SURAH (9) AT-TAWBAH (AYA 101 to 110)
وَمِمَّنْ حَوْلَكُمْ مِنَ الْأَعْرَابِ مُنَافِقُونَ
ۖ وَمِنْ أَهْلِ الْمَدِينَةِ ۖ مَرَدُوا عَلَى النِّفَاقِ لَا تَعْلَمُهُمْ ۖ
نَحْنُ نَعْلَمُهُمْ ۚ سَنُعَذِّبُهُمْ مَرَّتَيْنِ ثُمَّ يُرَدُّونَ إِلَىٰ عَذَابٍ
عَظِيمٍ {9:101}
[Q9:101] Wa mimmann hawlakum minal A'raabi munaafiqoona wa
min ahlil Madeenati maradoo 'alan nifaaq, laa ta'lamuhum nahnu na'lamuhum;
sanu'azzibuhum marrataini summa yuraddoona ilaa 'azaabin 'azeem.
[Q9:101] And from among those who are round about you of the dwellers of the desert there are hypocrites, and from among the people of Medina (also); they are stubborn in hypocrisy; you do not know them; We know them; We will chastise them twice then shall they be turned back to a grievous chastisement.
[Q9:101] And from among those who are round about you of the dwellers of the desert there are hypocrites, and from among the people of Medina (also); they are stubborn in hypocrisy; you do not know them; We know them; We will chastise them twice then shall they be turned back to a grievous chastisement.
[Q9:101] Dan di antara orang-orang yang
di sekeliling kamu dari orang-orang "A'rab" ada yang bersifat munafik
dan (demikian juga) sebahagian dari penduduk Madinah; mereka telah berkeras
dengan sifat munafik; engkau tidak mengetahui mereka (bahkan) Kamilah yang
mengetahui mereka. Kami akan azabkan mereka berulang-ulang, kemudian mereka
dikembalikan kepada azab yang besar.
(9:101) There are many hypocrites among the Bedouins
who dwell around you; likewise among the citizens of Al-Madinah there are
hypocrites who have become experts in hypocrisy. You do not know them, but We
do know them. *97 The time is coming when We will give them
double chastisement: *98 then they shall be returned to a far greater
*97 They
had become so expert in the art of hiding their hypocrisy that even the Holy
Prophet could not recognize them,
though he possessed immense sagacity and insight into human nature; so Allah
informed him about them.
*98 This double chastisement will be the loss of their worldly advantages and the victory of the Islamic Mission in the teeth of their opposition. Thus one chastisement shall be the loss of their worldly benefits for which they practised deceptions and adopted hypocritical attitudes, and instead of gaining wealth, honour and prestige they shall meet with disgrace and utter failure. The second chastisement will be in the shape of the victory of the Islamic Mission to defeat which they exerted their utmost by their machinations and plots. But the Islamic Mission will come out successful in the teeth of their evil wishes, desires, intentions and vicious efforts and they themselves shall witness its victory to their utter despair, regret, grief and sorrow.
*98 This double chastisement will be the loss of their worldly advantages and the victory of the Islamic Mission in the teeth of their opposition. Thus one chastisement shall be the loss of their worldly benefits for which they practised deceptions and adopted hypocritical attitudes, and instead of gaining wealth, honour and prestige they shall meet with disgrace and utter failure. The second chastisement will be in the shape of the victory of the Islamic Mission to defeat which they exerted their utmost by their machinations and plots. But the Islamic Mission will come out successful in the teeth of their evil wishes, desires, intentions and vicious efforts and they themselves shall witness its victory to their utter despair, regret, grief and sorrow.
وَآخَرُونَ اعْتَرَفُوا بِذُنُوبِهِمْ خَلَطُوا
عَمَلًا صَالِحًا وَآخَرَ سَيِّئًا عَسَى اللَّهُ أَنْ يَتُوبَ عَلَيْهِمْ ۚ إِنَّ
اللَّهَ غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ {9:102}
[Q9:102] Wa aakharoona' tarafoo bizunoobihim khalatoo
'amalan saalihanw wa aakhara saiyi'an 'asal laahu ai yatooba 'alaihim; innal
laaha Ghafoorur Raheem.
[Q9:102] And others have confessed their faults, they have mingled a good deed and an evil one; may be ALLAH (SWT) will turn to them (mercifully); surely ALLAH (SWT) is Forgiving, Merciful.
[Q9:102] And others have confessed their faults, they have mingled a good deed and an evil one; may be ALLAH (SWT) will turn to them (mercifully); surely ALLAH (SWT) is Forgiving, Merciful.
[Q9:102] Dan (sebahagian) yang lain
mengakui dosa-dosa mereka. Mereka telah mencampur adukkan amal yang baik dengan
amal yang lain, yang buruk. Mudah-mudahan ALLAH (SwT) akan menerima taubat
mereka; sesungguhnya ALLAH (SwT) Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani.
BECAUSE of which Abu
Lababa Ansari and two other companions from among the ansar, certain of
receiving punishment from ALLAH (SWT), tied themselves to the pillars of
the masjid and said that they would continue to remain tied to
pillars unto death until the Holy
Prophet (ALLAHuma sali ala Muhammad wa
ala ali Muhammad) himself untied them as a gesture of forgiveness.
