Monday 10 July 2017

SURAH (29) ANKABOOT (AYA 11 to 30)

وَلَيَعْلَمَنَّ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَلَيَعْلَمَنَّ الْمُنَافِقِينَ {29:11}
[Q29:11] Wa la ya'lamannaL Laahul lazeena aamanoo wa la ya'lamannal Munaafiqeen.
[Q29:11] And most certainly ALLAH (SWT) will know those who believe and most certainly He will know the hypocrites.
[Q29:11] Dan sesungguhnya ALLAH (SwT) mengetahui akan orang-orang yang beriman dan sesungguhnya Dia mengetahui akan orang-orang yang munafik. 
(see commentary for verse 10)
(29:11) Allah will surely ascertain who are the believers and who are the hypocrites. *16
*16 That is, "Allah provides occasions for the trial again and again so that the faith of the believers and the hypocrisy of the hypocrites become manifest, and whatever is hidden in the hearts becomes exposed. The same thing has been said in Ali-`Imran: 179: "Allah will not leave the believers in the state in which you happen to be at present: He will surely separate the pure from the impure people." 

وَقَالَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اتَّبِعُوا سَبِيلَنَا وَلْنَحْمِلْ خَطَايَاكُمْ وَمَا هُمْ بِحَامِلِينَ مِنْ خَطَايَاهُمْ مِنْ شَيْءٍ ۖ إِنَّهُمْ لَكَاذِبُونَ {29:12}
[Q29:12] Wa qaalal lazaeena kafaroo lillazeena aamanut tabi'oo sabeelanaa walnahmil khataayaakum wa maa hum bihaamileena min khataa yaahum min shai'in innahum lakaaziboon. 
[Q29:12] And those who disbelieve say to those who believe: Follow our path and we will bear your wrongs. And never shall they be the bearers of any of their wrongs; most surely they are liars.
[Q29:12] Dan berkata pula orang-orang yang kufur ingkar kepada orang-orang yang beriman: Ikutlah jalan agama kami dan kami sedia menanggung kesalahan-kesalahan kamu (kalau kamu mengira perbuatan itu salah). Padahal mereka tidak akan dapat menanggung kesalahan orang-orang yang bersalah itu sedikitpun dan sesungguhnya mereka adalah berdusta. 
(29:12) The unbelievers say to the believers: “Follow our way and we will carry the burden of your sins.” *17 (They say so even though) they are not going to carry any part of their sins. *18 Surely they are lying.
*17 What they meant to say was: "In the first place, the talk about life hereafter and Resurrection and accountability is all meaningless. But supposing there is another life in which the people will be called to account for their deeds, we take the responsibility that we shall take the punishment, etc. on our own selves. You should, therefore, listen to us and give up this new Faith and return to your ancestral religion." According to the traditions several chiefs of the Quraish used to counsel thus the people who embraced Islam in the beginning. So, when Hadrat `Umar accepted Islam, Abu Sufyan and Harab bin Umayyah bin Khalaf met him and said these very things."
*18 That is, "It is not at all possible that a person should take the responsibility for another before Allah, and thus enable the actual sinner to escape the punishment of his sin, for every person will be responsible for his own deeds there. "No bearer of a burden shall bear the burden of another." (An-Najm: 38) But if at all it be so, none will have the nerve, in face of the blazing Hell got ready to punish the disbelievers, to say to Allah, only for the sake of honouring his pledge in the world, "Lord, forgive this person and send him to Paradise: he had turned apostate on my counselling: I offer myself to suffer the punishment for my own disbelief as well as for his in Hell." 

وَلَيَحْمِلُنَّ أَثْقَالَهُمْ وَأَثْقَالًا مَعَ أَثْقَالِهِمْ ۖ وَلَيُسْأَلُنَّ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ عَمَّا كَانُوا يَفْتَرُونَ {29:13}
[Q29:13] Wa la yahmilunna asqaa lahum wa asqaalam ma'a asqaalihim wa la yus'alunna Yawmal Qiyaamati 'ammaa kaanoo yaftaroon. 
[Q29:13] And most certainly they shall carry their own burdens, and other burdens with their own burdens, and most certainly they shall be questioned on the resurrection day as to what they forged.
[Q29:13] Dan sesungguhnya mereka akan menanggung beban-beban dosa mereka dan beban-beban (dosa orang-orang yang mereka sesatkan) bersama-sama dengan beban-beban dosa mereka sendiri dan sesungguhnya mereka akan ditanya pada hari kiamat kelak tentang apa yang mereka pernah ada-adakan secara dusta itu. 
(29:13) They will certainly carry their own burdens and other burdens besides their own. *19 They will assuredly be called to account on the Day of Resurrection concerning the fabrications which they contrived. *20
*19 That is "Though they will not bear the burdens of others, they will neither escape bearing a double burden: one burden of their own selves going astray, and the burden of leading the othere astray." This can be understood by an example. A person commits theft and also asks another person to join him. Now if the other person also commits theft, no judge will let him off only because he had committed the offence on someone else's prompting. He will in any case be punished for the theft and it will not be fair according to any law of justice to let him off and punish instead of him the first thief who had prompted him to commit the theft. However, the first thief will suffer punishment for two offences: the offence of committing theft himself and the offence of turning another person into a thief along with himself. This principle has been stated at another place in the Qur'an thus " that they should bear the full brunt of their own burdens On the Day of Resurrection together with some of the burdens of those whom they are leading astray in their ignorance." (An-Nahl: 25) The same principle has been elucidated by the Holy Prophet in this Hadith: "whoever invited others to the right path will be granted a reward equal to the rewards of all those who listened to him and adopted the right path, without diminishing their rewards in any way. And whoever invited others to deviation will earn a sin equal to the sins of all those who followed him, without diminishing their sins in any way." 
*20 "Scandal-mongering" implies all those untruths which were hidden in this saying of the disbelievers: "Follow our way and we will bear the burden of your sins." In fact, they said this on the basis of two presumptions: (1) The creed of shirk they are following is hased on the truth and the Holy Prophet Muhammad's doctrine of Tauh, id is false; therefore, there is nothing wrong if it is rejected; and (2) there is going to be no Resurrection, and the doctrine of the Hereafter which deters a Muslim from unbelief is baseless. With these presumptions they would counsel a Muslim, saying, "Well, if you think that disbelief is really a sin, and there is going to be Resurrection when you will be called to account for this sin, then we are ready to take this sin of yours on our Selves You leave it to us and give up the religion of Muhammad and return to your ancestral religion." In this two other false things were also included: (a) Their belief that a person who commits an offence on someone else's prompting can be exempted from its responsibility, and the whole responsibility can be assumed by the one who had prompted the commission of the offence; and (b) their false promise that on the Day of Resurrection they will certainly assume the responsibility for those who might have turned apostates on their counselling. For when Resurrection will actually be established, and they will see Hell against their expectations, they will never be prepared to receive the punishment of their own disbelief as well as bear the whole burden of the sins of those others whom they had deceived and misled in the world.

