SURAH (110) AN-NASR (AYA 1 to 3)
Sura (110) AN-NASR (The
Help) Aya 1 to 3 verses in 1 Section
at Makka
(SwT)’s help brings multitudes to ALLAH (SwT)’s Religion.
It is with ALLAH (SwT)’s help that mankind
enters ALLAH (SwT)’s religion---ALLAH (SwT) is Oft-Turning merciful.
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
إِذَا جَاءَ نَصْرُ اللَّهِ وَالْفَتْحُ {110:1}
[Q110:1] Iza jaa-a nas ruLLahi walfath.
[Q110:1] When comes the Help of Allah (to you, O Muhammad (pbuh & hp) against your enemies) and the conquest (of Makkah),
[Q110:1] When comes the Help of Allah (to you, O Muhammad (pbuh & hp) against your enemies) and the conquest (of Makkah),
other Arab tribes sent their deputations to the Holy Prophet (pbuh & hf) and entered the folds of
the faith, Islam, one after another.
The world knows that the one, the
Holy Prophet (pbuh & hf) who was
persecuted and haunted out of his birth-place Makka, and who took refuge in Madina, could not be defeated or stopped
from having his godly way, even by the most formidable forces of the Makkaans
and their confederates.
His mission gradually made its
way and all the wickedness and the treachery of the enemy, recoiled on the
enemies themselves.
NOW the prophecy and the promise came from the Lord
with which all the outlying parts of Arabia ranged themselves under the banner
of Islam. This was the return for the
conviction, sincerity, perseverance and sacrifice, in the way of the Lord. NOW the
tribes together offered their collective adherence, paving the way for further
triumph of the faith in the outer world to its limits, remaining in store for
the future.
µ It is said that this
chapter was the last of the revelations from which people sensed the
closing days of the ministry of the Holy Prophet (pbuh & hf) were
The 1st and the 2nd verse refer to the apparent progress of the
religion throughout Arabia AND IT ALSO REFERS to
the spiritual state of the realisation where the Holy Prophet (pbuh & hf) saw every being in submission to the
will of ALLAH (SWT) ---conforming to verse 3:83.
(110:1) When the help comes from Allah, and victory (is
granted), *1
*1 Victory
here does not imply victory in any one particular campaign but the decisive
victory after which there remained no power in the land to resist and oppose
Islam, and it became evident that Islam alone would hold sway in Arabia Some
commentators have taken this to imply the Conquest of Makkah. But the conquest
of Makkah took place in A.H. 8, and this Surah was revealed towards the end of
A.H.10, as is shown by the traditions related on the authority of Hadrat
`Abdullah bin `Umar and Hadrat Sarra' bint Nabhan, which we have cited in the
Introduction. Besides, the statement of Hadrat `Abdullah bin `Abbas that this
is the last Surah of the Qur'an to be revealed, also goes against this
commentary. For if the victory implied the conquest of Makkah, the whole of
Surah at-Taubah was revealed after it then it could not be the last Surah.
There is no doubt that the conquest of Makkah was decisive in that it broke the
power of the Arabian pagans, yet even after this, they showed clear signs of
resistance. The battles of Ta'if and Hunain were fought after it, and it took
Islam about two years to attain complete control over Arabia.
وَرَأَيْتَ النَّاسَ يَدْخُلُونَ فِي دِينِ اللَّهِ أَفْوَاجًا {110:2}
[Q110:2] Wa ra-aitan naasa yadkhuloona fee deeniL Laahi afwajah.
[Q110:2] And you see that the people enter Allah's religion (Islam) in crowds,
[Q110:2] And you see that the people enter Allah's religion (Islam) in crowds,
(110:2) and you see people entering Allah’s religion in
multitudes, *2
*2 "You see ... in crowds":
"When the time for the people to enter Islam in one's and two's comes to
an end, and when whole tribes and people belonging to large tracts start
entering it in crowds, of their own free will, and without offering battle or
resistance." This happened from the beginning of A.H. 9, because of which
that year has been described as the year of deputations. Deputations from every
part of Arabia started coming before the Holy Messenger (upon whom be peace),
entering Islam and taking the oath of allegiance to him, until when he went for
the Farewell Pilgrimage to Makkah, in A.H. 10, the whole of Arabia had become
Muslim, and not a single polytheist remained anywhere in the country.
فَسَبِّحْ بِحَمْدِ رَبِّكَ وَاسْتَغْفِرْهُ ۚ إِنَّهُ كَانَ تَوَّابًا {110:3}
[Q110:3] Fa sab bih bihamdi rabbika was taghfir, innahu kaana tawwaaba.
glorify the Praises of your Lord, and ask for His Forgiveness. Verily, He is
the One Who accepts the repentance and forgives.
It is directly an ordinance for mankind to celebrate
ALLAH (SWT)’s grace and glory, at each event of
success in life and seek His grace through prayer and earn the protection
through ALLAH (SWT)’s forgiveness of the shortcoming.
± ‘Istaghfar’ in the case of a sinful being,
means seeking the pardon of ALLAH (SWT); and
HERE ‘Istaghfar’ means the Holy
Prophet (pbuh & hf) asking for the protection of the Lord for
himself and his followers against the satanic forces of evil, and seeking pardon of the Lord on
behalf of his faithful adherents who might have been the prey of the human
weakness as did Moses for his people who had yield
to the worship of the Calf.