The Holy Prophet (ALLAHuma sali
ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad)
untied them only when this verse was sent down to him.
**On being loosed those three
persons presented the Holy Prophet (ALLAHuma sali ala
Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad) with gifts which he refused saying that he could
not accept anything from them unless he received ALLAH (SWT)'s command. THEN VERSE 103 WAS
Ì The Holy Prophet (ALLAHuma sali
ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad)'s
prayer has been stated to be a source of security and assurance to those who
pay zakat, khums and sadaqas, THEREFORE there must be his
representative, divinely commissioned like him, in all times, in every age, to
pray for those who spend in the way of ALLAH (SWT) as ordained by Him.
Verse 104 CONFIRMS
THAT IT IS ALLAH (SWT) who **receives alms
and **accepts repentance (when the Holy Prophet
(ALLAHuma sali ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad) or his successor prays and recommends)-through the Holy Prophet (ALLAHuma sali ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad) or his
appointed representatives and successors.
(9:102) There are some others who have confessed their sins: they have a mixed
record of deeds, good and bad. It may be that Allah will turn to them again
with kindness for He is Forbearing and Compassionate.
خُذْ مِنْ أَمْوَالِهِمْ صَدَقَةً تُطَهِّرُهُمْ
وَتُزَكِّيهِمْ بِهَا وَصَلِّ عَلَيْهِمْ ۖ إِنَّ صَلَاتَكَ سَكَنٌ لَهُمْ ۗ
وَاللَّهُ سَمِيعٌ عَلِيمٌ {9:103}
[Q9:103] Khuz min amwaalihim sadaqtan tutahhiruhum wa
tuzakkeehim bihaa wa salli 'alaihim inna salaataka sakanul lahum; wallaahu
Samee'un 'Aleem.
[Q9:103] Take alms out of their property, you would cleanse them and purify them thereby, and pray for them; surely your prayer is a relief to them; and ALLAH (SWT) is Hearing, Knowing.
[Q9:103] Take alms out of their property, you would cleanse them and purify them thereby, and pray for them; surely your prayer is a relief to them; and ALLAH (SWT) is Hearing, Knowing.
[Q9:103] Ambillah (sebahagian) dari
harta mereka menjadi sedekah (zakat), supaya dengannya engkau membersihkan
mereka (dari dosa) dan mensucikan mereka (dari akhlak yang buruk) dan doakanlah
untuk mereka, kerana sesungguhnya doamu itu menjadi ketenteraman bagi mereka
dan (ingatlah) ALLAH (SwT) Maha Mendengar, lagi Maha Mengetahui.
When the men were united (continuation of verse 103) they ran home and
brought all their wealth and submitting it to the Holy Prophet (ALLAHuma sali ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad)
then the peole said: “O’ Apostle of ALLAH
(SWT), this is the thing (the wealth) that prevented us from joining you in the
expedition. Now you may give this away in the way of the Lord.” The Holy Prophet (ALLAHuma sali ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad)
said: “I shall not do it unless I receive ALLAH
(SWT)’s command to do so.” THUS THIS VERSE WAS REVEALED.
IS NOT CONFINED TO ANY AGE, IT IS THROUGHOUT ALL AGES, for those who pay ‘Zakat’ either
by his Vicegerent who represents him on earth. This shows that in every age there should be a representative of the Holy Prophet (ALLAHuma
sali ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad).
No tyrrant can be the rightful representative of
the Apostle of ALLAH (SWT) to pray in such a manner
to give tranquility and peace to the payer of the ‘Zakat.’
(see commentary for verse 102)
(9:103) O
Prophet, accept propitiatory offerings from their possessions to cleanse and
purify them thereby, and help them onward (in the way of virtue); and pray for
blessings for them because your prayer will bring comfort to them; and Allah
hears everything and knows everything.
أَلَمْ يَعْلَمُوا أَنَّ اللَّهَ هُوَ يَقْبَلُ
التَّوْبَةَ عَنْ عِبَادِهِ وَيَأْخُذُ الصَّدَقَاتِ وَأَنَّ اللَّهَ هُوَ
التَّوَّابُ الرَّحِيمُ {9:104}
[Q9:104] Alam ya'lamooo annnal laaha huwa yaqbalut tawbata
'an ibaadihee wa yaakhuzus sadaqaati wa annal laaha Huwat awwaabur Raheem.
[Q9:104] Do they not know that ALLAH (SWT) accepts repentance from His servants and takes the alms, and that ALLAH (SWT) is the Oft-returning (to mercy), the Merciful?
[Q9:104] Do they not know that ALLAH (SWT) accepts repentance from His servants and takes the alms, and that ALLAH (SWT) is the Oft-returning (to mercy), the Merciful?
[Q9:104] Tidakkah mereka mengetahui
bahawa ALLAH (SwT) Dialah yang menerima taubat dari hamba-hambaNya, dan juga
menerima sedekah-sedekah (dan zakat serta membalasnya) dan bahawa sesungguhnya ALLAH
(SwT) Dialah Penerima taubat, lagi Maha Mengasihani?
(see commentary for verse 102)
(9:104) Do
these people not know that it is Allah alone Who accepts the repentance of His
servants and approves of their propitiatory offerings, and that Allah is indeed
Forgiving, Compassionate?