Noah and Abraham’s Mission
Noah stayed with his people and exhorted them to goodness for 950 years---but they rejected Noah’s exhortation, and the Deluge overtook them---Abraham invited his people to abstrain from idolatry and to worship of the Only True ALLAH (SWT) and they disbelieved, and were punished---When one disbeliever people are caused to perish, ALLAH (SWT) raised another one in its place.

وَلَقَدْ أَرْسَلْنَا نُوحًا إِلَىٰ قَوْمِهِ فَلَبِثَ فِيهِمْ أَلْفَ سَنَةٍ إِلَّا خَمْسِينَ عَامًا فَأَخَذَهُمُ الطُّوفَانُ وَهُمْ ظَالِمُونَ {29:14}
[Q29:14] Wa laqad arsalnaa Noohan ilaa qawmihee falabisa feehim alfa sanatin illaa khamseena 'aaman fa akhazahumut toofaanu wa hum zaalimoon. 
[Q29:14] And certainly We sent Nuh to his people, so he remained among them a thousand years save fifty years. And the deluge overtook them, while they were unjust.
[Q29:14] Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah mengutus Nabi Nuh kepada kaumnya, maka tinggALLAH (SwT) dia dalam kalangan mereka selama sembilan ratus lima puluh tahun; akhirnya mereka dibinasakan oleh taufan sedang mereka berkeadaan zalim (dengan kufur derhaka). 

NUH LIVED FOR 950 YEARS. It is also testified by a version of the Bible (Genesis: 29). Refer to the commentary of Hud 11:25 to 48 and Shu-ara 42:105 to 119.
ACCORDING TO THE HOLY PROPHET (ALLAHUMA SALI ALA MUHAMMAD WA ALA ALI MUHAMMAD) HIS AHLUL BAYT ARE LIKE THE ARK OF NUH… “The likeness of my Ahlul-Bait is that of the Ark of Noah. He who got into it was saved and he who turned away from it was lost.” Those who have boarded the ship of salvation are saved BUT those who hold back are drowned and lost for ever.
(29:14) We did indeed send Noah to his people *21 and he lived among them a thousand years save fifty. *22 Eventually the Flood overtook them while they were engaged in wrongdoing. *23
*21 For comparison, see AI-`Imran: 33-34, An-Nisa': 163, AI-An`am: 84, AI-A'raf: 59-64, Yuuns: 71-73, Hud: 25-48, AI-Anbiyaa: 76-77, AlMu'minun: 23-30, AI-Furqan: 37, Ash-Shu araa: 105-123, As-Saffat: 75-82, AIQamar: .9-15, AI-Haaqqah: 11-12, Nuh (the whole of it). One should keep the initial verses of the Surah in view in order to understand the relevancy of these stories in this context. There, on the one hand, it has been said to the believers, "We have put to the test all those believers who have passed before you", and, on the other, the wicked disbelievers have been warned to the effect: "You should not have the misunderstanding that you will outstrip Us and escape Our grasp." It is to impress these two things that these historical events are being related here.
*22 This does not mean that the Prophet Noah lived for 950 years, but it means that after his appointment to Prophethood till the coming of the Flood, he went on making efforts for 950 years for the reformation of his wicked people, and he did not lose heart even though he suffered persecutions for such a long time. The same is the aim of the discourse here. The believers are being told: "You have been suffering persecutions and experiencing stubbornness of your wicked opponents hardly for six years or so. Just imagine the patience and resolution and firmness of Our servant who braved such afflictions and hardships continuously for nine and a half centuries." The Qur'an and the Bible differ about the age of the Prophet Noah. The Bible says that he lived for 950 years. He was 600 years old when the Flood came, and lived for another 350 years after the Flood. (Gen. 7: 6 and 9: 28-29). But according to the Qur'an, he must have lived for at least a thousand years, because 950 years is the time that he spent in preaching his mission after his appointment to Prophethood till the coming of the Flood. Evidently, he must have been appointed to Prophethood after he had attained his maturity, and must have lived some life after the Flood also. For some people such a long life is inconceivable. But in this world of God strange happenings are not rare. Wherever one may look one will see extraordinary manifestations of His power. The occurrence of certain events and things in a usual form and manner is no proof that the event or thing cannot happen in an unusual and extraordinary way. To break these assumptions there exists a long list of unusual events and things that have taken place in every kind of creation in every part of the universe. In particular, the person who has a clear concept of God's being AII-Powerful, cannot be involved in the misunderstanding that it is not possible for God, Who is the Creator of life and death, to grant a life of a thousand years or so to any man. The fact is that man of his own will and wish cannot live even for a moment, but if Allah wills, He can make him live for as long as He pleases.
*23 That is, the Flood came when they still persisted in their wickedness. Had they desisted from it before the coming of the Flood Allah would not have sent this torment on them.

