they set up equals with ALLAH (SWT) that they may lead (people) astray from His path. Say: Enjoy yourselves, for surely your return is to the fire.
[Q14:30] Dan mereka mengadakan sekutu-sekutu bagi ALLAH (SwT) untuk menyesatkan manusia dari jalanNya. Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): Bersenang-senanglah kamu (bagi sementara di dunia), kerana sesungguhnya kesudahan kamu ke Neraka. 

(14:30) And they set up equals with Allah so that they should lead them astray from the way of Allah. Tell them, "Well, you may enjoy yourselves for a while for ultimately you shall have to return to the Fire of Hell."

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