وَقُلِ اعْمَلُوا فَسَيَرَى اللَّهُ عَمَلَكُمْ
وَرَسُولُهُ وَالْمُؤْمِنُونَ ۖ وَسَتُرَدُّونَ إِلَىٰ عَالِمِ الْغَيْبِ
وَالشَّهَادَةِ فَيُنَبِّئُكُمْ بِمَا كُنْتُمْ تَعْمَلُونَ{9:105}
[Q9:105] Wa quli'maloo fasayaral laahu 'amalakum wa
Rasooluhoo walmu'minoona wa saturaddoona ilaa 'Aalimil Ghaibi washshahaadati fa
yunabbi'ukum bimaa kuntum ta'maloon.
[Q9:105] And say: Work; so ALLAH (SWT) will
see your work and (so will) His Messenger and the believers; and you shall be
brought back to the Knower of the unseen and the seen, then He will inform you
of what you did.
[Q9:105] Dan katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): Beramallah kamu (akan segala yang diperintahkan), maka ALLAH (SwT) dan RasulNya serta orang-orang yang beriman akan melihat apa yang kamu kerjakan dan kamu akan dikembalikan kepada (ALLAH (SwT)) Yang Mengetahui perkara-perkara yang ghaib dan yang nyata, kemudian Dia menerangkan kepada kamu apa yang kamu telah kerjakan.
[Q9:105] Dan katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): Beramallah kamu (akan segala yang diperintahkan), maka ALLAH (SwT) dan RasulNya serta orang-orang yang beriman akan melihat apa yang kamu kerjakan dan kamu akan dikembalikan kepada (ALLAH (SwT)) Yang Mengetahui perkara-perkara yang ghaib dan yang nyata, kemudian Dia menerangkan kepada kamu apa yang kamu telah kerjakan.
people are commanded to act--- the action of the people, ALLAH (SWT) will see.
There is no doubt about ALLAH (SWT) being Omnipresent to note every action of
everyone of his creation in the whole universe. The question arises about the position of the
Holy Prophet (ALLAHuma sali ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad) in respect of seeing the action of the
people as a whole.
(1) The action would
be hidden as well as manifest,
(2) committed nearby
and also far away.
could the Holy Prophet (ALLAHuma sali ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad) if he be an ordinary mortal like any other human
being be equally vigilant and witness every action of every kind, of everyone,
in every place in the world.
Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad). The question
arises--- we could understand the divinity of the Holy Prophet (ALLAHuma sali ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad) BUT could the believers to have an equal share in this unique Divine quality along
with the Holy Prophet (ALLAHuma sali
ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad) in ability to witness the actions of all
men, at anytime, in all places of the world. NATURALLY, the persons referred to in this verse must be equal purity
and sanctity and the equal divinity of the soul.
µ The Holy Qur’an is ever ready to guide
everyone with the divine purity and excellence would be. See verse 29:69.
According to the Holy Ahlul
Bait those meant by the Momineen, i.e., the Faithful one are the Holy
Ø The sixth Holy
Imam Jafar ibne Muhammad as-Sadiq says that: the
‘Aamal’ or the actions of the believers are presented to the Imam of the
age. He rejoices if the actions are good and it grieves him if the actions are
bad. Blessed are the believers who please their Imam by their good deeds and do
not hurt his feelings by any evils.
This Verse is in support of [1] the continuity of this order to take ‘Zakat’, [2] to
pray for payers on ALLAH (SWT)’s behalf.
õ The believers
here are those referred to in verse 24:55--- Whom ALLAH (SWT) has promised
to appoint as His Vicegerent on earth in the same manner as He did appoint His
previous Vicegerents.
õ This
verse is in continuation of verse
103. The believers referred to in this verse are those successors mentioned
in verse 24:55 of
an Nur.
(9:105) And tell them, O Prophet: Do as you will: Allah and His Messenger and
the Believers will now keep a watch over your conduct; *99 then you shall return to Him Who knows all that is visible and hidden
and He will tell you all that you have been doing. *100
*99 In this passage a clear line of demarcation has
been drawn between the hypocritical "Muslims" and the true Muslims,
and instructions have been given regarding the treatment that should be meted
out to the hypocrites. Therefore, the one who claims to be a Muslim but do not
sincerely devote himself to Allah, His Way and the Islamic Community, should be
severely dealt with, if there is a clear proof, from his conduct, that he lacks
sincerity; or if he offers anything in the Way of Allah, it should be rejected
forthwith: or when he dies the Muslims should neither join his funeral prayer
nor beg God's pardon for him, even though he be one's father or brother. In
contrast to this, if a believer is guilty of some sin and confesses it, he
should be pardoned, and his offerings should be accepted and prayers should be
said for his forgiveness.
As regards the criterion by which it will be judged whether one is or is not a hypocrite, though one might have been guilty of an act of insincerity, three things have been implied in this passage:
(1) A sincere follower will openly and clearly confess his sin without offering any lame excuses and giving false explanations and interpretations of his offence.
(2) It will be judged from his previous conduct whether he was a habitual offender or he committed the sin on the spur of the moment because of some weakness. If he had been behaving like a righteous Muslim and if his record showed sincere services, sacrifices and good deeds to his credit, it will be reasonably concluded that he was not a hypocrite.