فَأَنْجَيْنَاهُ وَأَصْحَابَ السَّفِينَةِ وَجَعَلْنَاهَا آيَةً لِلْعَالَمِينَ {29:15}
[Q29:15] Fa anjainaahu wa as haabas safeenati wa ja'alnaahaaa Aayatal lil'Aalameen. 
[Q29:15] So We delivered him and the inmates of the ark, and made it a sign to the nations.
[Q29:15] Maka dengan itu Kami selamatkan dia dan pengikut-pengikutnya yang turut bersama dalam bahtera dan Kami jadikan bahtera itu satu tanda (yang membuktikan kekuasaan Kami dan memberi pengajaran insaf) kepada sekalian makhluk. 
(see commentary for verse 14)
(29:15) Then We rescued Noah together with the people in the Ark *24 and made it (that is, the Ark) a lesson for all people. *25
*24 That is, the people who had believed in Noah, and who had been permitted by Allah to board the Ark. This has been elucidated in Surah Hud: 40, thus: "Until when Our Command game to pass and at-Tannur began to boil up, We said, “(O Noah), take into Ark a pair from every species, and embark your own people-save those who have already been specifically marked--and also those who have believed; and those who had believed with Noah were only a few."
*25 It can also mean this: "We made this dreadful punishment or this great event a Sign of warning for the later generations." But from the way this has been mentioned here and in Surah Qamar, it appears that the object of warning was the Ark itself, which remained on the top of the mountain for centuries and continued to remind the later generations that a Flood of such magnitude had once come in that land because of which the Ark had risen up to rest on the mountain. In Surah Qamar: 13-15, it has been said: "And We bore Noah upon a thing (Ark) made of planks and nails, which floated under Our care. This was a vengeance for the sake of him who had been slighted. And We left that Ark as a Sign. Then, is there any who would take admonition?" In his commentary on this verse of Surah Qamar, Ibn Jarir says on the authority of Qatadah that during the period of the Companions when the Muslims went to the land of al-Jazirah, they saw the Ark on mount Judi (according to another tradition, near the habitation of Baqirwa). In the modern times also news appear from time to time in the papers that expeditions are being sent to search out the boat, because something resembling a boat has been sighted many time from aeroplanes during flights over Mount Ararat. (For further details, see E.N. 47 of Al-A`raf and E.N. 46 of Hud). 

وَإِبْرَاهِيمَ إِذْ قَالَ لِقَوْمِهِ اعْبُدُوا اللَّهَ وَاتَّقُوهُ ۖ ذَٰلِكُمْ خَيْرٌ لَكُمْ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ {29:16}
[Q29:16] Wa Ibraheema iz qaala liqawmihi' buduL Laaha wattaqoohu zaalikum khayrul lakum in kuntum ta'lamoun. 
[Q29:16] And (We sent) Ibrahim, when he said to his people: Serve ALLAH (SWT) and be careful of (your duty to) Him; this is best for you, if you did but know:
[Q29:16] Dan (sebutkanlah peristiwa) Nabi Ibrahim, ketika dia berkata kepada kaumnya: Sembahlah kamu akan ALLAH (SwT) dan bertakwalah kepadaNya; yang demikian itu adalah baik bagi kamu jika kamu tahu (membezakan yang baik dari yang buruk).

Refer to the commentary of Anbiya 21:52.
(29:16) We sent Abraham *26 and he said to his people: “Serve Allah and fear Him. *27 This is better for you if you only knew.
*26 For comparison, see AI-Baqarah: 122-141. 258-260; AI-i-'Imran: 6471; AI-An'am: 71-82; Hud:.69-83; Ibrahim: 35-41; AI-Hijr: 45-60; Maryam: 4150; AI-Anbiyaa: 51-75; Ash-Shu'araa: 69-104; As -Saftat: 75-I 13; Az-Zukhruf: 26-35; Adh-Dhariyat: 24-46. 
*27 That is, "Fear disobeying Him and associating others with Him."