µ It is said that this
Surah was revealed ON
Prophet (pbuh & hf) standing at the entrance of the Holy Ka’ba said, “There is no God but ALLAH (SWT) the One and the Only,
He has fulfilled His promise and has helped His servant (the Holy Prophet (pbuh & hf))”. And
then entered it, and to each idol which was there in it, he pointed with his
staff and said, "Truth has come and falsehood
has vanished and the idol
fell headlong into pieces and for those which were fixed higher into the walls,
**he asked Ali
to mount up on his shoulders and Ali
mounted and put his hand with his miraculous strength and pulled each one of
the idols and dashed it to the ground. It is said that even the largest and the
most strongly fixed ones also were easily plucked out and even the idols of
strong metal broke into pieces.
When the Holy Prophet (pbuh & hf) recited
this Surah before his uncle Abbas began shedding tears and said that the matter
discloses the departure of the Holy
Prophet (pbuh & hf) from this world. The Holy Prophet (pbuh & hf) said “It
is so my dear uncle!” Two years later departed the Holy Prophet (pbuh & hf) from this world.
Ë Refer
to the commentary of Mumin 40:23; Fath 48:2
and Muhammad
47:15 and 19 for the meaning of the phrase "wastaghfirhu" whenever it is used for the infallible Holy Prophet (pbuh & hf) and his
Ahlul Bait.
(110:3) then extol the praise *3 of your Lord and pray to Him for
forgiveness. *4 For He indeed is ever disposed to accept
*3 Hamd
implies praising and hallowing Allah Almighty as well as thanking and paying
obeisance to Him; tasbih means to regard Allah as pure and free from every
blemish and weakness. The Holy Prophet was enjoined to do hamd and tasbih of
Allah when he witnessed this manifestation of His power. Here, hamd means that
in respect of his great success he should never entertain even a tinge of the
idea that it was the result of any excellence of his own, but he should
attribute it to Allah's favour and mercy, thank Him alone for it, and
acknowledge with the heart and tongue that praise and gratitude for the victory
and success belonged to Him alone. And tasbih means that he should regard Allah
as pure and free from the limitation that exaltation of his Word stood in need
of his effort and endeavour, or was dependent on it. On the contrary, his heart
should be filled with the faith that the success of his effort and struggle was
dependent upon Allah's support and succour. He could take this service from any
of His servants He pleased and it was His favour that He had taken it from him,
and made His religion meet success through him. Besides, there is an aspect of
wonder also in pronouncing the tasbih, i.e. Subhan Allah. When a wonderful incident
takes place, one exclaims subhan A/lah, thereby implying that only by Allah's
power such a wonderful thing had happened; otherwise no power of the world
could have caused it to happen.
*4 "Pray for His forgiveness": "Pray to your Lord to overlook; and pardon whatever error or weakness you might have shown inadvertently in the performance of the service that He had entrusted to you," This is the etiquette that Islam has taught to man. A man might have performed the highest possible service to Allah's Religion, might have offered countless sacrifices in its cause, and might have exerted himself extremely hard in carrying out the rites of His worship, yet he should never entertain the thought that he has fulfilled the right his Lord had on him wholly. Rather he should always think that he has not been able to fulfil what was required of him, and he should implore Allah, saying: "Lord, overlook and forgive whatever weakness I might have shown in rendering Your right, and accept the little service that I have been able to perform." When such an etiquette was taught to the Holy Messenger (upon whom be peace), none in the world conceivably has toiled and struggled so hard in the cause of Allah as he did, how can another person regard his work as superb and be involved in the misunderstanding that he has fulfilled the right Allah had imposed on him? Allah's right, in fact, is so supreme that no creature can ever fulfil and render it truly and fully.
Allah in this command has taught Muslims an eternal lesson: "Do not regard any of your worship, devotion or religious service as something superb; even if you have expended your entire life in the cause of Allah, you should always think that you could not do all that was required of you by your Lord. Likewise, when you attain some victory, you should not regard it as a result of some excellence in yourselves but as a result of only Allah's bounty and favour. Then bowing humbly before your Lord, you should praise and glorify Him, and should repent and beg for His forgiveness instead of boasting and bragging of your success and victory."
*4 "Pray for His forgiveness": "Pray to your Lord to overlook; and pardon whatever error or weakness you might have shown inadvertently in the performance of the service that He had entrusted to you," This is the etiquette that Islam has taught to man. A man might have performed the highest possible service to Allah's Religion, might have offered countless sacrifices in its cause, and might have exerted himself extremely hard in carrying out the rites of His worship, yet he should never entertain the thought that he has fulfilled the right his Lord had on him wholly. Rather he should always think that he has not been able to fulfil what was required of him, and he should implore Allah, saying: "Lord, overlook and forgive whatever weakness I might have shown in rendering Your right, and accept the little service that I have been able to perform." When such an etiquette was taught to the Holy Messenger (upon whom be peace), none in the world conceivably has toiled and struggled so hard in the cause of Allah as he did, how can another person regard his work as superb and be involved in the misunderstanding that he has fulfilled the right Allah had imposed on him? Allah's right, in fact, is so supreme that no creature can ever fulfil and render it truly and fully.
Allah in this command has taught Muslims an eternal lesson: "Do not regard any of your worship, devotion or religious service as something superb; even if you have expended your entire life in the cause of Allah, you should always think that you could not do all that was required of you by your Lord. Likewise, when you attain some victory, you should not regard it as a result of some excellence in yourselves but as a result of only Allah's bounty and favour. Then bowing humbly before your Lord, you should praise and glorify Him, and should repent and beg for His forgiveness instead of boasting and bragging of your success and victory."
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