(3) His future conduct will be watched to see whether his confession was verbal or there had really been a change of heart. If he sincerely feels sorry for his sin and is anxious to compensate for it and his whole conduct shows that he intends to eradicate the root cause of the weakness in his Faith that misled him into the sin, it will be concluded that he sincerely feels sorry for his sin and that he was not a hypocrite but a sinful believer.
THE EVENT that is connected with the occasion on which this passage was sent down, makes this subject quite clear. It is related by the scholars of Traditions that these verses were revealed in regard to Abu Lubabah bin `Abdul Manzar and his Companions. Hadrat Abu Lubabah was one of those people who had embraced Islam on the occasion of the Oath of Allegiance at `Aqabah before the migration of the Holy Prophet to Al-Madinah. He had taken part in the battles of Badr, Uhd and other campaigns. But on the occasion of the Tabuk Expedition, he succumbed to some inner weakness and stayed at home without any genuine and lawful excuse. The same was the case of the other six Companions, who were sincere Muslims. When the Holy Prophet returned from Tabuk and they came to know that Allah and His Messenger had a very bad opinion of those who had stayed behind, they were filled with shame and regret. Therefore they tied themselves to a pillar even before they were called upon to explain their conduct. Then they declared, "We will neither eat anything nor sleep unless we are pardoned or die in the same condition." After some days they fell down in an unconscious condition because of hunger and sleeplessness. When at last they were informed that Allah and His Messenger had pardoned them, they went to see the Holy Prophet and said, `Sir, we request you to accept from us as propitiatory offerings our houses and the whole of our possessions. As these were responsible for our sin of omission, we desire to give them away in the Way of Allah. "But the Holy Prophet replied, "There is no need to give the whole of your property for only one-third of it will suffice."
A DEEP CONSIDERATION of this event clearly brings out the kind of weaknesses that are pardonable. All of these people were not habitual offenders and defaulters. Their whole past conduct showed that they were sincere Muslims: none of them invented false explanations to excuse themselves but confessed their sin. By offering the whole of their properties as propitiatory offerings, they proved that they were really sorry for their conduct and wanted to atone for their sin.
IN THIS CONNECTION, another important lesson should also be learnt from these verses. In order to atone for one's sins, one should give a practical proof along with the verbal confession and heartfelt regret. One way of this is to give charity in the Way of Allah for this helps to cleanse the filth which was being nourished in the heart and which was responsible for the sin. This not only eradicates the hidden evil but also increases the capacity for good works. For the confession of one's sin is like the feeling of one who has fallen into a pit. He at once realizes that he is in a critical situation in a pit, where he dces not like to abide, and is troubled over it. Therefore he thinks out plans for getting out of it and makes practical efforts for this. Likewise the one who confesses his sin and feels ashamed of it and takes practical steps to atone for it by making offerings and doing other good works, intends to come out of the pit of sin.
*100 "... then you shall return to Allah ...." Who is the ultimate judge of everything and from Whom nothing can be concealed. Therefore even if one succeeds in hiding one's hypocrisy in this world or is judged to be up to the standard in one's Faith and sincerity, it does not mean in any way that such a one will succeed in escaping chastisement for hypocrisy in the Hereafter also.
As regards the criterion by which it will be judged whether one is or is not a hypocrite, though one might have been guilty of an act of insincerity, three things have been implied in this passage:
(1) A sincere follower will openly and clearly confess his sin without offering any lame excuses and giving false explanations and interpretations of his offence.
(2) It will be judged from his previous conduct whether he was a habitual offender or he committed the sin on the spur of the moment because of some weakness. If he had been behaving like a righteous Muslim and if his record showed sincere services, sacrifices and good deeds to his credit, it will be reasonably concluded that he was not a hypocrite.
(3) His future conduct will be watched to see whether his confession was verbal or there had really been a change of heart. If he sincerely feels sorry for his sin and is anxious to compensate for it and his whole conduct shows that he intends to eradicate the root cause of the weakness in his Faith that misled him into the sin, it will be concluded that he sincerely feels sorry for his sin and that he was not a hypocrite but a sinful believer.
THE EVENT that is connected with the occasion on which this passage was sent down, makes this subject quite clear. It is related by the scholars of Traditions that these verses were revealed in regard to Abu Lubabah bin `Abdul Manzar and his Companions. Hadrat Abu Lubabah was one of those people who had embraced Islam on the occasion of the Oath of Allegiance at `Aqabah before the migration of the Holy Prophet to Al-Madinah. He had taken part in the battles of Badr, Uhd and other campaigns. But on the occasion of the Tabuk Expedition, he succumbed to some inner weakness and stayed at home without any genuine and lawful excuse. The same was the case of the other six Companions, who were sincere Muslims. When the Holy Prophet returned from Tabuk and they came to know that Allah and His Messenger had a very bad opinion of those who had stayed behind, they were filled with shame and regret. Therefore they tied themselves to a pillar even before they were called upon to explain their conduct. Then they declared, "We will neither eat anything nor sleep unless we are pardoned or die in the same condition." After some days they fell down in an unconscious condition because of hunger and sleeplessness. When at last they were informed that Allah and His Messenger had pardoned them, they went to see the Holy Prophet and said, `Sir, we request you to accept from us as propitiatory offerings our houses and the whole of our possessions. As these were responsible for our sin of omission, we desire to give them away in the Way of Allah. "But the Holy Prophet replied, "There is no need to give the whole of your property for only one-third of it will suffice."