إِنَّمَا تَعْبُدُونَ مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ أَوْثَانًا وَتَخْلُقُونَ إِفْكًا ۚ إِنَّ الَّذِينَ تَعْبُدُونَ مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ لَا يَمْلِكُونَ لَكُمْ رِزْقًا فَابْتَغُوا عِنْدَ اللَّهِ الرِّزْقَ وَاعْبُدُوهُ وَاشْكُرُوا لَهُ ۖ إِلَيْهِ تُرْجَعُونَ {17}
[Q29:17] Innamaa ta'ubdoona min dooniL Laahi awsaananw-wa takhluqoona ifkaa; innal lazeena ta'budoona min dooniL Laahi laa yamlikoona lakum rizqan fabtaghoo 'indaL Laahir rizqa wa'budoohu washkuroo lahooo ilaihi turja‘oon. 
[Q29:17] You only worship idols besides ALLAH (SWT) and you create a lie surely they whom you serve besides ALLAH (SWT) do not control for you any sustenance, therefore seek the sustenance from ALLAH (SWT) and serve Him and be grateful to Him; to Him you shall be brought back.
[Q29:17] Kamu hanyalah menyembah berhala-berhala yang diperbuat oleh orang, tidak menyembah ALLAH (SwT) Yang Mencipta segala-galanya dan kamu hanya mengadakan penyembahan yang dusta. Sesungguhnya mereka yang kamu sembah yang lain dari ALLAH (SwT) itu, tidak berkuasa memberi rezeki kepada kamu; oleh itu carilah rezeki dari sisi ALLAH (SwT), dan sembahlah akan Dia, serta bersyukurlah kepadaNya; (ingatlah), kepada ALLAH (SwT) jualah kamu akan dikembalikan. 
(see commentary for verse 16)
(29:17) Those that you worship instead of Allah are merely idols, and you are simply inventing lies (about them). *28 Indeed those whom you worship beside Allah have no power to provide you with any sustenance. So seek your sustenance from Allah and serve only Him and give thanks to Him alone. It is to Him that you will be sent back. *29
*28 That is, "YOU ARE NOT FORGING IDOLS BUT A LIE. THESE IDOLS ARE IN THEMSELVES A LIE. Then your beliefs that they are gods and goddesses, or they are incarnation of God, or His offspring, or His favourites, or intercessors with Him, ur that someone of them is bestower of health, or giver of children or jobs, are aII lies, which you have invented from your own whims and conjecture. The fact is that they are in no way more than idols-lifeless, powerless and impotent. 
*29 In these few sentences the Prophet Abraham has put together aII rational arguments against idol-worship. There must necessarily be some reason for making somebody or something a deity. One such reason can be that somebody should be entitled to being a deity due to some personal excellence. Another, that he should be the creator of man, and man should be indebted to him for tiffs existence. Third, that he should be responsible for man's sustenance, his food and other means of life. Fourth, that man's future should be linked up with his support and bounty, and man may be afraid that annoying him would mean bringing about his own ruin. The Prophet Abraham said that none of these four things favoured idol-worship, but they all favoured and demanded pure God-worship. Saying that they are mere idols, he demolished the first argument, for a mere idol could have no excellence to entitle it to be a deity. Then, by saying that "You are their creator", be refuted the second argument, and "they have no power to give you any sustenance" destroyed the third reason. Lastly he said, "You have to return to Allah ultimately" and not to the idols; therefore, it was not in their power to make or mar your destiny, but in the power of God alone. Thus, after a complete refutation of shirk, the Prophet Abraham made it clear to them that all the reasons for which man could regard somebody as a deity only applied to Allah, Who alone should be worshipped without associating anyone else with him

وَإِنْ تُكَذِّبُوا فَقَدْ كَذَّبَ أُمَمٌ مِنْ قَبْلِكُمْ ۖ وَمَا عَلَى الرَّسُولِ إِلَّا الْبَلَاغُ الْمُبِينُ {18}
[Q29:18] Wa in tukazziboo faqad kazzaba umamum min qablikum wa maa'alar Rasooli illal balaaghul mubeen. 
[Q29:18] And if you reject (the truth), nations before you did indeed reject (the truth); and nothing is incumbent on the messenger but a plain delivering (of the message).
[Q29:18] Dan jika kamu terus-menerus mendustakan (ajaran agama ALLAH (SwT) yang aku sampaikan kepada kamu), maka sesungguhnya umat-umat yang sebelum kamu telah juga mendustakan (Rasul-rasulnya) dan (ingatlah) tugas Rasul hanya menyampaikan dengan penjelasan yang terang nyata. 

(29:18) And if you give the lie (to the Messenger), then many nations before you also gave the lie *30 (to their Messengers). The Messenger is charged with no other duty than to deliver the Message in clear terms.”
*30 That is, "If you reject my invitation to Tauhid and deny my message that you have to return to your Lord and render an account of your deeds, it will not be a new thing. In the history of mankind many Prophets-like Noah, Hud, Salih (on whom be Allah's peace) before also have brought the same teachings, and their peoples denied them likewise. Now you may judge for yourselves as to whether they harmed the Prophets or only themselves".

أَوَلَمْ يَرَوْا كَيْفَ يُبْدِئُ اللَّهُ الْخَلْقَ ثُمَّ يُعِيدُهُ ۚ إِنَّ ذَٰلِكَ عَلَى اللَّهِ يَسِيرٌ {29:19}
[Q29:19] Awa lam yaraw kaifa yubdi'uL Laahul khalqa summa yu'eeduh; inna zaalika 'alaL Laahi yaseer. 
[Q29:19] What! Do they not consider how ALLAH (SWT) originates the creation, then reproduces it? Surely that is easy to ALLAH (SWT).
[Q29:19] Tidakkah mereka melihat dan memikirkan bagaimana ALLAH (SwT) mencipta makhluk-makhluk pada mulanya, kemudian Dia akan mengembalikannya (hidup semula sesudah matinya)? Sesungguhnya yang demikian itu amatlah mudah bagi ALLAH (SwT).
(29:19) Have *31 they never observed how Allah creates for the first time and then repeats it? Indeed (to repeat the creation of a thing) is even easier for Allah *32 (than creating it for the first time).
*31 From here to the end of verse 23 is a parenthesis, which has been interposed in the story of the Prophet Abraham and addressed to the disbelievers of Makkah. The relevance of this interposition in the story, which is being related for the admonition of the disbelievers, is that they were basically involved in two kinds of deviation: shirk and idol-worship, and the denial of the Hereafter. The first of these has been refuted in the Prophet Abraham's speech as related above. Now the second is being refuted in these few sentences by Allah Himself.
*32 . That is, "On the one hand, countless new things come into existence from non-existence, and on the other, similar new members continue coming into existence to take the place of the dying members of every species. The polytheists acknowledged that that was all due to Allah's power of creation and invention. They never denied Allah's being a Creator, just as the polytheists of today do not do. Therefore, the argument has been based upon what they themselves acknowledged as a reality, as if to say, "How do you think that God, Who, according to your own belief, . brings things into existence from non-existence, and noes not create things just once, but goes on bringing into existence similar things in place of the dying things repeatedly in front of your very eyes, will not be able to raise you back to life after death ?" (For further explanation, see E.N. 80 of Surah AnNaml). 
قُلْ سِيرُوا فِي الْأَرْضِ فَانْظُرُوا كَيْفَ بَدَأَ الْخَلْقَ ۚ ثُمَّ اللَّهُ يُنْشِئُ النَّشْأَةَ الْآخِرَةَ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ {29:20}
[Q29:20] Qul seeroo fil ardi fanzuroo kaifa baa al khalqa summaL Laahu yunshi''un nash atal Aakhirah; innaL Laaha 'alaa kulli shai'in Qadeer. 
[Q29:20] Say: Travel in the earth and see how He makes the first creation, then ALLAH (SWT) creates the latter creation; surely ALLAH (SWT) has power over all things.
[Q29:20] Katakanlah: Mengembaralah kamu di muka bumi, serta lihatlah bagaimana ALLAH (SwT) telah memulakan ciptaan makhluk-makhluk dari asal jadinya; kemudian ALLAH (SwT) akan memulakan ciptaan itu semula (pada hari akhirat) dalam bentuk kejadian yang baru. Sesungguhnya ALLAH (SwT) Maha Kuasa atas tiap-tiap sesuatu.