A DEEP CONSIDERATION of this event clearly brings out the kind of weaknesses that are pardonable. All of these people were not habitual offenders and defaulters. Their whole past conduct showed that they were sincere Muslims: none of them invented false explanations to excuse themselves but confessed their sin. By offering the whole of their properties as propitiatory offerings, they proved that they were really sorry for their conduct and wanted to atone for their sin.
IN THIS CONNECTION, another important lesson should also be learnt from these verses. In order to atone for one's sins, one should give a practical proof along with the verbal confession and heartfelt regret. One way of this is to give charity in the Way of Allah for this helps to cleanse the filth which was being nourished in the heart and which was responsible for the sin. This not only eradicates the hidden evil but also increases the capacity for good works. For the confession of one's sin is like the feeling of one who has fallen into a pit. He at once realizes that he is in a critical situation in a pit, where he dces not like to abide, and is troubled over it. Therefore he thinks out plans for getting out of it and makes practical efforts for this. Likewise the one who confesses his sin and feels ashamed of it and takes practical steps to atone for it by making offerings and doing other good works, intends to come out of the pit of sin.
*100 "... then you shall return to Allah ...." Who is the ultimate judge of everything and from Whom nothing can be concealed. Therefore even if one succeeds in hiding one's hypocrisy in this world or is judged to be up to the standard in one's Faith and sincerity, it does not mean in any way that such a one will succeed in escaping chastisement for hypocrisy in the Hereafter also.
وَآخَرُونَ مُرْجَوْنَ لِأَمْرِ اللَّهِ إِمَّا
يُعَذِّبُهُمْ وَإِمَّا يَتُوبُ عَلَيْهِمْ ۗ وَاللَّهُ عَلِيمٌ حَكِيمٌ {9:106}
[Q9:106] Wa aakharoona murjawna li amril laahi imaa yu'az
zibuhum wa immaa yatoobu 'alaihim; wallaahu 'Aleemun Hakeem.
[Q9:106] And others are made to await ALLAH (SWT)'s command, whether He chastise them or whether He turn to them (mercifully), and ALLAH (SWT) is Knowing, Wise.
[Q9:106] And others are made to await ALLAH (SWT)'s command, whether He chastise them or whether He turn to them (mercifully), and ALLAH (SWT) is Knowing, Wise.
[Q9:106] Dan segolongan yang lain (dari
orang-orang yang tidak turut berperang); ditempohkan keputusan mengenai mereka
kerana menunggu perintah ALLAH (SwT); samada Dia mengazabkan mereka ataupun Dia
menerima taubat mereka dan (ingatlah) ALLAH (SwT) Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha
(9:106) There are some others who yet await Allah's
decision: He may either punish them or turn to them again with mercy: Allah
knows everything and is All-Wise. *101
*101 The
case of these people had been deferred because it could not yet be legally
decided whether they were sinners or hypocrites and not because their case was
doubtful in the sight of Allah. This was because the symptoms of their diseases
had not as yet come to the surface to indicate clearly which of the two they
were. For Islam teaches the Muslims not to pass judgement on a person or a
party unless they possess definite knowledge based on conscious reasoning and
not on intuition and the like to support it.
وَالَّذِينَ اتَّخَذُوا مَسْجِدًا ضِرَارًا وَكُفْرًا
وَتَفْرِيقًا بَيْنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَإِرْصَادًا لِمَنْ حَارَبَ اللَّهَ
وَرَسُولَهُ مِنْ قَبْلُ ۚ وَلَيَحْلِفُنَّ إِنْ أَرَدْنَا إِلَّا الْحُسْنَىٰ ۖ
وَاللَّهُ يَشْهَدُ إِنَّهُمْ لَكَاذِبُونَ {9:107}
[Q9:107] Wallazeenat takhazoo masjidan diraaranw wa kufranw
wa tafreeqam bainal mu'mineena wa irsaadal liman haarabal laaha wa Rasoolahoo
min qabl; wa la yahlifunna in aradnaaa illal husnaa wallaahu yash hadu innahum
[Q9:107] And those who built a masjid to cause harm and for unbelief and to cause disunion among the believers and an ambush to him who made war against ALLAH (SWT) and His Messenger before; and they will certainly swear: We did not desire aught but good; and ALLAH (SWT) bears witness that they are most surely liars.
[Q9:107] And those who built a masjid to cause harm and for unbelief and to cause disunion among the believers and an ambush to him who made war against ALLAH (SWT) and His Messenger before; and they will certainly swear: We did not desire aught but good; and ALLAH (SWT) bears witness that they are most surely liars.
[Q9:107] Dan (di antara orang-orang
munafik juga ialah) orang-orang yang membina masjid dengan tujuan membahayakan
(keselamatan orang-orang Islam) dan (menguatkan) keingkaran (mereka sendiri)
serta memecah-belahkan perpaduan orang-orang yang beriman dan juga untuk
(dijadikan tempat) intipan bagi orang yang telah memerangi ALLAH (SwT) dan
RasulNya sebelum itu dan (apabila tujuan mereka yang buruk itu ketara), mereka
akan bersumpah dengan berkata: Tidaklah yang kami kehendaki (dengan mendirikan
masjid ini) melainkan untuk kebaikan semata-mata. Padahal ALLAH (SwT)
menyaksikan, bahawa sesungguhnya mereka adalah berdusta.
Abu Amir
was a Christian monk.
Before the arrival of the Holy Prophet (ALLAHuma sali ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad)
in Madina, he used to tell the people of Madina that a promised prophet was
about to appear, BUT WHEN he came and conquered
the hearts of the people, Abu Amir
lost his position in the community and people completely forgot him.
He went to Makka and encouraged and prepared
the pagans to fight against the Holy Prophet (ALLAHuma sali ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad). He took part in the battles of
Uhad and Hunayn.
Then he went to Hercules,
the emperor of Byzantine empire, to raise an army to crush the Muslims. From
there he wrote letters to his comrades (hypocrites in Madina) to build a masjid of
their own, so that when he returned it could serve as a centre from where they
could operate their plans against the Holy Prophet (ALLAHuma
sali ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad).
At once the
hypocrites built a masjid in Quba, a suburb of Madina, about 3
miles to the south-east, known as masjid dhirar (mischief).
This place was selected because the Holy Prophet (ALLAHuma sali ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad) had rested in Quba for four
days before entering the city on his emigration from Makka, and had built the
first masjid there to which he frequently came to pray salat. It is said that offering of salat in
this masjid is equal
to one umrah.
the time masjid dhirar was
completed Abu Amir died in Syria. The
hypocrites requested the Holy Prophet (ALLAHuma
sali ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad) to consecrate it
(9:107) There
are others who built a "mosque" in order to harm the Righteous
Mission and to practise unbelief (instead of Allah's worshipand to cause
discord among the Believers, and to make this (place of worship'an ambush for
the one who even before this had been in conflict with Allah and His Messenger.
They will take solemn oaths and say, "Our intention was nothing but
good." But Allah is a witness that they are absolute liars.
لَا تَقُمْ فِيهِ أَبَدًا ۚ لَمَسْجِدٌ أُسِّسَ عَلَى
التَّقْوَىٰ مِنْ أَوَّلِ يَوْمٍ أَحَقُّ أَنْ تَقُومَ فِيهِ ۚ فِيهِ رِجَالٌ
يُحِبُّونَ أَنْ يَتَطَهَّرُوا ۚ وَاللَّهُ يُحِبُّ الْمُطَّهِّرِينَ {9:108}
[Q9:108] Laa taqum feehi abadaa; lamasjidun ussisa 'alat
taqwaa min awwali yawmin ahaqqu an taqooma feeh; feehi rijaaluny yuhibbona ai
yatatahharoo, wallaahu yuhibbul mmuttah hireen.
[Q9:108] Never stand in it; certainly a masjid founded on piety from the very first day is more deserving that you should stand in it; in it are men who love that they should be purified; and ALLAH (SWT) loves those who purify themselves.
[Q9:108] Never stand in it; certainly a masjid founded on piety from the very first day is more deserving that you should stand in it; in it are men who love that they should be purified; and ALLAH (SWT) loves those who purify themselves.
[Q9:108] Jangan engkau sembahyang di
masjid itu selama-lamanya, kerana sesungguhnya masjid (Quba' yang engkau bina
wahai Muhammad), yang telah didirikan di atas dasar takwa dari mula (wujudnya),
sudah sepatutnya engkau sembahyang padanya. Di dalam masjid itu ada orang-orang
lelaki yang suka (mengambil berat) membersihkan (mensucikan) dirinya dan ALLAH
(SwT) Mengasihi orang-orang yang membersihkan diri mereka (zahir dan
(see commentary for verse 107)
(9:108) You should never stand in that building: the Mosque which has been
founded on piety from the very first day, is the proper place for you to stand
(for prayer). For there are such people in it as would like to keep themselves
pure; and Allah likes those people who like to keep themselves pure. *102
*102 " . . the one in conflict . . .
Messenger" was Abu `Amir who belonged to the clan of Aus of AI-Madinah. He
had become Christian monk during the period of `ignorance' before the migration
of the Holy Prophet and was well-known as a scholar of the Scriptures and was
held in great reverence as a pious monk. But his scholarship and asceticism,
instead of leading him to the Truth, became hindrance in the way. That was why
he not only rejected Islam but also became a bitter enemy of the Holy Prophet
and his Mission, for he took the Prophet for a rival in the "holy
business" of priesthood. At first he ignored the Holy Prophet and his
Mission in the hope that the power of the Quraish would suffice to crush him
and his Mission. But when the Quraish suffered an utter defeat in the battle of
Badr, he could no longer ignore it, so he started a vigorous vicious campaign
against the Islamic Movement. Accordingly he left Al-Madinah and visited different clans, in order to incite them
against Islam, and was one of those who brought about the battle of Uhd. It is
said that he had got some pits dug in the battle-field of Uhd, and that the
Holy Prophet fell into one of these and received injuries. Then he played an important role in organizing the armies which came to
invade Al-Madinah in the battle of Ahzab. Likewise this Christian Monk took a
very active part in giving support to the mushriks against Islam in all the
subsequent battles up to the battle of Hunain, At last when he realized that no
power in Arabia could withstand the onslaught of lslam. he left Arabia and went
to the Roman Caesar in order to warn him of the rising "danger" from
AI-Madinah. It was because of his efforts that the Caesar began to make
preparations for invading Arabia, to counteract which the Holy Prophet went
forth on the expedition to Tabuk.