Refer to my note in the commentary of verse 27:69 of an Naml. THE NATURE OF JOURNEY IS INTELLECTUAL, NOT PHYSICAL. HISTORY IS THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PAST INTO THE PRESENT AND THE PRESENT INTO THE FUTURE as stated in my note of verses 27:87 and 88 of an Naml.
(29:20) Say: “Go about the earth and see how He created for the first time, and then Allah will recreate life.” Surely, Allah has power over everything. *33
*33 That is, "When you yourselves are witnessing things being created in the tirst instance by God's competence and skill, you should understand it well that re-creation shall also take place by the same competence and skill. Such a thing is not beyond His power nor can it be." 

يُعَذِّبُ مَنْ يَشَاءُ وَيَرْحَمُ مَنْ يَشَاءُ ۖ وَإِلَيْهِ تُقْلَبُونَ {29:21}
[Q29:21] Yu'azzibu many yashaaa'u wa yarhamu many yashaaa'; wa ilaihi tuqlaboon. 
[Q29:21] He punishes whom He pleases and has mercy on whom He pleases, and to Him you shall be turned back.
[Q29:21] Dia menyeksa sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya (iaitu orang-orang yang ingkar) dan Dia juga yang memberi rahmat kepada sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya (iaitu orang-orang yang beriman) dan kepadaNyalah kamu semua akan dikembalikan (untuk menerima balasan). 
(29:21) He chastises whom He will and forgives whom He will. To Him all of you will be sent back.

وَمَا أَنْتُمْ بِمُعْجِزِينَ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَلَا فِي السَّمَاءِ ۖ وَمَا لَكُمْ مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ مِنْ وَلِيٍّ وَلَا نَصِيرٍ {29:22}
[Q29:22] Wa maaa antum bimu'jizeena fil ardi wa laa fissamaaa'i wa maa lakum min dooniL Laahi minw waliyyinw wa laa naseer.
[Q29:22] And you shall not escape in the earth nor in the heaven, and you have neither a protector nor a helper besides ALLAH (SWT).
[Q29:22] Dan kamu tidak akan dapat melepaskan diri (dari kekuasaan ALLAH (SwT)) di bumi dan tidak juga di langit (sekalipun) dan kamu tidak akan mendapat sebarang pelindung dan penolong yang lain dari ALLAH (SwT). 
(29:22) You cannot overpower Allah, neither on the earth nor in the heaven. *34 None can protect you from Allah *35 nor come to your aid against Him.
*34 That is, "You cannot escape Allah's grasp wherever you may flee. Whether you descend into the depths of the earth or climb into the heights of the sky, you will be apprehended in any case and brought before your Lord." The something has been said in Surah Ar-Rahman as a challenge to the jinns and mankind: "O company of jinns and men! If you have the power to escape across the bounds of the earth and heavens, then do escape! You shall not escape, for it requires a great power." (v. 33). 
*35 That is,"Neither you yourselves have the power that you should escape Allah's grasp, nor is any of your guardians or patrons or supporters so powerful that he should give you refuge against Allah and save you from His punishment. None in the entire universe can dare rise as a supporter of those who have committed shirk and disbelief, who have refused to submit before Divine Commands, who have dared disobey Allah impudently, and raised storms of wickedness and mishief on His earth; and withhold enforcement of the Divine decree of torment against them, or have the nerve to say in God's Court: "They are my followers: therefore, whatever they might have done should be forgiven them." 

Abraham and Lot
Abraham persecuted and committed to be burn---but ALLAH (SWT) saved him---Lot exhorts his people to give up the sinful ways but they rejected his admonitions and challenged him to bring down chastisements from ALLAH (SWT)--- Abraham blessed with Isaac and Jacob---Apostleship and the Book vested in Abraham.

وَالَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا بِآيَاتِ اللَّهِ وَلِقَائِهِ أُولَٰئِكَ يَئِسُوا مِنْ رَحْمَتِي وَأُولَٰئِكَ لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ {29:23}
[Q29:23] Wallazeena kafaroo bi AayaatiL Laahi wa liqaaa'iheee ulaaa'ika ya'isoo mir rahmatee wa ulaaa'ika lahum 'azaabun aleem. 
[Q29:23] And (as to) those who disbelieve in the communications of ALLAH (SWT) and His meeting, they have despaired of My mercy, and these it is that shall have a painful punishment.
[Q29:23] Dan orang-orang yang kufur ingkar akan ayat-ayat keterangan ALLAH (SwT) dan pertemuan denganNya, mereka tetaplah akan menjadi orang-orang yang putus asa dari rahmatKu; dan mereka pula akan beroleh azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya.
(29:23) Those who disbelieved in Allah’s signs and in meeting Him, it is they who have despaired of My Mercy; *36 it is they for whom a painful chastisement lies ahead.
*36 That is, "They have no share in My mercy, and they should entertain no hope whatever of getting any share of My mercy. When they denied the Revelations of Allah, they themselves gave up their right to benefit by the promises AIIah has made to the believers. Then, when they have denied the Hereafter ahd do not at all believe that one day they will have to stand before their God, it only means that they cherish no hope at all of Allah's pardon and forgiveness. After this when they will open their eyes in the-Hereafter, against their expectations, and will also see the truth of those Signs of Allah, which they had denied, there is no reason why they should expect to receive any share from .A Ilah's mercy. " 

فَمَا كَانَ جَوَابَ قَوْمِهِ إِلَّا أَنْ قَالُوا اقْتُلُوهُ أَوْ حَرِّقُوهُ فَأَنْجَاهُ اللَّهُ مِنَ النَّارِ ۚ إِنَّ فِي ذَٰلِكَ لَآيَاتٍ لِقَوْمٍ يُؤْمِنُونَ {29:24}
[Q29:24] Famaa kaana jawaaba qawmiheee illaaa an qaaluqtuloohu aw harriqoohu faanjaahuL Laahu minan naar; inna fee zaalika la Aayaatil laqawminy yu'minoon. 
[Q29:24] So naught was the answer of his people except that they said: Slay him or burn him; then ALLAH (SWT) delivered him from the fire; most surely there are signs in this for a people who believe.
[Q29:24] Kemudian, seruan Nabi Ibrahim tidak dijawab oleh kaumnya melainkan dengan kata-kata (tentangan yang keras): Bunuhlah dia atau bakarlah dia. Maka ALLAH (SwT) selamatkan Nabi Ibrahim dari api (yang disediakan oleh kaumnya). Sesungguhnya peristiwa yang demikian, mengandungi tanda-tanda (yang membuktikan kekuasaan ALLAH (SwT)) bagi kaum yang (mahu) beriman.

Refer to the commentary of Anbiya 21:51 to 70 for Ibrahim; and al Baqarah 2:124.
(29:24) The people *37 (of Abraham) had no other answer than to say: “Kill him or burn him.” *38 But Allah delivered him from the fire. *39 There are many Signs in this for those who believe. *40
*37 From here the discourse again turns to the story of the Prophet Abraham.
*38 That is, they had no answer to the Prophet Abraham's rational arguments. The only answer they gave was: "Cut off the tongue that talks the truth and Iet not the person live, who points out our error and tells us to give it up." The words, "Kill him or burn him", indicate that the whole crowd was unanimous that the Prophet Abraham should be put to death. However, they differed about the method. Some said that he should be killed, and others said that he should be burnt alive, so that no one in future should dare say the sort of the thing he said.
*39 This sentence by itself shows that they had at last decided to burn the Prophet Abraham and he was cast into the fire. Here it has only been said that Allah saved him from the fire; but in Surah AI-Anbiyaa it has been elucidated that Allah commanded: "O fire! Be cool and become safe for Abraham!" (v. 69) Evidently, if he was not at aII cast into the fire, the Command to the fire to become cool and safe would be meaningless. This proves that properties of all things are dependent on Allah's Command and whenever He pleases He can change the property of anything He likes. Normally fire burns and every combustible thing catches tire. But this property of the tire is not of its own acquisition but given by God. And this property has in no way tied up God that He thay give no Command against it. He is the Master of His fire. He can command it any time to give up the property of burning. At any time He can turn a furnace into a bed of roses. But events contrary to the course of nature occur only rarely to serve some great purpose or cause. However, the usual phenomena to which we are accustomed in our daily lives, cannot be made an argument to say that Allah's power has been tied up with these, and nothing unusual can take place even by Allah's Command.
*40 "Signs ... believe": Signs for the believers in this that the Prophet Abraham did not follow the religion of his family, community and country but Followed the true knowledge through which he came to know that shirk is falsehood and Tauhid the Reality; and in this that he went on exhorting his people to accept the Truth and to desist from falsehood in spite of their stubbornness and prejudices; and in this that he was even prepared to suffer the horrible punishment by the fire, but was not prepared to give up the Truth; and in this that Allah did not even spare the Prophet Abraham, His Friend, from the trials and tests; and in this that when the Prophet Abraham got successfully through the tests set by AIIah, then did come Allah's succour, and in such a miraculous way that the bonfire was turned cool for him! 