Now let us consider the background of the building of the `mosque' that was built to harm the Righteous Mission.
A section of the hypocrites of AI-Madinah collaborated wholeheartedly with Abu `Amir in all the above-mentioned hostile activities against Islam. They also fully agreed with him that he should use his "spiritual" influence to obtain military help from the Roman Caesar and the Christian states of northern Arabia. Accordingly, when he was preparing to go to the Roman Caesar to urge him to invade Arabia. they devised a plan of making a `mosque' of their own to serve as a safe meeting place for organizing themselves into a separate party because none would suspect that they were carrying on evil activities under the garb of religion. Moreover. this `mosque' would serve as an ambush for the agents of Abu `Amir who could stay in it as travellers and mendicants without raising any suspicion that they were spies of the enemy.
As there were already two mosques in Al-Madinah-one at Quba and the other, Masjid-i-Nabavi, in the city obviously there was no need for a third one. The hypocrite's themselves understood this: therefore they began to invent "reasons" to show that there was really a need for a third mosque. Accordingly, they went to the Holy Prophet and said, "We need another `mosque' because it is very difficult for the people of this area, especially the old, the sick and the disabled, to offer the five prescribed Prayers in either of the two Mosques, during the winter season and the rainfall. Therefore we intend to build a new `mosque' only for the convenience of those who live at a distance from the two Mosques but are desirous of saying their prayers in congregation."
With such professedly pure motives, these mischief makers built the 'mosque' and then went to the Holy Prophet with the request, "Sir, please stand in this new 'mosque' and lead the congregation in one of the prescribed prayers so as to perform its opening ceremony." But the Holy Prophet postponed the matter, saying, "At this time I am wholly engaged in making preparations for the expedition to Tabuk. I shall consider the matter on my return home." After this he went forth to Tabuk, and they started their nefarious activities. They went on organizing themselves and conspiring against Islam in the `mosque' and decided to crown Abdullah-bin-Ubayy as their king, as soon as the Muslims would meet with reverses and be utterly crushed down by the Romans, as they had expected. But their expectations were all frustrated by what happened at Tabuk. Then on the revelation of these verses during the return journey at a place, Zi Avan, near AI-Madinah, the Holy Prophet despatched some men to demolish the mosque' before his entry into the city.
Now let us consider the background of the building of the `mosque' that was built to harm the Righteous Mission.
A section of the hypocrites of AI-Madinah collaborated wholeheartedly with Abu `Amir in all the above-mentioned hostile activities against Islam. They also fully agreed with him that he should use his "spiritual" influence to obtain military help from the Roman Caesar and the Christian states of northern Arabia. Accordingly, when he was preparing to go to the Roman Caesar to urge him to invade Arabia. they devised a plan of making a `mosque' of their own to serve as a safe meeting place for organizing themselves into a separate party because none would suspect that they were carrying on evil activities under the garb of religion. Moreover. this `mosque' would serve as an ambush for the agents of Abu `Amir who could stay in it as travellers and mendicants without raising any suspicion that they were spies of the enemy.
As there were already two mosques in Al-Madinah-one at Quba and the other, Masjid-i-Nabavi, in the city obviously there was no need for a third one. The hypocrite's themselves understood this: therefore they began to invent "reasons" to show that there was really a need for a third mosque. Accordingly, they went to the Holy Prophet and said, "We need another `mosque' because it is very difficult for the people of this area, especially the old, the sick and the disabled, to offer the five prescribed Prayers in either of the two Mosques, during the winter season and the rainfall. Therefore we intend to build a new `mosque' only for the convenience of those who live at a distance from the two Mosques but are desirous of saying their prayers in congregation."
With such professedly pure motives, these mischief makers built the 'mosque' and then went to the Holy Prophet with the request, "Sir, please stand in this new 'mosque' and lead the congregation in one of the prescribed prayers so as to perform its opening ceremony." But the Holy Prophet postponed the matter, saying, "At this time I am wholly engaged in making preparations for the expedition to Tabuk. I shall consider the matter on my return home." After this he went forth to Tabuk, and they started their nefarious activities. They went on organizing themselves and conspiring against Islam in the `mosque' and decided to crown Abdullah-bin-Ubayy as their king, as soon as the Muslims would meet with reverses and be utterly crushed down by the Romans, as they had expected. But their expectations were all frustrated by what happened at Tabuk. Then on the revelation of these verses during the return journey at a place, Zi Avan, near AI-Madinah, the Holy Prophet despatched some men to demolish the mosque' before his entry into the city.
أَفَمَنْ أَسَّسَ بُنْيَانَهُ عَلَىٰ تَقْوَىٰ مِنَ
اللَّهِ وَرِضْوَانٍ خَيْرٌ أَمْ مَنْ أَسَّسَ بُنْيَانَهُ عَلَىٰ شَفَا جُرُفٍ
هَارٍ فَانْهَارَ بِهِ فِي نَارِ جَهَنَّمَ ۗ وَاللَّهُ لَا يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ
الظَّالِمِينَ {9:109}
[Q9:109] Afaman assasa bunyaa nahoo 'alaa taqwaa minal laahi
wa ridwaanin khairun am man assasa bunyaanahoo 'alaa shafaa jurufin haarin
fanhaara bihee fee Naari Jahannnam; wallaahu laa yahdil qawmaz zaalimeen.
[Q9:109] Is he, therefore, better who lays his foundation on fear of ALLAH (SWT) and (His) good pleasure, or he who lays his foundation on the edge of a cracking hollowed bank, so it broke down with him into the fire of hell; and ALLAH (SWT) does not guide the unjust people.
[Q9:109] Is he, therefore, better who lays his foundation on fear of ALLAH (SWT) and (His) good pleasure, or he who lays his foundation on the edge of a cracking hollowed bank, so it broke down with him into the fire of hell; and ALLAH (SWT) does not guide the unjust people.
[Q9:109] Maka adakah orang yang
membangunkan masjid yang didirikannya di atas dasar takwa kepada ALLAH (SwT)
dan (untuk mencari) keredaan ALLAH (SwT) itu lebih baik ataukah orang yang
membangunkan masjid yang didirikannya di tepi jurang yang (hampir) runtuh, lalu
runtuhlah ia dengan orang yang membangunkannya ke dalam api Neraka? Dan
(ingatlah) ALLAH (SwT) tidak akan memberi hidayat petunjuk kepada orang-orang
yang zalim.
(see commentary for verse 107)
(9:109) Why, is he better who founded his building upon Allah's fear and for His
approval or he who founded his building on the brink of an under-mined bank *103 that tumbled with him down into the fire of Hell? Allah never shows the
Right Way to such workers of iniquity *104.
*103 In order to comprehend fully the implications
of this simile, let us first consider the significance of the Arabic word ~~
(Juruf). This applies to the brink of that piece of land which has been
undermined by a river or a stream, leaving its surface without any support. In
this meaningful simile the construction of the structure of life on the Godless
foundations has been compared to that building which is built on the river
brink, which has been undermined by its water. It is obvious that the ignorant
man who builds a structure on the surface of such a piece of land, merely
because it is a piece of land, will not only lose the building but will also
lose his own life, for it will inevitably fall down into the river along with
him because it has nothing to support it. Likewise, the one who lays the
foundation of the structure of the system of his life on the surface of worldly
things, without any regard to God's fear or His favour which are the only
permanent supports of human life, is like the man who builds his structure on
the surface undermined by the river. For such a man himself undermines the
structure of his life by his wrong deeds which inevitably follow if there is no
bed-rock of God's fear and His favour. Therefore the surface on which he had
built his life would one day inevitably tumble down into the abyss of Hell
along with the earnings of his whole life.
*104 "The Right Way" that leads to man's real success.
*104 "The Right Way" that leads to man's real success.
لَا يَزَالُ بُنْيَانُهُمُ الَّذِي بَنَوْا رِيبَةً
فِي قُلُوبِهِمْ إِلَّا أَنْ تَقَطَّعَ قُلُوبُهُمْ ۗ وَاللَّهُ عَلِيمٌ
حَكِيمٌ {9:110}
[Q9:110] Laa yazaalu bunyaanu humul lazee banaw reebatan fee
quloobihim illaaa an taqatta'a quloobuhum; wal laahu 'Aleemun Hakeem.
[Q9:110] The building which they have built will ever continue to be a source of disquiet in their hearts, except that their hearts get cut into pieces; and ALLAH (SWT) is Knowing, Wise.
[Q9:110] The building which they have built will ever continue to be a source of disquiet in their hearts, except that their hearts get cut into pieces; and ALLAH (SWT) is Knowing, Wise.
[Q9:110] (Keruntuhan masjid) yang dibina
oleh mereka yang munafik itu sentiasa menjadi penyakit syak dan keluh-kesah
(lebih daripada yang sedia ada) dalam hati mereka, (dan tidak akan habis)
kecuali (apabila) hati mereka hancur-luluh (dalam tanah). Dan (ingatlah) ALLAH
(SwT) Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Bijaksana.
(see commentary for verse 107)
(9:110) This building which they have built will never cease to create doubts in
their hearts (from which there is no way to come outunless it be that their
hearts are cut into pieces: *105 and
Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
*105 That is these hypocrites have deprived their
hearts of the capability of receiving and accepting faith by the commission of
the most heinous sin of building a `mosque' to do harm to that very Islam for
the propagation of which mosques are built. This crime has set the desire of
disbelief so deep in their hearts that it will remain there as long as they are
alive and will leave them only at the time of death when their hearts will
cease to beat in their breasts. Obviously, the case of such people is quite
different from that of those unbelievers, who openly build idol-temples or
openly make preparations for war against God. For it is possible that such a
one may get Guidance just because he is honest, sincere and bold. Moreover, his
open antagonism shows that he has the courage of his convictions and may, therefore,
accept Islam, when he would be convinced of its Truth. But there is no hope for
that cowardly lying and cunning man who builds a 'mosque' for the service of
kufr and puts on the garb of God-worship for fighting against Allah's Way. This
is because a conduct like this kills all the noble sentiments within him and
renders him utterly incapable of understanding and accepting Islam.
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