وَقَالَ إِنَّمَا اتَّخَذْتُمْ مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ أَوْثَانًا مَوَدَّةَ بَيْنِكُمْ فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا ۖ ثُمَّ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ يَكْفُرُ بَعْضُكُمْ بِبَعْضٍ وَيَلْعَنُ بَعْضُكُمْ بَعْضًا وَمَأْوَاكُمُ النَّارُ وَمَا لَكُمْ مِنْ نَاصِرِينَ {29:25}
[Q29:25] Wa qaala innamat takhaz tum min dooniL Laahi awsaanam mawaddata bainikum fil hayaatid dunyaa summa yawmal qiyaamati yakfuru ba'dukum biba'dinw wa yal'anu ba'dukum ba'danw-wa yal'anu ba'dukum ba'danw wa maa waakumun Naaru wa maa lakum min naasireen. 
[Q29:25] And he said: You have only taken for yourselves idols besides ALLAH (SWT) by way of friendship between you in this world's life, then on the resurrection day some of you shall deny others, and some of you shall curse others, and your abode is the fire, and you shall not have any helpers.
[Q29:25] Dan Nabi Ibrahim berkata pula (kepada kaumnya): Perbuatan kamu menyembah berbagai berhala, tidak menyembah ALLAH (SwT) itu, hanyalah kerana menjaga hubungan kasih mesra di antara kamu masing-masing dalam kehidupan dunia ini; kemudian pada hari kiamat kelak setengah kamu akan membantah setengahnya yang lain dan setengah kamu pula akan melaknatkan setengahnya yang lain dan (kesudahannya) tempat kembali kamu ialah Neraka dan kamu tidak akan beroleh sesiapapun yang dapat memberikan pertolongan. 
(see commentary for verse 24)
(29:25) He said: *41 “You have taken up idols instead of Allah as a bond of love among yourselves *42 in the present life, but on the Day of Resurrection you will disown and curse one another. *43 Your refuge shall be the Fire, and none will come to your aid.”
*41 The Prophet Abraham must have said this after his safe deliverance tram the fire. 
*42 That is, "You have built up your collective life on the foundation of idol-worship instead of God-worship, which can keep you bound together as a nation only to the extent of mudane life. For here in this world people can be got together around any creed, true or false, and any kind of agreement and concord on any belief, however wrong and ill-conceived, can become a means of the establishment of mutual friendships, kinships, brotherhoods, and all other religious, social, cultural, economic and political relationships"
*43 That is, "The collective life that you have built on the false creed in the world cannot endure in the Hereafter. Only those relationships of love and friendship and cooperation and kinship and mutual regard and esteem will endure there, which have been based on the worship of One God and virtue and piety in the world. AlI relationships founded on disbelief and shirk and deviation will be severed, and aII kinds of love will change into enmity and hatred. The son and the father, the husband and the wife, the saint and the disciple, all will curse each other, and each will blame his deviation on the other, and will say, "This wicked person led the astray: he should be given a double punishment." This thing has been stated at several places in the Qur'an. For example, in Surah Zukhruf, it has been said: "Friends on that Day shall become enemies of one another, except the righteous." (v. 67) In Surah AI-A`raf: "As each generation will be entering Hell, it will curse Its preceding generation till all generations shall be gathered together there: then each succeeding generation will say regarding the preceding one, "O Lord, these were the people who led us astray; therefore, give them a double chastisement of the Fire." (v. 38) And in Surah AI-Ahzab: "And they will say; 'Our Lord, we obeyed our chiefs and our great men, and they led us astray front the right path. Lord, give them a double chatisement and curse them severely." (vv. 67-68). 

فَآمَنَ لَهُ لُوطٌ ۘ وَقَالَ إِنِّي مُهَاجِرٌ إِلَىٰ رَبِّي ۖ إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الْحَكِيمُ {29:26}
[Q29:26] Fa aamana lahoo Loot; wa qaala innee mauhajirun ilaa Rabbee innahoo Huwal 'Azeezul Hakeem. 
[Q29:26] And Lut believed in Him, and he said: I am fleeing to my Lord, surely He is the Mighty, the Wise.
[Q29:26] Setelah itu Lut beriman kepadanya dan Nabi Ibrahim pun berkata: Aku hendak berhijrah kepada TuhanKu, sesungguhnya Dialah jua Yang Maha Kuasa, lagi Maha Bijaksana. 
(see commentary for verse 24)
(29:26) Then did Lot believe him, *44 and Abraham said: “I am emigrating unto my Lord. *45 He is All-Powerful, All-Wise,” *46
*44 THE CONTEXT SHOWS THAT WHEN THE PROPHET ABRAHAM CAME OUT OF THE FIRE AND SPOKE THE PRECEDING SENTENCES, only Prophet Lot from the entire crowd came forward to proclaim his belief and adopt his obedience. It is just possible that many other people also on this occasion might have been convinced of the Prophet Abraham's being a true Prophet, but in view of the violent reaction that had been shown openly by the entire community and the government against Abraham's Faith, no one else could muster up courage to affirm faith in such a dangerous truth and follow it. This good fortune fell to the lot of only one man, the Prophet Lot, the nephew of the Prophet Abraham, who at last accompanied his uncle and aunt (Hadrat Sarah) in their migration also. Here, the question may arise: Was the Prophet Lot a disbeliever and a mushrik before this, and did he believe only after witnessing the miracle of the Prophet Abraham's emerging safe and sound from the fire? If it is so, can a person who has been a mushrikr be appointed to Prophethood? The answer is this: Here the Qur'an has used the words fa-amana la-hu Lut, which do not necessarily imply that the Prophet Lot disbelieved in God before this, or associated other deities with Him. They only show that after this he confirmed the Prophethood of the Prophet Abraham, and adopted his obedience. Possibly the Prophet Lot was a young boy then and this might be the first very occasion when he became acquainted with the teachings of his uncle and his Prophethood.
*45 That is, "I shall leave my country for the sake of my Lord and go wherever my Lord may take me." 
*46 That is, "He possesses the power to help and protect me, and whatever He decides for me will be based on wisdom."

وَوَهَبْنَا لَهُ إِسْحَاقَ وَيَعْقُوبَ وَجَعَلْنَا فِي ذُرِّيَّتِهِ النُّبُوَّةَ وَالْكِتَابَ وَآتَيْنَاهُ أَجْرَهُ فِي الدُّنْيَا ۖ وَإِنَّهُ فِي الْآخِرَةِ لَمِنَ الصَّالِحِينَ{29:27}
[Q29:27] Wa wahabnaa lahoo Ishaaqa wa Ya'qooba wa ja'alnaa fee zurriyyatihin Nubuwwata wal Kitaaba wa aatainaahu ajrahoo fid dunyaa wa innahoo fil aakhirati laminas Saaliheen; 
[Q29:27] And We granted him Ishaq and Yaqoub, and caused the prophethood and the book to remain in his seed, and We gave him his reward in this world, and in the hereafter he will most surely be among the good. 
[Q29:27] Dan Kami kurniakan kepadanya: Ishak (anaknya) dan Yaakub (cucunya) dan Kami jadikan dalam kalangan keturunannya orang-orang yang berpangkat Nabi dan menerima Kitab-kitab agama dan Kami berikan balasannya yang baik di dunia dan sesungguhnya adalah ia, pada hari akhirat, dari orang-orang yang soleh.
(see commentary for verse 24)
(29:27) and We bestowed upon him (offspring like) Isaac and Jacob, *47 and bestowed prophethood and the Book *48 on his descendants and granted him his reward in this world; he will certainly be among the righteous *49 in the Hereafter.
*47 The Prophet Isaac was the son and the Prophet Jacob the grandson. The other sons of the Prophet Abraham have not been mentioned here, because from his Midianite descendants only the Prophet Shu'aib was appointed a Prophet, and no Prophet was born among his lshmaelite descendants for 2500 years or so till our Holy Prophet Muhammad (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him). Contrary to this, the descendants of the Prophet Isaac (peace be upon him) continued to be blessed with the Prophethood and the Book till the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him). 
*49 What is meant to be said is this: The rulers and the learned men and the priests of Babylon who tried to defeat the mission of the Prophet Abraham (Allah's peace be upon him) and the polytheistic people who had followed their wicked chiefs blindly, have since been blotted out and no trace of them is to be found anywhere in the world, but the person whom they had wanted to annihilate by burning in the fire only because he had proclaimed the Word of Allah, and who eventually had to leave his country empty-handed, was so blessed by Allah that his name has been well known in the world since the past 4,000 years and will remain so till the Last Day. All the Muslims and the Christians and the Jews unanimously recognize that Friend of the Lord of the worlds as their spiritual Leader. Whatever guidance mankind has received during the past 40 centuries has been received through this one man and his righteous descendants. The unique reward that he will get in the Hereafter is assured, but the place of honour that he has gained even in this world has not been gained so far by any of those who have exerted themselves in pursuit of the worldly benefits and advantages. 

وَلُوطًا إِذْ قَالَ لِقَوْمِهِ إِنَّكُمْ لَتَأْتُونَ الْفَاحِشَةَ مَا سَبَقَكُمْ بِهَا مِنْ أَحَدٍ مِنَ الْعَالَمِينَ {29:28}
[Q29:28] Wa Lootan iz qaala liqawmiheee innakum laatoonal faahishata maa sabaqakum bihaa min ahadim minal aalameen. 
[Q29:28] And (We sent) Lut when he said to his people: Most surely you are guilty of an indecency which none of the nations has ever done before you;
[Q29:28] Dan (ingatkanlah peristiwa) Nabi Lut tatkala dia berkata kepada kaumnya: Sesungguhnya kamu melakukan perbuatan yang keji, yang tidak pernah dilakukan oleh seorangpun dari penduduk alam ini sebelum kamu.

Refer to the commentary of Hud 11:69 to 82 FOR LUT AND HIS PEOPLE.
(29:28) We sent Lot *50 and he said to his people: “You commit the abomination that none in the world ever committed before you.
*50 For comparison, see Al-A`raf: 80-84, Hud: 69-83; Al-Hijr: 57-79; Al-Anbiyaa: 71-75; Ash-Shu`araa: 16Q-175; An-Naml: 54 59;.As-Saffat: 133-138; AIQamar: 33-40.

أَئِنَّكُمْ لَتَأْتُونَ الرِّجَالَ وَتَقْطَعُونَ السَّبِيلَ وَتَأْتُونَ فِي نَادِيكُمُ الْمُنْكَرَ ۖ فَمَا كَانَ جَوَابَ قَوْمِهِ إِلَّا أَنْ قَالُوا ائْتِنَا بِعَذَابِ اللَّهِ إِنْ كُنْتَ مِنَ الصَّادِقِينَ {29:29}
[Q29:29] A'innakum lataatoonar rijaala wa taqta'oonas sabeela wa taatoona fee naadekumul munkara famaa kaana jawaaba qawmiheee illaaa an qaalu' tinaaa bi'azaabiL Laahi in kunta minas saadiqeen. 
[Q29:29] What! Do you come to the males and commit robbery on the highway, and you commit evil deeds in your assemblies? But nothing was the answer of his people except that they said: Bring on us ALLAH (SWT)'s punishment, if you are one of the truthful.
[Q29:29] Patutkah kamu mendatangi orang lelaki (untuk memuaskan nafsu syahwat kamu)? Dan kamu memotong jalan lalu-lalang (untuk tujuan jahat kamu)? Dan kamu pula melakukan perbuatan yang mungkar di tempat-tempat perhimpunan kamu? Maka kaumnya tidak menjawab selain daripada berkata (secara mengejek-ejek): Datangkanlah kepada kami azab dari ALLAH (SwT) (yang engkau janjikan itu) jika betul engkau dari orang-orang yang benar.  
(see commentary for verse 28)
(29:29) What! Do you go to men *51 (to satisfy your lust), engage in highway robbery, and commit evil deeds in your gatherings?” *52 Then they had no answer to offer other than to say: “Bring Allah’s chastisement upon us if you are truthful.”
*51 That is, "You satisfy your sex desire with the males." As stated in AIA'raf: 81: "you gratify your lust with men instead of women." 
*52 That is, "You do not even hide yourself when you commit this filthy act, but commit it openly in your assemblies, in front of others." The same has been stated in Surah An-Naml: 54, thus: "Do you commit the indecency while you see it?" 

قَالَ رَبِّ انْصُرْنِي عَلَى الْقَوْمِ الْمُفْسِدِينَ {29:30}
[Q29:30] Qaala Rabbin surnee 'alal qawmil mufsideen. 
[Q29:30] He said: My Lord! Help me against the mischievous people.
[Q29:30] Nabi Lut berdoa dengan berkata: Wahai Tuhanku, tolonglah daku terhadap kaum yang melakukan kerosakan (menderhaka). 
(see commentary for verse 28)

(29:30) Lot said: “My Lord, aid me against these mischievous people.”

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